The Alchemists

Lovely Afternoon

Lovely Afternoon

"What are you doing?" JM laughed when she saw her brother punching the air. She had gotten used to his antics since she was very young.     

Terry must be feeling really good about something.     

What could it be? It must be related to his work. He was such a workaholic, she thought.     

When Terry was still leading the Schneider Group in America, he was really busy with work and barely had time for personal life. Though he didn't mind that since the high profile girls he was dating were all busy people too.     

JM naively thought Terry was like that because his role demanded it. She predicted that Terry would start enjoying life as soon as he stepped down, took on a new identity, and became a university student, making movies, his lifelong dream and hobby.     

Apparently, she was wrong. Terry was just as busy and a go-getter now as he was before.     

Just look where they were now and what they were doing.     


Other students in his year were still having fun with their friends or tried to get internships at some movie studios. Terry was going all over the world to make movies and collect stock videos for all his future planned movies.     

JM knew it was futile to ask Terry to slow down and enjoy life like a normal human being.     

Maybe working was his life?     

She didn't know.     

At least she was happy that he wanted to involve her in his projects. They now had more time together for bonding as siblings.     

In the past, her brother was always too busy and she couldn't get enough time to be with him. Plus, their worlds seemed to contradict, so it was hard to have an overlap.     

He was in the business world, and she was in the entertainment.     

However, now things were different. Look, they had been spending the whole week together, planning and executing projects. JM was really happy with the outcome.     

"We might be able to attend the royal wedding," Terry replied JM's question. His face was beaming with excitement. "That's why I am super excited!"     

"Aha." JM nodded in understanding.     

See? It was work, she told herself.     

"That's enough. You guys can rest. We will reconvene after dinner and discuss tomorrow's work," Terry said to his two camera persons.     

They looked happy because work ended early. The two men packed their equipment and got ready to go back to their hotel rooms.     

Meanwhile, Terry took JM's hand and strode to go back to the Millicent Hotel.     


Rose's decision to come early to dinner was proven to be the best decision since they could rest and relax after exploring Old Town on foot all afternoon.     

Terry was staying in the biggest suite available at the Millicent Hotel, located on the top floor. It was a two-bedroom suite that he shared with his sister. It had a spacious lounge facing the balcony with floor-to-ceiling windows.     

The hotel staff let them enter on Terry's order and now both were sitting on the terrace enjoying a glass of wine each while watching the Old Town from above.     

"Are you sure we can just make ourselves at home?" Rose asked again. She was not used to entering other people's places and doing whatever she wanted without the owner present. Even with her closest friends, she respected boundaries.     

However, Rune and Terry seemed to not have such a thing. Was it because Terry was really Rune's brother?     

Now, come to think of it, Rose was reminded that JM, Terry's adopted sister was dating Rune's nephew, which made JM's boyfriend also Terry's nephew.     

Their family was really interesting, Rose thought to herself.     

"Yeah, don't worry about it. Pierre and JM are family," Rune said. "Besides, Pierre already told us to come and wait for them here."     

"Uhm.. okay, then," Rose finally looked relieved.     

She looked around the luxurious suite and now she could totally picture Rune being a young master from a wealthy family.     

Come to think of it, Rose should have been suspicious since Rune always carried himself perfectly in fancy or luxurious settings. He was never intimidated or looked out of place.     

Yes, he did pretend to admire their seats in the first-class cabin when they flew to Medion, but he knew exactly how all the buttons worked. He didn't have problems with anything at all. He knew what to do and how to behave.     

Gosh, now, looking back, Rose could finally see differently all scenes that they went through together. She started to think it was funny and endearing.     

"So, you said you have two biological siblings and one adopted. I have met your older sister. She was wonderful! What about your brother? Where is he now?" Rose decided to talk about Rune's family members to pass the time.     

"Uhm... three," Rune corrected Rose.     


"Three biological siblings," the man repeated his words. "I told you my mother is pregnant."     

"Oh..." Rose pressed her lips.     

She totally forgot about the fact.  Since it was too bizarre, her mind seemed to block that information.     

Now, that Rune brought that up, she was now wondering about how Rune responded to the news.     

Rose couldn't imagine being in his shoes.     

What if Duchess Fournier suddenly told Rose that she was pregnant at 50? Whoaa... Rose didn't want to think about it.     

She would be worried to death about her mother's safety. Giving birth, especially at a later age, was no joke.     

"Yes, my parents are expecting. I will be a big brother soon," Rune explained. "Don't worry about my mother. She is very healthy and my father pampers her to no end. My parents are really looking forward to the new bundle of joy. We are all excited."     

Now, Rose really thought Rune could read minds. He could guess everything that was going on in her mind and explained before she even asked those questions.     

"Ahh.. that's good," Rose said. "I am happy to hear that."     

"I can take you to see my parents if you want," Rune added. "They are wonderful people."     

"Oh, I am sure they are." Rose smiled when she heard him. "I believe you."     

She knew the Schneiders must be wonderful people like Rune claimed. She had been interacting closely with Rune for almost two months and found him to be really grounded and likable.     

She had also met Aleksis and had a great first impression of her. Rose could tell that they both were raised by loving parents.     

However, hearing that Rune would take her to meet his parents, Rose suddenly felt her chest pounding. How would he introduce her to them?     

Rose's parents only knew Rune as their daughter's boyfriend. She didn't tell them that their relationship was fake.     

Did Rune also do the same thing? Or did his family know about their agreement?     

"Do they.. know about me?" She asked Rune haltingly.     

Rune shook his head. "No. Only Aleksis and her family know about you. I mean, her kids are basically the ones responsible for setting us up.. hehehe..."     


"Yeah, I will tell my parents slowly, and then my brother."     

"Okay." Rose remembered that Rune haven't told her about this brother of his. "Is your brother London Schneider?"     

She had heard of London Schneider when the man was still leading the Schneider Group in Europe before he retired. She had also heard of Aleksis, as she was married to Elios Linden.     

However, she had never heard of Rune Schneider. Why did his family hide him?     

"Yes, London is my older brother," Rune replied.      

"Oh.. you must be really young compared to your siblings. They are both in their 40's," Rose blurted. "It's amazing that you can all have such a good relationship."     

Rune could only grin when he heard Rose's words.      

Yeah... how to put it? He was also in his 40's like his older siblings.     

Unfortunately, this was not yet the time to come clean about that one secret.     

Rune must be patient and get Rose's heart first. Once they became a real couple, he would propose to her and reveal his biggest secret.     

Until then, he was forced to lie again.     

"Yeah... I am lucky to have such an amazing brother and sister," he replied. "I will take you to meet London and his family. Oh.. by the way, I will tell you a big secret, now that you know who my brother is."     

"What is it?" Rose asked with interest. Rune seemed more and more interesting by the day, she thought.     

"Do you know who my brother is married to?" Rune couldn't believe he suddenly turned into Terry when he whispered his question. He had that look of a gossipy Terry now.     

"Who???" Rose was obviously interested to know. London Schneider was a dream husband to many. Ever since he was photographed bringing his cute little daughter to work and many business events, people were wondering who was that lucky woman who could snatch him from bachelorhood.     

The man was notoriously private about his personal life, so his wife had always been a mystery to many.     

Rose couldn't wait to know the answer.     

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