The Alchemists

I Have Bought The Magazine

I Have Bought The Magazine

Duchess Fournier decided to ask Rose more about Rune later. Right now, she would keep her curiosity to herself.     

The small group entered the palace ground in less than half-hour. The two stunning ladies immediately attracted a lot of attention from the journalists who were waiting for all the wedding reception attendees.     

Rose hated being under the spotlight, but she kept smiling and treated them kindly because she was a lady who shouldn't show that she was annoyed by anything,     

Her gracefulness made Rune feel proud walking beside her. JM and Terry walked together with Rose and Rune, while the duke and duchess, went their separate ways, to meet the monarchs. As the 'parents' of the groom, they would appear together when the reception started.     

The wedding reception was held on a grand scale. All the most important people in the kingdom and the neighboring countries were present, to give their support and blessings to the newly wedded husband and wife.     

All the dukes and duchess, Viscounts and Viscountess, government officials, ambassadors, representatives of big organizations, chamber of commerce, guests from the several kingdoms in Europe, could be seen in the venue.     

The royal family also invited many industry leaders to attend the wedding reception. Prince Leon was very serious about growing the economy in Medion after he ascended the throne which many people predicted would be next year.     

He wanted to open as many opportunities as possible for business owners and industry leaders to invest in Medion. That was why people saw many famous faces in the business world attending the high-profile event.     

It felt like the event for the creme de la creme. JM and Terry recognized many people and they clicked their tongues several times when they realized how prestigious this event was, that they felt lucky to be invited by none other than Rose Fournier herself.     

"Hey, Rose. I didn't know you dare to show up at the wedding reception," Sarah Miller came with Lissa Bisset when they saw Rose was standing with Rune in a corner of the ballroom, watching the guests come in one by one.     

The sight of two annoying ladies made Rose felt sick to her stomach. However, she faked a sweet smile as always and replied to Sarah's remark nonchalantly. "Of course I have to come. It's Leon's happy day. I have to support him."     

"If I were you, I would know my place and immediately leave the country. Don't you read how many news outlets write about you and Leon?" Sarah chided Rose. "I can't believe you have such thick skin to still attend his wedding reception."     

"Geez.. I wonder who fed the news outlet the gossip," Rose spoke sarcastically. "Don't you think I don't know what you did, Sarah."     

"Hey.. what did I do?" Sarah shrugged. "I am not the one who was dating her own brother."     

Her narrow face and small eyes looked evil and this made Rune think how a bad character affected someone's physical appearance for the worse.     

Rose really wanted to hit Sarah at that moment, but she maintained her composure. No matter how angry she was at Sarah, Rose had to hold back. Sarah Miller, Lisa Bisset, and almost everyone attending this reception didn't know that Rose and Leon were not actually half-siblings.     

So, even if the news broke that they were dating in the past, it shouldn't have been a problem, since they were not really related by blood unless people wanted to count being a distant relative as one.     

If Rose lashed out here, this secret might be exposed, and she must not be the one who exposed it. Her parents would suffer another embarrassment for lying to the public, and it would also have a bad impact on the monarchs and Leon himself.     

Rose didn't have the heart to destroy many people just to get the satisfaction of being right. So, she kept her cool and tried to avoid the two 'evil step sisters'.     

"Rune, do you want to join me and get some champagne?" she asked Rune with a smile, acting like Sarah and Lisa were nothing but air.     

"Sure," Rune replied. He took Rose by the hand and walked together with her toward the center of the ballroom, where the royal staff prepared a big table with buckets and buckets of champagne to choose from.     

Sarah looked annoyed because Rose didn't seem affected by her agitation. She walked by their side and smiled mockingly while saying, "I have a surprise for you, Rose. I am sure you will love it."     

Then she turned around and left the couple. Rose's steps halted when she heard Sarah's words. Suddenly all the worst-case scenarios played out in her mind.     

What was it that Sarah was planning this time?     

Finally, Rose couldn't hold back any longer. She turned around and wanted to chase Sarah to ask her what she planned, but Rune quickly held her hand and calmed her down.     

"Rose... don't worry about her. Whatever it is that she is planning, it won't work," he said to her dotingly to calm the woman down. "I will take care of it."     

Rose massaged her temple and let out a frustrated sigh. "But that journalist had my picture with Leon... what if Sarah can get her hands into it? She will definitely use it to her advantage."     

"She won't, don't worry," said Rune.     

"How can you be so sure?" Rose asked Rune. "I know Sarah. If she was that confident, it means she has something big with her. Imagine if she decided to spread the pictures... it will be the biggest scandal. I can't let her get away with it."     

"Really, she won't get that picture," Rune said patiently. "I have taken care of that. She might get something else, but I promise I will take care of that too."     

"How?" Rose looked at Rune in disbelief.      

Oh, it's so nice to have this man's confidence, she thought.      

Rune grinned when he replied to her question. "Because I have bought that magazine. So, now that damn picture is mine."     

Rose pressed her lips in shock when she heard the man.     

Wait.. what? So, Rune bought that magazine to prevent the picture from seeing the light of day?     

It must have cost him a fortune, no?     

Wait.. he was very, very wealthy. So, buying that company was nothing. But still.. when did he do it? They only met the journalist yesterday.     

Rose was very impressed.     

"That is... amazing," she muttered. "Thank you."     

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