The Alchemists

Sarah Feels So Stupid

Sarah Feels So Stupid

While Rune and Rose tried to enjoy the wedding reception by avoiding attention from nosy guests who already read the gossip about Leon and Rose, JM had to meet so many fans who recognized her at the party.     

Most of them were high-class women who were into fashion and who could only wish all their diet and plastic surgeries could make them look at least half of what she looked naturally.     

"Oh my god... I didn't know you will be here," a chubby countess chirped when she came to see JM. "How is your stay in Bacilia so far? Are you invited by the royal family?"     

"I am having a great stay. Thank you very much." JM smiled sweetly. She then added, "Well.. I came here with my brother. We are actually invited by—"      

JM had not finished her words when two girls came to her and gushed excitedly.     

"JM? It's really you?" Sarah was wide-eyed when she looked closer and confirmed the beautiful girl that she was eyeing was really THAT supermodel. "Oh my god.. I am your big fan!"     

Terry was very proud of his sister who became a role model for so many young women. This reaction happened wherever they went together. JM was not only beautiful but she was also known to have a great personality and everyone loved working with her.     

Her reputation as a nice and likable celebrity always preceded her and most women were not embarrassed to admit that they idolized her. Women wanted to be her and men wanted to be with her.     

"Ahaha... yes, it's me," said JM with a smile.      

"Is that a Ballerini dress?" Sarah asked in amazement. She was into fashion and knew how expensive and exclusive this piece of artwork that JM was wearing tonight. She looked at the supermodel in a worship-like expression.     

"Why yes.. you know this one?"      

"Ah, of course, I do. I attended his fashion show whenever I can," said Sarah proudly. "I saw you walk his runway last year. You were amazing!"     

"Thank you so much. You are too kind," said JM. "I like my job and am grateful I can do what I  love."     

Sarah noticed Terry and she batted her lashes. Didn't JM say she came with her brother? Was this man JM's brother?     

No wonder they looked similar. This man was really handsome, she thought. As expected of JM's family.     

"Can I have pictures with you?" Sarah finally asked shyly. Usually, she was a feisty woman, but in front of her idol, she couldn't help but look starstruck.     

JM smiled and nodded. "Sure."     

Sarah pulled Lisa's hand so her friend would come closer. "What are you doing? Come here, so we can have pictures together."     

"Ah, that's right." Lisa smiled sheepishly. She tilted her head toward JM and whispered. "I am also your fan. I love your dress."     

"Thank you. You look lovely too," said JM sweetly. She accepted Lisa and Sarah's phones and gave them to Terry. "Could you please take our pictures?"     

The man nodded. He put down his glass on a passing waiter's tray and expertly took several nice pictures of the ladies.     

"Whaa.. we look so pretty here," Lisa gushed when she saw the results. She turned to Terry and smiled sweetly. "You took great pictures. Thank you. Are you a photographer?"     

Terry shook his head nonchalantly. "No, but I'm studying to be a movie director."     

"Whoaaa.. sounds amazing! I hope I can see your movies in the cinema someday," said Lisa excitedly.     

"Oh, you will." Terry smiled proudly. "I am already working on some ideas."     

"Sounds wonderful." Sarah and Lisa were over the moon to have the opportunity to meet these talented siblings. JM was already very famous, and it looked like her brother someday would become an important person too.     

The two noble ladies decided to treat JM and Terry extremely well, so they could give a great impression.     

"How long have you been in Bacilia and until when do you plan to stay here?" Sarah asked JM when they had a small talk. "I can take you around if you want to explore the city or even the country."     

"Well, we've been here for one week and we have explored the capital for quite a bit. We have a good friend here who has been showing us places," JM replied.     

"Oh.. who is your friend? I will know them since the capital is quite small and people from the upper class know each other," said Sarah proudly.     

She suddenly remembered that to be able to attend this royal wedding reception, JM must have got the invitation from the royal family.     

Was she invited by the bride's family or... the groom's? Also, did JM come to the church this morning?     

"There she is." JM waved at Rose who was standing in the corner with Rune and talked in a low voice. Rose waved back and smiled at her.     

Sarah and Lisa turned to see who JM was waving to. When they saw who it was, the two girls furrowed their brows.     

No.. this couldn't be!     

Did Rose invite JM to the wedding?     


"You know Rose Fournier?" Sarah asked JM with a disbelief expression plastered on her face. "How did you two meet?"     

"Oh, she is dating my boyfriend's uncle," said JM lightly. "He introduced us to Rose."     

"What? She is dating your boyfriend's UNCLE?"     

Sarah and Lisa exchanged glances. This piece of information made them interested.     

So, Rose was dating an older man, huh?     

And here she was, going to the wedding reception with another man who was obviously not her boyfriend since the man was really young. Ha!     

Damn! She was such a slut, Sarah thought in amusement.     

Rose dated her own half-brother in the past and now cheated on her older boyfriend by dating Rune Schneider, ahem.. the fake Schneider.     

What a perfect night!     

"Wait.. are you sure Rose is dating your boyfriend's uncle?" Sarah asked, feigning a concern. JM nodded firmly. Sarah then shook her head and showed a sympathetic expression. "Oh.. I'm sorry you have to find out this way. But... Rose is cheating on your uncle. She has been going out with another man while she is in Bacilia this week."     

JM looked shocked to hear that. "Really? Oh my god..."     

Sarah touched JM's arm and whispered. "Do you see the young man beside her? That's the man she is having an affair with."     

JM who just took a glass of wine from a waiter's tray almost choked on her wine when she heard Sarah's words.     

She swallowed her wine with difficulty and asked Sarah, "You mean that man wearing a really nice tuxedo?"     

"Yes, that's him. I met them in Old Town several days ago and I heard from a trusted source that the man is staying at her family home."     

Terry could immediately read what kind of person were these two young women hovering around his sister and he immediately decided he didn't like them.     

"Ahem..." JM looked at Sarah dead in the eye as she said, "That's my boyfriend's uncle."     

Sarah and Lisa couldn't comprehend what JM was saying the first time. They were dumbfounded. What did she say just now?     

"Un-uncle?" Finally, Lisa found her voice. She thought she had misheard JM, so she asked again to confirm.     

The stunning supermodel nodded and repeated her words. "That's my boyfriends' uncle. Rose is not cheating on him."     

"Wait.. what? Didn't you say she is dating your boyfriend's UNCLE? But... the man she is with is around your age. How is that possib—"     

Sarah suddenly went silent.  She felt so stupid.     

"He looks quite young, yes." JM smiled. "It's in their gene."     

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