The Alchemists

A Friendly Hug

A Friendly Hug

Rose closed her eyes and tried to empty her mind. She wanted to be away from the royal palace as soon as possible. Now that she had attended the wedding and gave face to her family and the monarchs, she could plan her life and go out of Medion for good.     

Rune didn't say anything after they got inside the car and went home. He knew this must be the hardest day of Rose's life.     

He wished he could do more to make her feel better, but sadly, other than threatening Leon and those awful chicks, he couldn't do much to soothe Rose's feelings.     

This was something that she needed to resolve on her own. She needed to love herself more than she loved Leon and her family and said enough was enough.     

"Thank you," Rose suddenly opened her eyes and turned to Rune who was sitting in the backseat next to her.      

"You're welcome," Rune replied with a smile. He didn't need to ask what was the thank you for, because that would mean he wanted Rose to say what he had done for her.     

It kind of sounded like he was fishing for acknowledgment, didn't it? So, he just said 'you're welcome'.     

He knew Rose was grateful because he came all the way to Medion to keep her company, he stood up for her, and he helped her from people who had malicious intent toward her.     

 "Now that the wedding is over, I want to get out of this country," said Rose in a low voice.     

"Where do you want to go?" asked Rune gently. He thought maybe Rose wanted to go back to New York. "Do you want to go home to New York?"     

So, imagine his surprise when Rose shook her head and replied, "Does your offer to meet your family in Germany still stand?"      

"Oh..." Rune was pleasantly surprised to hear this. Rose was willing to meet his family? They did talk about it before this, but Rose didn't make a definitive plan for it, so he thought she was just being nice to him and didn't really want to come.     

However, just now she said she wanted to go and see his family? For real this time?     

Gosh... Rune didn't see that coming.     

His father and mother would be so excited if he could bring Rose to see them. He knew how much they wanted to see him fall in love and be happy with a woman, just like his other siblings.     

"Why the face?" Rose furrowed her brows. "You no longer want me to meet your family?"     

"It's not it... " Rune was so excited! If they were not in the car, he would lift Rose to the air and dance around with her in his arms. That's how happy he was!     

"So?" Rose pursed her lips.     

It took her a lot of courage to ask Rune to take her and meet his family, especially now that she found out he came from a very respectable and powerful family. But, now the man no longer wanted her?     

How embarrassing!     

"Nothing... I am just so happy," said Rune, smiling ear to ear. "I thought I misheard."     

"Ah... you didn't mishear," said Rose. "I think I will join you to see your family in Germany. I mean, I have brought you to see my family and explored my hometown. Isn't it only fair if I also visit your family and see your hometown?"     

"That's true."     

"I also haven't got any plans for Christmas. So, if you would still have me.. I would love to join your family for Christmas on your mother's private island. You said it's very festive and fun," Rose added. "I think I badly need it at the time of the year."     

Rune was feeling so touched. He knew Rose was sad, and he felt honored that she choose to be with him during her lowest moments and when she was feeling vulnerable.     

It showed how much she trusted him and felt so comfortable around him. This level of trust was something that he didn't know Rose had for him.     

"Then, you are most welcome to join me with my family. We will be happy to have you," said Rune excitedly. "When do you want to go?"     

"Hmm... I can get ready tomorrow and pack. We can leave... the day after tomorrow?"     

"Yes, that sounds perfect," said Rune.     

He took out his phone and texted Jan to get a private plane for him and Rose the day after tomorrow to go to Germany and visited his parents.      

Now that Rose already knew who he was, there was no use to keep pretending to be poor. He might as well enjoy the luxury travel.     

"What are you doing?" Rose asked him when Rune put his phone back into his pocket.     

"I was getting our flight ready," he said nonchalantly.      

"Ah..." Rose smiled. She nodded. "You are very efficient."     

"Thank you," said Rune, still smiling ear to ear.     

Meanwhile, Rose decided to lean her head on Rune's chest and closed her eyes again.     

Being with Rune was so effortless, she thought. There was no need to lower herself as she did with Leon.     

The man was lower than her in class, wealth, and status, so Rose had to act in such a way to show him that their differences in social status didn't matter. She didn't need to do any of those with Rune, even when he still pretended to be poor.     

And another thing that she liked about him was, he stood up for her when no one else would.     

This made Rose feel safe and protected. She didn't feel embarrassed to show her vulnerable side in front of this man. With Rune, she could just be herself, and it felt so liberating.     

Meanwhile, Rune felt his heart was pounding hard. Didn't Rose know the effect she had on him?     

With her leaning her head against his chest in such an intimate manner, Rune was so tempted to caress her hair and kiss her forehead as he would to a girlfriend.     

But, was she already his girlfriend that he was allowed to do such gestures?     

Rose knew how he felt about her and that he wanted to be her real boyfriend, not a fake one, but they had not really talked about their status.     

And this didn't seem like the right time to discuss their relationship. Were they now really boyfriend and girlfriend... or...?     

Finally, Rune only held his breath and looked away. He rubbed her arm to show his support, but he didn't do anything further.     

It's okay. They would have plenty of time to talk about their relationship tomorrow, or later after they reached Germany.     

He better enjoyed this night with Rose in his arms.      

Rune decided to wrap his hands around her waist and hugged her. It was a friendly hug. He thought that was what Rose needed at the moment.     

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