The Alchemists

Rune Schneider, What Are You Doing Here?

Rune Schneider, What Are You Doing Here?

Rune's big family quickly realized that he was not having fun like the rest of them and had been forcing himself to smile amidst everyone's happiness because he didn't want to ruin their holiday.     

No matter what, he was their baby brother, the youngest son... and everyone doted on him. They wanted to see Rune happy. They had heard about his story with Rose and felt sorry for his bad luck.     

"What's your plan after the year-end holiday?" Aldebar decided to keep his nephew busy so he would stop thinking about Rose. "If you have nothing to do, I would like to travel to the South Pole. Do you want to join me?"     

Rune had traveled to so many places and explored the world. However, he had never gone to the South Pole. So, Aldebar's offer sounded very attractive to him.     

"When?" he asked his uncle.     

"Mid January," Aldebar responded. "I just want to see new scenery. I am wondering if you are interested in going. The window for traveling to the South Pole is only between November and January and we will leave from Punta Arena, Chile."     

Rune thought for a while and then nodded. He thought it would be nice to explore a completely new place. He really appreciated what Aldebar was doing and his good intention. He nodded and said, "Sounds good. I will go with you."     

"Very well. I will make the arrangement for us," Aldebar smiled to hear Rune's response.     

He really hoped Rune would move on from his heartbreak soon. Though, as a man who was once in his nephew's position, Aldebar knew better how it was not going to be easy.     

The family had fun and enjoyed a lot of activities on the island. The two pregnant women spent most of their time sunbathing by the pool and enjoyed mocktails.     

Their husbands truly spoiled them by giving them foot massages or be on their beck and call whenever the ladies wanted something. It was quite funny to see two men that looked like a spitting image of each other took care of their pregnant wives who had similar appearances.     

Inwardly, everyone thought London must have fallen in love with L because she reminded him of his own mother. And sure enough, now that both women were similarly expecting babies, they looked more and more alike.     


After the wonderful holiday, Rune went with Aldebar to the South Pole. He had been wanting to go there but had not found the right time.     

So, when his uncle suggested they travel there, out of his kindness to distract Rune from his heartbreak, Rune became excited and went with him.     

They had a lot of fun in the south pole for ten days and then explored Chile a little bit. By the time they went back to New York to see Aleksis and her family, Rune had felt much, much better.     

"Uncle Rune, are you free this weekend?" Summer who was hanging out with the twins at their mansion suddenly clung to Rune when she saw the man walk through the door.     

He just dropped Aldebar at the airport. His uncle wanted to go back to Germany and did some other research, while Rune wanted to spend some more time with his sister's family.     

"No," Rune replied. "I am always expensive. Why do you ask?"     

Summer chuckled when she heard his response. It seemed Rune had got his sense of humor back. She took out a flyer from the table and showed it to Rune.      

"I have to write some stupid report for English class," she pursed her lips. "My teacher asked me to write about some art exhibition in the city center. I have to choose between these five exhibitions to visit and make my paper. I want to go there but my father and mother are quite busy."     

"We want to go as well," Scotland and Ireland spoke too. "Will you go with us?"     

"Hmm..." Rune shrugged. "Sure. Let's go there."     

Rune was not really interested in art exhibitions. He would prefer to visit a science exhibition, but he loved his nephews and niece so much that he would go anywhere with them.     

"Great! We love you, Uncle Rune!"     

Rune just smiled at their enthusiasm. He realized spending time with his family helped him a lot and made him feel better. With Aldebar, he enjoyed new scenery and they also had a  lot of chances to talk.     

So, now, he thought, going out with the twins and Summer would bring a refreshing change of scenery.     

There were several types of art exhibitions in East Village this weekend. Since all seemed interesting, Summer decided to toss a coin to choose the one they should visit.     

And the coin pointed them in the direction of modern art exhibitions held by a new gallery in town that showcased several up-and-coming artists. Rune was reminded of Rose when he stepped down from the car in front of the gallery.      

Rose was an artist too. How did she do with her artwork? Was she still painting? When will she hold her own exhibition? Did she still keep her loft apartment in East Village?     

Rune walked leisurely with his hands in his pockets, admiring paintings and sculptors showcased in the gallery. After half an hour of checking the artwork, he realized he actually quite enjoyed the experience.     

This was no less enjoyable than a scientific exhibition, he thought.     

As he walked deeper into the gallery, following Summer's and the twins' steps, suddenly, his eyes caught sight of a simple but beautiful painting in acrylic to his right.     

It was the picture of a swing hung from a lone oak tree. Somehow he thought the swing looked awfully familiar. Did he see it before? Where?     

As his eyes focused on the swing, he stepped forward, not paying attention to other things around him.     

Wait... he remembered now.     

That looked very much like the swing in Reverand Hill, Rose's favorite place in the world.     

Ahh.. dammit. This must be just a coincidence, but Rune immediately thought about Rose again.     

The man let out a long sigh. He thought he had got over her.      

Apparently not.     


Rune was startled when he suddenly heard Rose's voice call his name. He sighed and turned toward the origin of the sound. The man chided himself for being so weak. He must be hallucinating and thinking he heard Rose's voice.     

"Rune Schneider? What are you doing here?" Rose stepped forward awkwardly when she saw Rune turn to see her. Her beautiful face was filled with longing.     



So, Rose finally meets Rune again!!     

Btw, what do you think about the new cover? It's Caspar and Finland.     

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