The Alchemists

The Real Reason Rose Didn't Call Rune (1)

The Real Reason Rose Didn't Call Rune (1)

"Sorry...? Sorry for what?" Rune asked Rose, not understanding.     

So, he realized he had misunderstood Rose, thinking that she got back together with Leon and that was why she never called him back.     

When Leon gave up his royal title and stepped down from all his royal duties, Rune assumed it was because Rose demanded it from him.     

However, it was not her fault that Rune misunderstood. He never tried to call her and asked how she was doing.     

Maybe something big happened and Rose couldn't contact him... and after a while, it became awkward to call him since they had not spoken with each other for a long time.     

Rune shouldn't have kept his pride and waited for her to call. He could have taken the initiative too.     

Gosh.. pride was truly a man's worst trait.     

"I am sorry, I should have called you," Rose said. "but I didn't."     

"Oh..." Rune scratched his head and nodded. "I was wondering about that."     

"Can we sit somewhere?" Rose asked the man. "People are looking at us."     

From the corner of her eyes, she could see people started staring at them. They did attract people's attention easily, as it usually happened with very attractive people.     

A very beautiful woman or a handsome man would make people look twice, but together, they would somehow amplify their attractiveness level and make people couldn't get their eyes off of them.     

This was what happened after Rune stood before Rose and they started conversing seriously. People around them were wondering what these two good-looking people were talking about.     

And after they looked carefully, they recognized Rose from the gossip sites as the woman who became the third wheel in the crown prince of Medion's marriage with his new wife.     

Rose could feel the eyes were all on her and it made her feel uncomfortable. So, she suggested they sat somewhere and avoided the public eye.     

"Sure. Where do you have in mind?" Rune asked. "I am new to this place."     

He wouldn't normally come to see art exhibitions. This was his first. So, he didn't know where would be a good place for them to sit down and talk.     

Gosh...  his heart fluttered and he felt his chest puffed up.  Seeing Rose again and knowing the fact that she didn't actually get back together with Leon made him so happy beyond measure.     

He became giddy and it showed in his attitude.      

"Well.. there is a nice cafe outside of this building," Rose said. She could see that Rune came with the three teenagers. So, she tilted her face toward them. "Do they bring their bodyguards?"     

Rune nodded. "Yeah, they are somewhere around here. I am sure they are watching the kids inconspicuously."     

"You can tell them where we are going, or you can also take them with us. Up to you."     

Rune didn't need to be asked twice. He waved at the teenagers and asked them to come.     

"Hey... auntie Rose, how are you?" Summer was smiling broadly when she saw Rose standing with Rune. "I came to see your paintings. They are so beautiful."     

"Huh? You know she will have her works exhibited here?" Rune furrowed his brows and looked at the girl intently. Somehow, he felt suspicious that, just like the first blind date, those teenagers also arranged for him to meet Rose at the exhibition.     

"Yes, I can read," said Summer innocently. "I thought you knew."     

"Uhm.. no," Rune looked guilty. He realized he didn't bother checking the details of the art exhibition to see who were the painters taking part in the exhibition. Ah... if only he did that, he would have known that Rose would be here.     

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the teenagers with an enquiring look. Summer and her cousins avoided his gaze by talking to Rose, acting all innocent.     

"Yeah, we enjoy the exhibition. It's really nice," Ireland chirped too.      

"Why thank you," Rose was very happy to see their enthusiasm. She pointed at Rune. "Your uncle and I haven't met in a long time. So, we are thinking of finding a nice cafe to sit down and talk. Would  you like to join us?"     

"Ah.. thank you," Summer replied with a smile, but then she shook her head. "I still have to write my report. So, I need to stay here and see more artwork. You can just go together. When we are done, we will come to you."     

"Very well. Enjoy your research," Rune said to  Summer, Ireland, and Scotland. "Rose and I will go to a cafe outside of this building and catch up."     

"Sure. See you later," said Ireland, seconded by Summer and Scotland.     

Rose and Rune exchanged glances and then smiled. They both had a tacit understanding that the teenagers intentionally let them spend time together without their interruption.     

"Shall we go now?" Rune asked.     

"Yes," Rose replied.      

The man reached out his hand to hold Rose's hand but instantly remember that they were no longer fake lovers, so he retracted his hand. The man smiled awkwardly and pointed at the exit.     

They walked outside the building under the hopeful gazes of three teenagers.     

"I hope they sort out their issue and start dating," Summer said with a sigh. Then, she turned to her cousins. "They look so good together, don't you think?"     

Both boys nodded. "Yeah."     


Rune and Rose got a table at the most hidden part of the cafe to give them privacy. After the waiter took their orders, they both sat silently, looking at each other without words.      

Rune missed her so much, but he knew his place. He was not her real boyfriend and his role ended when he left Medion. Also, they had not talked for months. It was hard to act as if nothing happened and they could be like the way they were before.     

"How are you doing?" Finally, Rune decided to break the ice. "Are you okay?"     

Rose nodded. "Yes. I am well. I am keeping myself busy with my work. You?"     

"Oh, just the usual thing. I went to the South Pole with my uncle. Other than that, there is nothing special happening..."     

"Sounds exciting!"     

"Yeah, it was."     

Then another silence.     

The waiter came with their drinks not long after. Hot coffee for Rune and Hot tea for Rose. They started sipping their drinks and slowly they were feeling more relaxed to talk about their relationship.     

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