The Alchemists

Don't Let Father Know

Don't Let Father Know

Everyone present was stunned to see what had just happened. It all happened so fast and was totally unexpected.     

"Gosh ... are you all right?" Nicolae immediately rushed towards Vega, who was standing with one foot on Charles's waist while the boy was growling in pain. He quickly checked on his daughter to make sure the girl was okay.     

As he appeared in the middle of the circle, all the girls in the crowd let out muffled shrieks in unison. They did not expect such a handsome and cool man appeared suddenly like a knight in shining armor, wanting to protect Vega.     

"She's fine! I'm the one who's hurt ...!" Charles's voice cracked as he held back his anger. "Daaddd....! Please help me ..."     

Ron Gilbert immediately helped his son get up and cursed the annoying little bitch who hurt his beloved son.     

Vega, who had released her foot from Charles, immediately pulled Nicolae's hand and approached Altair. Her face looked astonished.     

"Why don't you fight? If you didn't defend yourself, you would be injured ..." she said, checking Altair's cheek that looked reddish after being punched by Charles. "I will not care for you if you get hurt."     

Altair just grinned and shook his head. "I am alright."     

Ron Gilbert was really angry and immediately took his phone to contact the police station.     

"You rascals, how dare you to hurt my son... You will pay for this," he said furiously.     

Nicolae approached Ron and touched his shoulder. "Please, let's just end this here. I am begging you. If you want to continue with this problem, even though your son is at fault, you will also face the consequences."     

Ron brushed off Nicolae's hand and kept talking on the phone. "Yes, good afternoon, Officer. I want to report an assault that occurred at George Washington High School. The address is at ..."     

He proudly called the police and showed a threatening attitude in front of everyone. There were some whispers among the crowd when they saw what happened. Most people seemed sorry for Altair who would be arrested by the police. They knew, with his influence, Ron Gilbert would send him to jail for this fight.     

"I'm sorry, Tatiana ... it seems like today I have to skip group work at your house ..." Vega complained as she heard the police siren from the distance. It's too late to avoid police involvement. Maybe they should settle things with Charles once and for all.     

Ugh ... what should we do? If this escalated, Altair's and my disguise as regular people would be uncovered, Vega thought to herself. She didn't like the possibility.     

Tatiana looked very worried and did not care about their group work.     

"It's okay, Vega. You take care of your brother first. I'll do your part of the assignment." She had seen Nicolae several times when she came to Vega's house to do homework together. However, she couldn't help blush when she saw him again. In her opinion, Nicolae was more handsome than a professional model. She shyly greeted him. "Good day, Mr. Medici ... How are you?"     

Tatiana was not the only one. The other girls who had gathered on the schoolyard were also fascinated by Nicolae     

Nicolae greeted Tatiana kindly, as usual. "Hello, Tatiana. My news is not very good, because ... this."     

He spread his arms to point at Altair and Charles, referring to the commotion that just happened.     

"Oh .. right. I understand. Hopefully, everything will be fine," Tatiana said with an anxious face. She was Vega's seatmate for the past semester, and their relationship was quite good. She did not want to see Vega and Altair get into trouble.     

"Thank you," Nicolae nodded. He then put his arms around Altair and Vega together and said goodbye to some of the teachers who were present in the yard. "Dear teachers, we will go home first. These children must have lunch. If the police come here looking for us, please give them our address. Thank you."     

"Hey... don't you dare running away! The police will be here very soon!" said Ron angrily. He was about to grab Altair, but Nicolae quickly pulled his arm and twisted it until he screamed in pain. "Aaaahhh .. my hand!! This is an assault! I will make sure you all go to prison!!"     

"Let's go home now. The situation will be worse if the police come here," Nicolae whispered to Altair and Vega. Both of them immediately nodded and followed him quickly to the parking lot and into his car.     

Five minutes later, the three of them had entered Nicolae's apartment complex and got out of the car.     

"You go in. Let me wait for the police here," Nicolae said, patting Altair and Vega on the shoulders. The two looked at each other and shook their heads.     

"I don't want to leave you alone. The police will arrest you. I can't let them take you. We're innocent," Altair said. "I'll call Father."     

"You will tell your father what happened?" Nicolae asked with a look of surprise. "You know what your father is like."     

Altair sighed. "It's better if Father found out now than later. You heard what Charles said earlier. He said he could always find an excuse to send me to jail after he hit me three times. It means they would not change and would not keep their promise to settle. I already regretted having made a deal with him."     

"Maybe we can just contact Terry and ask him to send a lawyer? So Alaric doesn't need to know about this case?" Nicolae asked him. According to him, Terry was more reasonable than Alaric when it came to the twins. He was worried that if Alaric knew that Ron Gilbert was trying to bully his children, the lawyer would not live to see tomorrow.     

Nicolae considered a fight between teenage boys was not a big thing and should be resolved between themselves. Ron was wrong to get involved in juvenile matters and threaten Altair, but he did not deserve to be punished with death.     

Unfortunately, Nicolae's view was not necessarily in line with his brother, who was very over-protective of his children and had a reputation as a human hater. This human hater was once deemed the most feared assassin in the world.     

"Daddy's idea is good. We should just call Uncle Terry," Vega said with a beaming face.     

Ahh .. Uncle Terry was very reliable in things like this. He would definitely be able to help them solve this problem while hiding it from their father.     

Hearing Vega's approval and seeing Altair also nod, Nicolae immediately took his cellphone and contacted his best friend, Terry, who was currently one of the most famous and respected businessmen in the American continent. This year he was renominated for an Executive of the Year award for five years in a row.     

Although among his extended family members, he was known as a nonchalant and non-serious man, outside of the family, people respected him and admired him.     

"Terry ... hey, I need your help. Can you send a lawyer to my house as soon as possible? The best lawyer in your company," Nicolae said quickly. "The children are having a little problem, and we don't want to involve their father."     

Terry, who was eating lunch while reading some reports, only answered in an unclear voice because his mouth was full of food and quickly hung up. Nicolae just shook his head as he put the cellphone back.     

"Uncle Terry has already agreed. We'll just wait for the police to arrive." He then invited them into his apartment. "Let's change clothes. Later, from the police station, we will go directly to your parents' mansion."     

When Altair and Vega entered their respective rooms to change clothes, Nicolae texted the three bodyguards and briefly told the chronology of the events that occurred and asked them not to tell Alaric, because the children would solve the problem themselves.     

[They are fine. You don't need to worry. We will take care of this ourselves. Please, don't tell Alaric.]     

[Yes, Sir.] Everyone replied with the same response.     

Nicolae sat on the balcony and watched the road. Ah ... The twins had lived with him for almost two years and were living like ordinary people. He and they really enjoyed their lives like this.     

He really hoped that they didn't need to disclose their identities, and the two could stay with him like this, at least until they graduated from high school in another two years.     

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