The Alchemists

Broken Inside

Broken Inside

Pammy tried to cheer L up in the taxi on their way back to the hotel. She could not say anything but hold L's hand and calm her down. L only looked out the window along the way, trying not to show her tears.     

"Maybe, they are not involved romantically. It could be business-related." Finally, Pammy spoke up after they arrived back at the hotel.     

L only shook her head many times, "There's no way they are not involved. I'm not blind. You saw how close they were! I remember Jan said that one of the girls he wanted to introduce to London is a pediatrician."     

Pammy remembered that the girl in the restaurant was wearing a doctor's outfit. Is she one of the doctors at St. George Hospital across the park?     

"You saw it. Clearly, that woman is a doctor. Jan said that the girl was not only very smart but also very beautiful. She even won a beauty pageant. You saw how beautiful she was, didn't you?"     

Pammy was forced to nod. Caroline was indeed a beauty. Pammy could see the woman winning a beauty pageant with her looks.     

"That girl's face is beautiful, but you must not have negative thoughts about her. When it comes to beauty, you're beautiful too ..." Pammy was still trying to comfort L. "And you're a very famous singer."     

L sighed sadly. She left the orphanage when she was 16 years old and lived independently. She did not even have time to finish high school because she went straight to work. Even though she already had a career as a singer, she felt inferior because she didn't get an education.     

The girl looked at Lily, who was playing in her basket with a small plush toy. In her heart, she was determined to provide the best education for Lily, so that her child wouldn't grow up like her, who now often felt inferior when dealing with people who were highly educated.     

Pammy could read what L was thinking. She had been with the girl for almost two years and quite understood L's background and the girl's way of thinking. She patted L on the shoulder gently.     

"Don't be like that. Who knows, they might only meet for the first time, and this date won't go anywhere. After all, you gave him one month, so you shouldn't fill your head with negative thoughts."     

L shook her head and sighed sadly.     

"No. Instead, we have to prepare for the worst-case scenario, Pammy. I told him to meet those women so he could find out what he really wanted. I didn't want him to have regrets when he finally chooses to marry me."     

L looked away and stared at the window. Her eyes looked dreamy. "What makes me even more hurt is ... that he came all the way to London to meet her. That woman must have made him so interested that he was willing to go this far. I thought he was here because he wanted to be with me. Ah, apparently I think too highly of myself, that I thought he's here for me. I should have known my place..."     

Pammy looked at L with pity. She had also thought so that London was anxious about L, so he followed her to England. Who would have thought, as it turned out, he went to England to meet the female doctor who was arranged by Jan for him to date.     

"What would you do ... if Mr. Schneider met a girl who could make him fall in love?" Pammy finally asked.     

L took a deep breath. "If it turns out that he finally meets a woman who could make him fall in love, a woman who is better than me, a woman who could give him things that I couldn't, someone equal to him... then I must be prepared to accept the reality and let him go from my life. Pammy, I have no choice."     

"But I feel like that won't happen. I see that he loves Lily very much ... You have that advantage over all women in this world, L. You gave birth to his child, and Mr. Schneider loves Lily very much," Pammy said again.     

"He is a good father to Lily. But I never want to bind him to me just because I gave birth to his child. You know that, Pammy. The relationship between us will only be limited to two people who have a child together. Even if we are separated, we must continue to communicate and have a good relationship for Lily's sake." L nodded to confirm Pammy's words. Her gaze was now directed at Lily, who was playing happily with her plush toy.     

"He is responsible for Lily. As for me, I have to take care of myself. I can't rely on him anymore. I have to work. I have to achieve all my dreams with my own hands. If he married one of the women he is dating, imagine what his wife will say? Do you think his wife would let him continue helping me? No woman would want their husband to take care of another woman."     

Pammy paused and silently confirmed L's words. It would be very difficult for L if London Schneider would fall in love with another woman and leave her. The girl's position would be awkward.     

Actually, Pammy really hoped L and London can end up married happily. However, given that for the past one year, the two had a bad relationship and were always arguing, Pammy couldn't keep her hopes up.     

"I'm so tired ... I feel like I just want to sleep. You don't mind if I sleep, do you?" L asked suddenly. "You are welcome to explore London alone or if you want to go to a restaurant and lounge. Just put your bill to this suite."     

Pammy nodded. "Please rest. I hope you feel better."     

"Thank you."     

L picked Lily up and carried her into the bedroom and locked the door. She shut herself up until nightfall. L did not think her heart would feel this painful to see London Schneider dating another woman.     

When London canceled their wedding plans three weeks ago, she was devastated. However, the pain she felt back then was not as great as now. L used to think London was only impulsive or annoyed because she insisted she would not reveal their relationship to the public. She knew that London loved her too much to be angry at her for too long.     

But later, when she learned that in just two weeks, London could get over his feelings for her and find another woman to date, her heart really felt hurt.     

Now, when she saw with her own eyes, the man met another woman who was no less beautiful than her and even looked very educated, L really felt broken inside.     

She was terrified that London would find a woman who was better than her and finally realized that, in fact, he could get another woman who was better in everything than L. She would be very heartbroken. Not only was her career already ruined, and her reputation damaged, but she would lose the only man he loved, and Lily would not have a complete family.     

All of these things really make L down.     

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