The Alchemists

London in London

London in London

London arrived in Heathrow airport at 10 pm and immediately went to St. Laurent Hotel in London. In the car, he immediately contacted L and found out her whereabouts. He already knew from Dave that the girl was staying at the St. Laurent Hotel. However, he still deliberately asked her because he wanted to hear from L herself what was her plan.     

"Hey ... sorry I couldn't pick up the phone to accept your calls earlier. I had something to do," London said as soon as L answered up his call. "Where are you now?"     

"So, how was the date?" L instead asked about London's dinner date with Sarah.     

"It's just dinner. I ate salad, steak, and tiramisu. You haven't answered my question."     

"I went to London to take care of my business with Danny Swann. You don't need to worry, if I'm not wrong, your bodyguard team has been following all the way here. I'm sure they will make sure Lily is all right." L yawned and her voice started to sound sleepy. "It's late, I'll sleep now. Tomorrow I'll be very busy."     

"Elle ..." Before London had time to ask again, L had already hung up. The man was transfixed in the car. He wanted to ask L to stay in the penthouse with him, but he was afraid that L would get angry again and accuse him of stalking her.     

Finally, he could only give some instructions to Dave to continue looking after L while he was staying by himself in the penthouse. From the check-in staff, he learned that L was staying in a common deluxe room.     

"Tomorrow, when Miss L leaves the room, please upgrade her to the Presidential Suite, okay..." he ordered the check-in staff specifically.     

The staff in question could only say yes without attempting to ask the reason. He knew L was a famous singer, but he did not expect that when L came to stay at this hotel, their big boss suddenly appeared and told them to give preferential treatment to L.     

Did L have a special relationship with Mr. Schneider? Could it be that the baby she was bringing with her was a child conceived from her affair with the big boss?      

Then ... the gossip that has been circulating all day about L having an affair with a boss in the entertainment industry was all true???     

London narrowed his eyes at the sight of the staff who had his suspicions plastered all over his face. "What are you thinking? If word gets out to any news media about L staying here, I will come and get you personally."     

The staff hurriedly shook his head. "Of course not, Sir. I just remembered that the beautiful baby brought by Miss L earlier. She looked very similar to you."     

London frowned at the compliment for Lily, and his expression immediately relaxed. "She is, right? My daughter is very beautiful."     

Gosh ... the check-in staff instantly held his breath. He had just confirmed his own suspicions. London Schneider had basically announced that the baby brought by Miss L was his child.     

This is big news!!     

"But I'm still serious about my words. If I found anything on the news about L staying here... and if even just one reporter is hanging around in this hotel because of you, I won't hesitate to punish you severely."     

London warned the staff again while tapping the check-in desk once. He then nodded and walked towards the elevator to the highest floor.     

The check-in staff could only stand where he was with a tense face. He certainly did not dare convey what he just knew to anyone. He was afraid of losing his job. The companies under the Schneider Group were the ideal place to work for many people, and they didn't want to look for another job.     

London showered and changed into casual clothes and then sent an SMS to L before going to sleep. He wanted to give her space to do whatever she wanted on her own, so he would not interfere openly. At a minimum, he would only watch over and guard L and Lily from afar.     

In his mind, still ringing L's words of how she was depressed because London acted like Santa Claus by helping her too much and gave everything that L wanted and needed. That made her feel like she could not achieve something with her own efforts and abilities, which made her lose confidence with her own talents.     

Today, L had deliberately opened herself to the public about her pregnancy and about Lily. The impact of her revealing her secret was not light. London was still reading so many posts condemning L on the internet. Even though he had asked Jan to block negative news about L, he couldn't remove the stain in her reputation. It was done, and no damage control could make people completely forget what they have read.     

If London was more desperate, he could actually contact Pavel and ask Splitz to block all ruthless posts condemning L and other negative news, but he knew that would only make L even more cornered.     

The public would be convinced that L was indeed a wealthy man's kept woman who could make all negative news about her disappear.     

"They don't know that, actually, I am your kept man ... it's the opposite. You are not my kept woman..." London complained to L's photo on his cellphone screen. "Anyway, next month, after you have done thinking, and I can prove that all the women I date cannot make me forget you ... we must immediately get married and announce it to the public so that they will not misunderstand you again ..."     

He looked at the photo longingly. Ugh ... how quickly the situation could change, he thought. Just last night, he could have the person in this photo. He even professed his love for L, and they made love so passionately. But now they returned to zero.     

He was tired of their roller-coaster relationship. But he could not complain, because this last problem was his own fault. He realized that L must be tired of all this shiz, just like him.     

He remembered L's words, that since L met him, the girl's life has changed. She now felt her life was filled with troubles and befallen by bad luck.     

London could only take a deep breath.     

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