The Alchemists

Jan, Have You Gone Mad?

Jan, Have You Gone Mad?

London was shocked when he heard the report from Dave regarding how L hadn't come out of her apartment for three days. He was worried because he felt that for those three days, L must have felt so depressed and sad for her to not even go out to shop or eat. It was only once that she was willing to open her door and see someone, which was her manager who came to bring food. L didn't want to meet anyone else after.     

Finally, on the fourth day, the girl was said to have come out in neat clothes and went to the office of Brilliant Mind Media, the entertainment company that London had just bought.     

"How does she look?" London promptly asked when he heard the report via telephone. "Does she look sick? Sad? Or what?"     

"Her face looks pale and she became thinner," Dave said. He was watching the girl's movement from his car.     

"Hmm... Meet me in the Brilliant Mind Media's office," London instructed. He then hurried to change into a cheap shirt he had received from Lyana a few days ago. The girl gave him three sets of simple clothes that could help him disguise himself as a poor person. Of course, he didn't forget to take off his expensive watch and replaced his leather shoes with simple sneakers.     

That's great, L, he thought. After being down for three days, the girl had managed to chin up and went to work as if nothing had happened. People who didn't know anything would think that the girl was okay, but London knew better. Her thin and pale appearance must be caused by her keeping all the anger and pain to herself.     

He took a taxi to the Brilliant Mind Media building and hurriedly asked to meet with the marketing director whom Jan had briefed about his arrival.     

"Good afternoon. I'm Killian Makela. Director Jan requested me to come for a photography contract with Luxe Magazine," he told the receptionist. The girl immediately looked up his name on the guest list and nodded. She opened the elevator access and asked the staff to take the young man to the tenth floor.     

London knew that on this floor, there's a Luxe Magazine division that specializes in organizing artists under the management of Brilliant Mind Media. He had asked Jan to arrange for L to speak with one of Luxe's ​​editors to promote her as soon as she signed an exclusive contract with Brilliant Mind on the twentieth floor.     

London was used to working efficiently. If he wanted to, he could boost L's career, who was still a newcomer singer, to be a superstar in a matter of weeks. But to avoid suspicion, he gave a 4-month timeline for Jan to take care of it.     

Once L got contracted by Brilliant Mind, she would get a bunch of singing projects at various international events and star several famous commercials and maybe become the face of several lines of businesses under the Schneider Group. She could even become the new Virconnect ambassador if necessary.     

London only needed to talk to her brother-in-law who a few months ago terminated Elien Mikhailova, one of Virconnect's ambassadors who tried to set him up to sleep with her. With Alaric's orders, Splitz could appoint L as the new Virconnect ambassador. The girl would soon be famous all over the world and would be able to do whatever she wanted.     

At least that way, London could lessen the guilt he felt, by giving L what she had always wanted: Fame.     

"I've heard what happened, and I understand why you want to help her. But do you really need to come in person?" Jan asked as he phoned London, who was waiting in the lobby of Luxe Magazine to meet a staff member who would discuss the shooting project with him.     

"I just want to see for myself and make sure she's fine. She didn't want to leave the apartment except for work and I still don't know how she's doing," London said.     

"Dave or Marc can follow her and send pictures of her to you. You still don't need to come in person," Jan paused, before poking London with his real question. "Sir, do you like her?"     

"Eh... What did you say? How could I possibly LIKE her? I've only met her once," London promptly stated. "I just feel sorry for her, okay. I don't want her to be traumatized and have her career ruined. This is the least I can do for her."     

"So, you really don't like her?" Jan asked once again, trying to confirm London's words.     

The young man shook his head, "No, I..."     

His words stopped. Speaking of the devil.     

His eyes had caught the figure of the girl they were talking about. She was stepping out of the elevator with a woman in her thirties in formal attire and an editor of Luxe Magazine.     

Today, L looked very beautiful. She was dressed in a turquoise formal dress that wrapped her body beautifully, displaying every curve in perfect proportion. Her shoes also had some accents of turquoise that made her appearance very fashionable and enchanting.     

London almost dropped his phone when he saw L walking towards him. Fortunately, he soon awoke from his daze and managed to catch his phone before it hit the floor. L squinted at London's nervous behavior, while her manager tried to hold back her smile and pinched L's waist, her chin pointing towards London.     

"Look at that man... he's acting so awkwardly in front of you. Hilarious." She whispered into L's ear.     

The girl faintly smiled at her manager's words. But as their steps drew near, she suddenly recognized London. Instantly, her smile disappeared, replaced by a hostile pout.     

"Don't mind him," she hissed as she quickened her pace past London, who could only stare at L as she entered one of the large rooms that read "MEETING ROOM".     

Ugh... it seemed like L was serious when she said she didn't want to see London at all. The man could only sigh.     

Alright... he managed to see L with his own eyes and confirm that the girl did look fine. So, his business in the building was done. He would let Jan take care of the rest and ensure L's career would rise as she wished.     

"I saw her, and she's fine... I'll go back now," London finally said after picking up his phone and calling Jan again. "Her body looked thin and her eyes were a bit swollen, but her attitude was still as annoying as usual, so she should be fine..."     

"Oh, come on..." Jan grumbled at London's words. "Do you want to continue going undercover and work for Luxe Magazine so you can meet her again or is this the last one? If this is the last one, I'll pick you up so we can immediately go to the meeting with the directors at Schneider Tower. If you still want to stay there, I'll postpone the board of directors meeting."     

"You want to postpone the BOD meeting just so I can pretend to be a photographer for Luxe Magazine and meet L again? Jan, have you gone mad?!" London couldn't believe his ears when he heard Jan.     

"Killian?" A flamboyant man came over to him with some folders in hand. "My name is Eddie. What a coincidence, you're here. Our main photographer needs help from an assistant for this afternoon's photoshoot. The schedule was suddenly updated for a new artist of Brilliant Mind. Can you get to work today?"     

London was stunned by Eddie's words. "New artist? Who?"     

"Her name is L. She's a good singer, but she isn't yet famous and our boss really likes her. He wants to immediately give her coverage after the contract is signed."     

"L?" London immediately turned off his phone call and nodded. "Sure! I can start working today."     

At the other end, Jan, who was just about to say something, could only inwardly cuss when his boss suddenly turned off his phone.     

Ugh... This meant that he had to immediately send an email to every member of the board of directors, who were supposed to come today, to inform them that the meeting was canceled.     

"Why doesn't he just admit if he likes her," Jan grumbled as he pressed the SEND button.     

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