The Alchemists

That's L

That's L

"So, what does he have to do with all these?" The assistant asked him while pointing to the camera. "I cannot see the connection between an old camera, glasses, and ... Stephan Zimmerman?"     

"Hmm ... Lyana advised me to disguise myself as regular folk. She said if people found out that I am the owner of the Schneider Group, there would be a bunch of gold-diggers trying to curry favor to me. So, I plan to come to Zimmerman's party as a poor photographer, Lyana's best friend from America."     

Jan nodded. "That makes sense. Do you want me to go to that party with you, Sir? I am quite familiar with the people from the upper class. I can tell you whom you should avoid like a plague, and who you can be friends with."     

London squinted his eyes and smiled at the man's offer. "Huh, that's good. I only know Lyana there. It'll be fun if you could come along as well. Can you get an invitation to the party, or should I ask Lyanna to get one for you?"     

Jan just laughed softly. "Of course, I can. I know almost all the upper classes in Germany, I can easily get invited anywhere."     

"Great. But you can't call me 'Sir' there. Otherwise, my disguise will be useless," London said firmly.     

The assistant nodded with a smile. He liked this boss of his as he always treated him like a younger brother. Their age only differed by two years, so when they first met, they got along very well instantly.     

As a member of the Van Der Ven family, Jan also knew the secrets of the Schneider family who were immortals and could stay young forever. Ten years from now, once London 'disappeared' from the public, Jan would be the one to take over his position in the company group.     

"All right, Sir. Then what should I call you?" Jan finally asked.     

"Hmm ... I'll use the name Killian Makela. Don't forget that."     



That afternoon, London stopped by Lyana's studio to take the clothes from her for his disguise. Lyana gave him a set of outdated clothes that she got from the homeless shelter downtown, and she was laughing so hard when she saw London transform into a poor photographer.     

"Ahahaha ... never mind gold-digger, even poor girls won't go near you," Lyana commented while she looked at London from head to toe in amusement. "Hmmm ... even though you are still very handsome, you do look very poor."     

London just shrugged. He would prefer people to accept him for the person he was, his personality and sense of humor, rather than his wealth.     

"Alright ... Shall we go now?" He asked her.     

Lyana nodded. "Let's just take my car, so we won't attract people's attention like when we used yours."     

"Jan will meet us at the party. You still remember my assistant, right?"     

"Yes, sure. Well ... Jan must be careful in there because the girls will desperately go after him." Lyana reminded him. She then smiled to herself. "Hahaha ... those girls don't even know which one is the real deal."     

London smiled and nodded. Well, Jan did come from a wealthy family, but his wealth was nothing compared to that of the Schneider family. London certainly hoped that Jan would not be tricked by some gold diggers. However, he was not too worried because he had already known Jan for so long, and he believed that his assistant was quite smart and would know how to look after himself.     

London and Lyana drove her VW to the magnificent Zimmerman mansion in downtown. That evening, the mansion's large courtyard was packed with various luxurious cars, and the guests went up the mansion stairs in their best outfits.     

Nearly all who came were young people from wealthy families in Berlin and nearby cities. Some were artists and celebrities from the communities that Stephan was a member of.     

Before coming to this party, London had looked up some information about Stephan and discovered that the 30-year-old man was a quite influential art collector. He was a patron of several talented artists who became famous under his patronage.     

With his help, those poor aspiring artists had managed to reach a level of success where their works became sought-after by art collectors and various galleries throughout the world. Besides working in the fine arts industry, he also owned a media and entertainment company that promoted some talented singers and musicians in Europe.     

Those were partly the reason why Stephan was always surrounded by beautiful girls who wanted his help to make them famous. Stephan was also a notorious womanizer who tend to abuse his position in the entertainment industry. There were several sexual harassment allegations directed at him, but none of the cases was proven.     

When Lyana entered the large hall in the mansion, she immediately pulled London close to her. "Don't stay far away from me."     

London nodded. He was fascinated to see so many people attending the party. Stephan seemed to be very good at organizing parties. The variety of entertainment provided was very enjoyable and impressive. He also served dishes from world-class chefs. It reminded London of the festive parties that her uncle, Aldebar, often held.     

"Good evening, Stephan," Lyana hurriedly pulled London to the middle of the hall when she saw Stephan sitting casually while talking to some beautiful girls.     

"Hey ... Lyana, my favorite painter. How are you?" Stephan greeted Lyanna and kissed her cheeks. "Who do you bring with you?"     

"I am with a photographer who helped me with my new pictorial book. This is Killian Makela. He is very talented and wants to have a chance to get to know many potential clients ...." Lyana tapped London's shoulder. "This is Stephan Zimmerman, the host I told you about. He knows a lot of rich people who might need your services."     

"Hey ... good evening, Stephan. My name is Killian."     

Stephan fixated his eyes at London when he heard the man greet him, "You're the only lower-class person who doesn't call me 'Mister.' I like you."     

London immediately realized his mistake. Ah, right ... Right now, he was posing as a guy from a poor background. People would surely expect him to be respectful towards such people like Stephan. But since he was still a child, he had been used to being treated as the young master, so he naturally treated Stephan like an equal.     

"Ah, I'm sorry for being rude. I'm from America, so I'm not used to formalities," London shook his head slightly.     

"It's okay. I don't like formalities either." Stephan patted his shoulder and got him a drink from the tray on the table beside him. "Let's have a toast for this chance meeting."     

"Thank you." London received the glass from Stephan and had a toast with him.     

"You come at the right time. The new star will be performing. She is actually the reason why I am having this party." Stephan put on a big smile after sipping his drink.     

He pointed to the small stage in the center of the magnificent hall. London and Lyana followed his direction, and instantly the lights in the room were dimmed, and the stage was illuminated by some gorgeous blue lights.     

When all the lights turned off, leaving only the spotlight on the stage center, there were muffled sounds heard among the guests. Suddenly, a girl appeared at the center of the stage and picked up a microphone. She was the most beautiful girl London Schneider had ever laid his eyes on.     

"Only love can hurt like this ...." A soft whisper came from her pink lips, and then she closed her eyes dramatically. When her eyes opened again, her lips began to sing a melodious song that hypnotized anyone who listened to it.     

"Who is she?" asked London instinctively. He could not take his eyes off of the beautiful girl who was singing on the stage and lulled all the guests. No one dared to speak, for fear they would miss out on her singing.     

Her charm reminded London of sirens, the half-fish magical creatures from Greek mythology who can hypnotize sailors with their mystical singing so that the sailors will be tricked and drowned in the storm.     

"That's L," Stephan said, smiling faintly. "My soon-to-be superstar."     

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