The Alchemists

Extra Part: Lauriel & Luna (1)

Extra Part: Lauriel & Luna (1)

230 YEARS AGO:     

The Lindens were renowned for their very festive parties and grand celebrations. As one of the most prominent noble families in England, an invitation from them meant great honor for those who would receive it. Thus, this current party stirred great curiosity since the invitation was evenly distributed to members of the Alchemist clan.     

Usually, someone needed to come from a family with decent nobility status to be eligible to attend the Lindens' party. However, since this is a special occasion, for their second daughter's birthday party, Lord and Lady Linden generously sent invitations to all who entered the clan registry, regardless of their status. As long as they were alchemists, they were invited. It wouldn't matter if one was from a noble family or not.     

The invitations were distributed two years prior, ensuring that all clan members spread throughout Europe and those adventuring in the oceans and other continents would receive it at least some time before the party and be present on time.     

Luna Linden was famous for her beauty. But until now, only a handful of people managed to see for themselves why it was the case. Few could prove that the youngest daughter of the Lindens truly had such beauty since she rarely made a public appearance.     

She was almost never present at fancy parties held by her family so even if she ran into the clan members somewhere in the world, they might never think that she was Luna Linden.     

And since she was actually a mischievous lady, she helped spread rumors that the Lindens' youngest daughter was actually ugly, with some facial defects because she got kicked by a horse when she was still a child. She spread around that her physical flaws never recovered.     

Luna knew that her 200th birthday party, which her parents organized, was not only to celebrate her birthday but also to find her a match from among the many Alchemist bachelors. Her sister got married when she was only 80 years old and already had two adult children. In comparison, Luna never even had a boyfriend even though she was already nearly two centuries old.     

It was not because she was less beautiful. On the contrary, she was one of the most beautiful girls in their clan consisting of physically perfect people. Those who had seen Portia and acknowledged her beauty would still certainly agree that Luna was even more beautiful than her.     

Luna just had no elegance or bearing a noble daughter should have. She preferred riding horses and playing with swords than doing some embroidery or dressing up.     

Once, when Luna was 100 years old, she managed to force her parents to allow her to travel around the world. Obviously, some knights followed and protected her in secret because Luna, with her gorgeous beauty and long, purple hair, was very attractive.     

That decision became the one her parents regretted the most because since then, she had gone on more adventures, only returning home once in every ten years to visit her mother. She was too delighted to wander around and go on trips to distant lands.     

When she neared two-century-year-old, Lord and Lady Linden finally realized that she was not young anymore and decided to find a match for her. It was the reason why the grand birthday party was held. Luna could not refuse as she had promised her mother that she would attend her own birthday party.     

"But you can't just force me to marry somebody I don't like. I am willing to meet the man who comes along, but I can't guarantee that I'll fall in love with him. I don't want to get married without love," Luna replied in her letter to her mother.     

She hurriedly wrote it with a quill while munching on a chuck roast. She was sitting in a small inn in the port city of Southern France when she decided to write back to her mother.     

It was almost dusk and the courier office was going to close soon. She had no time to look for a courier tomorrow since the ship she would board on her way to Porto would be leaving in the morning.     

She decided to spend a few months in Porto. Then, she would go to Lisbon before returning to her parents' castle in Yorkshire. She should still have enough time to enjoy life outside a little bit.     


Lauriel just rolled his eyes in annoyance at Esso, Neo, Endo, and Petra who had been constantly talking about the big party the Lindens would be holding. They had been at it since last month. He complied with their request to travel to England to attend the party, not knowing it would become torture for him.     

He never thought that for a whole freaking month, these guys would continue to discuss how beautiful Princess Luna was and whether they would be able to captivate her heart or not.     

"Can you be quiet?" Lauriel asked, finally getting annoyed. A grass flower was tucked between his lips. He had been trying to catch some sleep since noon, but the four young men who were with him were too excited about the party talking incessantly near his coach. Who would be able to sleep with so much noise? "I heard that the face of the girl you all are clamoring about is hideous because when she was little, she got kicked by a horse."     

"Jeez ...! Nonsense ... Someone said she is much prettier than Princess Portia, her cousin." Esso protested.     

"Perhaps if she didn't get kicked by a horse, her face would be as beautiful as Portia's," Lauriel commented in a sluggish tone. "But as of now, it is a fact that her parents invited all male alchemists who are still breathing to come to this party. This indicates that her family is desperate and wants to marry her off to anyone who will dare to."     

"Ah ... I don't mind even if Princess Luna's face is ugly and disfigured... I'm sure there are so many precious things belonging to her that are far more valuable than her physical appearance," Neo said with a grin, "Her family is very respectable and extraordinarily rich… If she wants to marry me, I will retire from working for you to search for treasures around the world."     

His friends laughingly agreed with him. Lauriel couldn't help but shake his head. The four young men were adventurers who had followed him for decades and he really liked them.     

Of course, if any of them would be fortunate enough to marry a noble's daughter and would want to retire to enjoy a luxurious life, he would gladly support them.     

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