The Alchemists

Getting Used To His Lifestyle

Getting Used To His Lifestyle

Upon arrival in London, they immediately drove to the mansion where Alaric had previously spent most of his time. When getting into the driverless car from the airport, for the first time Aleksis felt that her husband's lifestyle was different from what she was used to.     

Usually, Aleksis would use a human driver, otherwise, there would be Nicolae taking her and the children wherever they wanted to go.     

Her family was very rich and could afford to employ many humans, especially at this period of time when most families were already using computer systems and automation to help with their daily work.     

But Alaric did not employ human staff as he did not like to be surrounded by many people. It was not because he was not wealthy enough. When Aleksis entered the door that opened automatically, she looked surprised since there wasn't even a single person in the house. There were only a variety of robots and android staff (artificial humans) who welcomed them respectfully.     

"Welcome, Madam Aleksis ..." Luna's happy voice could be heard as she greeted the new lady of the house.     

Aleksis turned her head trying to find the origin of the voice. Alaric just smiled seeing her rather confused.     

"That's my digital assistant, Luna. She is in charge of the whole house and arranging my schedule. You've met my other digital assistant in the car. Aleksis arranges other stuff, mostly those I do outside." He explained.     

"Oh … that's very funny. You named your two assistants after me and your mother," Aleksis said, smiling.     

"Because you two are the only women I care about and respect," Alaric answered curtly. He spread his hands and invited Aleksis to follow him to tour his residence. "Let me show you the interior of this house."     

"Hmm ... alright," said the woman who then welcomed Alaric's grasp. Together, they walked around the large and quiet mansion. In the middle of the residence, there was a beautiful outdoor garden with a small waterfall at the center that made the atmosphere look so peaceful.     

"You don't keep any bonsai here?" she asked.     

"Hmm ... there's no time," he said. "Maybe, later, I'll go back to creating bonsai if my workload is successfully reduced."     

They sat in the garden enjoying the light breeze of air as they watched the stream of water and beautiful fish swimming in the pond. A robot servant came serving hot tea and cakes without being asked to.     

"Wow ... the system you have here is very efficient," exclaimed Aleksis. "Without being asked, everything is made available."     

"It requires programming in great detail, and the system uses neural learning to learn the habits and preferences of the residents of this house. After a few days, they will be able to follow your habits and preferences."     

"Ah ..." Aleksis nodded. She finally understood and experienced for herself why the RMI's automation system was widely used in human societies. The system was very efficient and could save a lot of time and money.     

"You don't like it?" Alaric asked. He knew that she was accustomed to being served by humans because her family did not like everything that was robotic. They claimed it was because there would be no human touch in their interactions.     

"Hmm ... not that I dislike it. I just need time to get used to it." The woman looked around. This house really felt very quiet. Why did Alaric shut himself in such a quiet place? Wouldn't that make him sad? she wondered.     

"I can hire a human staff if you want. All you have to do is say it. I'll do anything for you," he said again.     

"Hmm ... alright." Aleksis nodded. "I think this house is too big and quiet. That's all."     

Alaric smiled at his wife's words. He brought his lips close to Aleksis's ear and whispered, "Therefore, we must make many children. If we only have two, this house will still feel lonely. I want us to have more children after Altair and Vega..."     

Aleksis suddenly blushed at Alaric's suggestion since she considered it too straightforward. She turned her head away to protest, but her lips accidentally touched Alaric's lips. The man swiftly took that opportunity to land a hot kiss on her lips.     

"Hmm ... you know how lonely my life has been." Alaric whispered in between his kisses on Aleksis' moist lips, "I don't want to be lonely anymore."     

He then grabbed her head and kissed her more passionately while holding her body in his arms.     

Aleksis could only close her eyes and enjoy his overwhelming love. She returned his kisses and soon their tongues were exploring each other's mouth, claiming their breath away. Not long after, they had quickly undressed each other and made out more passionately.     

At that time, Aleksis was relieved that there were no other humans in the house because she and Alaric could make love anytime and anywhere without having to worry about being seen by other people.     

 They made love on their seats and then soon moved to the comfortable sofa in the living room. After that, they proceeded to Alaric's bed in the main bedroom.     

An efficient robot servant took their clothes from the garden and put them in the washing machine.     


When they finished their vigorous lovemaking session, hot drinks were already provided on the bedside tables complete with a new set of clothes. Aleksis was really impressed by the efficiency of the system at her husband's home.     

"I love your house," she whispered, kissing Alaric's lips before leaning her back against the headboard. "The system is efficient, and the decoration is elegant. I know your taste is better than mine."     

"This is your home too," the man said, leaning his back as well on the headboard like she did. His hand held Aleksis' hand, as if he didn't want her to disappear from sight after they had made love. "You know, after we got married, I actually placed the mansion's deed in Singapore under your name. So will all my assets. Everything mine will be yours."     

Aleksis was stunned. She could not help but hug him tightly. "Ahh .. that's not necessary, but thank you."     

Alaric smiled and ruffled his wife's hair like he used to do. "Of course it's necessary. If I die, I want to make sure my wife and children are secured. I know your father is rich, but I am responsible for your lives."     

Aleksis touched her hair that turned messy from his actions and frowned. "You are still like before, you love to mess my hair up ... I'm 30 years old now ... I'm no longer a kid!"     

"Eh ...?" The man was dumbfounded by her protest. He realized that he really liked tousling her hair because she looked so cute when protesting like this. "You want me to be responsible? Alright ... I will wash and style your hair as usual. Will you forgive me then?"     

Alaric's words managed to rouse a smile on Aleksis' face. She nodded and immediately dragged her husband out of bed to the bathroom so that they could wash up.     

Alaric kept his promise to wash her hair and massage her head as they bathed together in the huge bathtub. He then happily dried his wife's body and hair and styled it until it looked beautiful again.     

They made out afterward all day and enjoyed the moment together without any interference from anyone else. Aleksis felt that she would slowly get used to his lifestyle this way.     

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