The Alchemists

Kit Was Inciting Trouble

Kit Was Inciting Trouble

Meanwhile, Alexandra, who was dancing with Nicolae, was not saying much. She was still upset about her resemblances to the bride. She was suspecting that was the reason why Nicolae treated her well.     

Her frustrations only grew because Nicolae did not seem to care that she was pouting. Halfway the song, she finally could not stand it anymore.     

"That Aleksis ... her eyes are unique ..." she said suddenly. "I have always been praised for having a unique pair of eyes, but it turns out there are other people who have something similar. Your father, Lauriel is one example, and Aleksis, the bride, is another."     

Nicolae looked into Alexandra's eyes and nodded, "That's right."     

"I remember four years ago, Eli looked at me for a long time, and I thought he liked me. But it was now apparent that he is indifferent to me. That made me very confused. I only found out the answer today. I think at that time I reminded him of Aleksis," Alexandra said again.     

"Is that so?" Nicolae asked. This was something he did not know. But upon deliberating a bit, he had to acknowledge that at a glance, Alexandra looked similar to Aleksis. Also, when viewed closely, her unique eyes could really remind people of the other woman.     

"Yeah.  And that is enough to upset me ..." Alexandra complained.     

"Why would you be upset?" Nicolae asked, clearly not understanding.     

"Yes, of course, I could only be upset. People will always compare us, and maybe those who can't get her will approach me as a rebound or a substitute for her. Nobody likes being a rebound," Alexandra replied curtly.     

She gave Nicolae a probing look as if she wanted to force the man to come clean to her, to make him fess up that he indeed approached her because she looked like Aleksis.     

Nicolae was not naive so he immediately understood what Alexandra's words meant. He did smile, but his words sounded far from sweet.     

"Aleksis has inner beauty and other great qualities that go far beyond her physical appearance and a unique pair of eyes. I'm sure that even if there are women who physically resemble Aleksis, they will never be able to imitate her personality. A woman's beauty is only skin deep. Love requires more than physical attraction."     

Just then the song ended and Nicolae bowed slightly before leaving Alexandra. The girl was stunned and was left rooted in her place. Nicolae's words that were spoken so softly made her feel like something heavy was pressed on her heart.     

So that means I'm just physically similar to her but without her inherent beauty? Her mind was filled with anger. After that, she stomped her feet and returned to her chair with a crumpled face.     

Alexandra was not the only guest present filled with resentment at that party. Ever since she saw Alaric walk down the wedding aisle and shock everyone as he took the position of the groom, Kit Blue had been wallowing in anger and jealousy.     

She did not expect that her four years of waiting would end up in vain. She felt that she had been patient enough. She repeatedly came to various events held by Elios Linden and his family to support the man's ambition, namely to become the clan leader, replacing Caspar Schneider, but now ... he actually forsook her and married the daughter of the Schneider family...     

No, he actually married that damnable girl from ten years ago ...! How insolent!     

During the past four years, Kit had managed to remain patient because she knew Eli disliked body contact with other people. She was the only one he could touch. This made the girl not at all worried that one day he would find another girl to marry. It should have been going the way she wanted.     

Her father and Ned Lewis had already discussed an arranged marriage between her and Eli. Portia Baden had even slowly accepted her as her potential daughter-in-law. Sooner or later, Kit was supposed to be engaged to Eli and then be married to him.     

After all … Wasn't that damnable woman supposed to be with Nicolae now? Weren't they together all this time? They also seemed very affectionate in Reykjavik... Why was she getting together with Eli now???     

Throughout the wedding procession and dances, Kit only kept throwing Alaric a hateful look as she incessantly sipped on the drink she took from the tray of a passing waiter. While drinking, she also noticed the interaction between Alaric and Vega, then recalled that four years ago, she met Nicolae and Aleksis with their two children at the Reykjavik airport.     

Hmm ... she tried to connect the dots from everything that had occurred. Her intelligent mind then drew conclusions. This was all very embarrassing, she cursed inwardly.     

"Ugh ... How dare you play me like this ..." she repeatedly hissed. "I will make you pay for this insult."     

After the fifth wine glass, Kit began to lose her common sense. She walked over to the musicians and then took the microphone. The music had just ended and Aldebar was about to take the microphone to greet the guests again, but Kit moved faster than him.     

"Hey, what do you think you are doing?" Aldebar asked in puzzlement. Kit raised her hand to drive Aldebar away. Then with a curt face, she raised the microphone in front of her lips.     

"I want to congratulate the bride and groom who look very happy ... Congratulations on the wedding." She pointed at Alaric, who had just stood up to take his wife from Lauriel's hand after they finished dancing. "Alaric … Lionel Elios ... who knows what your true name is ..."     

Instantly, the place became quiet and everyone watched Kit. Lex seemed to be walking toward his daughter, but Kit hurriedly shouted at him.     

"Don't come closer !!!! I have to express my feelings, otherwise, I'll go crazy!! If you force me to shut up, I'll kill myself ... !!!"     

She smashed her glass against the handle of the microphone and then pointed the sharp shard at her neck, making everyone scream.     

"What do you want?" an icy voice broke the silence.     

Alaric's voice stunned her. She looked at Alaric with teary eyes. "I ... I'm just too disappointed in you. You gave me hope for four years. My father and Uncle Ned already discussed our engagement, Auntie Portia invited me to Glasgow several times because she liked me... But today, you suddenly married another woman ... Do you think that's fair to me?? How could you do this to me? Why did you give me such an unpleasant surprise? Do I mean nothing in your eyes?"     

Almost immediately, whispers from the guests filled the place. Long ago, they had heard several rumors about the relationship between Elios Linden and Kit Blue from Iceland. Now as they listened to the girl's revelation, they felt sympathy for her.     

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