The Alchemists

Then, what now?

Then, what now?

Aleksis did not know how much time had passed until they finally broke free, reluctantly.     

The two stared at each other with a somewhat awkward, but happy look. Even though Alaric was wearing a mask, Aleksis could see his eyes beaming, and his gaze made Aleksis' heart beat faster.     

"Uhm..." Aleksis looked uncomfortable and blushed. She immediately turned toward the door and, without being told to do so, her legs ran fast out of Alaric's room.     

The man was confused with Aleksis' behavior. The girl came and went like storm... He actually wanted to sit down and invite the girl to talk, but the girl left so fast, leaving behind only her scent.     

Finally, he smiled to himself, picked up his glass of whiskey, and finished his drink happily.     

He could order Pavel to find information about Aleksis tomorrow.     

Alaric did not expect that 10 minutes later, there was another knock on his door. Before he could respond, the door to his room opened and Aleksis entered again, this time holding a very fat mini bulldog.     

"Eh... you're back?" Alaric could not hide the happy tone in his voice. "What is that?"     

Aleksis smiled broadly, "This is Little Prince Siegfried. I told you that he is healthy, happy, and fat..."     

Alaric could not help laughing at the lazy-looking dog and his half-closed eyes. He approached Aleksis and took over Little Prince Siegfried from her arms.     

"Hello, Prince Siegfried... How are you? It's been a long time, hasn't it?" he said, rubbing the dog's head who immediately let out a biiiig yaaaawn. "Apparently it's his bedtime. Where did you get him from? That was really fast. "     

"Er... I am staying at the Continental Hotel until Sunday, and after that I will move to the school dormitory."     

Aleksis did not want to immediately tell him that she was the daughter of the building owner and that she was living in the penthouse on the top of the building. No matter what, her father always emphasized for her to always keep her identity private.     

"Are you currently studying in Singapore? What major?" Alaric asked earnestly.     

"I forgot what I majored in..." Aleksis answered bluntly. "I just chose whatever... hahaha..."     

"Why is that?" Alaric was astonished at Aleksis' casual response.     

"Uhm... I didn't really intend to go to school... I applied to the campus here just as an excuse so I could move to Singapore and look for you." Aleksis looked down to hide her blushing face, "Now I've found you..."     

Alaric was stunned to hear the girl's candor. He didn't expect Aleksis to like him that much... It even seemed that she was obsessed with him.     

A warm sensation slowly filled Alaric's heart, and without being able to hold it, he landed his next kiss on Aleksis' lips.     

He had never felt so attracted to a woman before. Aleksis, with her adorable behavior, had made him helpless and he was unable to hold back.     

They only stopped kissing when Little Prince Siegfried struggled to get free because he was sandwiched between the two.     

"Jeez... Please forgive us, Little Prince Siegfried..." said Aleksis quickly. She took the dog from Alaric's arms and placed him on the sofa. She turned to Alaric who was looking at her, amused, and the two then laughed out loud.     

Weirdly enough, at the same time they both felt like they were a married couple with their four-legged kid.     

Both of them smiled with that thought in their minds.     

"Hmm... so...?" Aleksis looked at Alaric and tried to look for something to talk about.     

"So?" Alaric looked at her with a shrug.     

"You kissed me earlier," Aleksis finally said.     

"That's right," Alaric nodded.     

"Then what now?" asked Aleksis.     

"What do you mean by that?" Alaric asked her back.     

"Ugh..." Aleksis stamped impatiently. "You know what I mean."     

"I don't know what you mean," Alaric said.     

"What do you do to the women you kissed?" Aleksis asked quickly.     

Alaric shook his head, "I've never kissed a woman before... So, I don't know what I do with them."     

"Jeez... that's not possible! You're already in your 40's... how come you've never kissed a woman before?" Although Aleksis sounded like she was in disbelief, she was actually happy because Alaric had never kissed another woman before.     

That meant it was a first kiss for the both of them.     

I'm older than that, Alaric thought.     

"Why don't you believe me when I told you that you are the first woman I kissed?" Alaric asked.     

"I can't believe it, because you are very good at kissing..." said Aleksis, pursing her lips.     

"How do you know if I'm good at kissing? How many men have you kissed?" Alaric asked again.     

Aleksis immediately felt cornered.     

"Uhm... you were the first... but still... people say the first kiss is usually awkward and weird... but earlier our kiss felt very pleasant and not awkward... so I thought you are used to it..." said Aleksis haltingly.     

She wanted to believe in Alaric's words, but was it really possible for a man his age to have never kissed a woman before? This was hard to believe.     

"I don't know... maybe I'm talented?" Alaric shrugged.     

"You... have you really never been with other women before?" Aleksis asked, her chest palpitating in excitement.     

"Uhm... I'm no angel," Alaric said quickly. He just understood what she meant. "I am a normal man and I have sexual needs. But I never kissed the women I slept with. I don't want to get emotionally involved in mere physical relationships."     

"Oh..." Aleksis' feelings that were initially filled with excitement turned cloudy.     

Of course, she shouldn't have expected too much. Alaric was much older than her, and must have been with many women before… He was a normal guy after all. She should even be grateful that he wasn't married yet.     

Alaric was aware of Aleksis' disappointment but for this there was nothing he could do. The age difference between them was too far. It was only natural that he already had much more experience than her.     

Aleksis thought that Alaric was in his 40's... when in fact he was much older than that. If only the girl knew, maybe she would be scared and think of him as a freak, Alaric thought sadly.     

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