The Alchemists

Evening Stroll

Evening Stroll

The night air was very cold in Singapore, so Aleksis wrapped her coat tightly while taking her dog for a walk. Since the global warming worsened in recent years, the weather in various parts of the world experienced drastic changes.     

Singapore and other Southeast Asian countries that were once known as hot tropical regions, began to experience striking seasonal changes and the temperatures in these months had become very cold.     

"Come on Little Prince Siegfried... you need to exercise a little..." Aleksis whispered to her dog who seemed reluctant to follow her for a night stroll.     

When they arrived at the lobby, she saw a familiar figure coming out of the elevator and heading for the exit. The sight of him made Aleksis stand frozen on her place.     

The man then saw Aleksis with her dog and immediately stopped on his track. They stared at each other in silence.     

Aleksis blushed when she remembered that half an hour ago they had kissed in Alaric's office. The man also looked somewhat awkward.     

After Aleksis left, he drank a lot of whisky because he wanted to calm his nerves. When he refused the girl, it was because of his logic trying to take control of his mind in making decisions.     

But after Aleksis left him with a disappointed and sad expression, his heart slowly rose and protested his actions. He really liked the jolly beautiful girl who came and went like a storm...     

After Aleksis left, his heart was stricken with sadness which he could not explain. Alaric had long closed his heart and he had never allowed his emotions to control him. So, that sad feeling he felt was quite foreign to him.     

Now suddenly the girl appeared again in front of him, unexpectedly. Alaric just wanted to go home and rest to calm his mind. But now he was unable to move. He could only stand still and as he and Aleksis stared at each other.     

"Hi..." said Aleksis awkwardly. She wringed her dog's leash unconsciously. She did not know how to behave in front of the man who had been her obsession for years and tonight had just rejected her love.     

"Where are you going so late at night?" Alaric asked attentively.     

Stupid question, he thought soon after he asked the question. Of course, the girl was taking her dog out for a walk.     

A dog named Little Prince Siegfried, like himself.     

Slowly a thin smile etched on Alaric's face.     

Hmm... seeing how fat and happy the dog was, of course Aleksis had been loving and spoiling him for eight years.     

"Prince Siegfried needs to exercise..." Aleksis murmured in an unclear voice. She still felt awkward, "He's already too fat."     

"Aren't you afraid to go out at this time of night?" Alaric asked again. "Your dog is not the type of guard dog that will save you from criminals."     

It was true. If only Little Prince Siegfried were a pitbull or herder, of course his fierce appearance would frighten people who intended to harm Aleksis. However, unfortunately this mini bulldog was very fat and lazy. In no way could this dog tremble the hearts of those who wished to cause her harm.     

"I can take good care of myself," Aleksis replied. She certainly could not tell this man that there were two bodyguards, very fierce former Russian special forces captains, who always followed her and kept her safe.     

Alaric sighed, "You are a girl, but you are so careless in whatever you do. Just now you couldn't do anything about Pavel, even though Pavel is still a wolf-level assassin. What if you meet a criminal who is at the level of a tiger, phoenix or dragon in Rhionen?"     

Aleksis recalled that her father had discussed Rhionen Assassins with Jadeith and she had heard that in the group there were several levels of assassins, the highest being the dragon, followed by the phoenix, the tiger, and finally the wolf.     

Was Pavel really only on the wolf level? How shocking... he was already so scary...!     

Aleksis shuddered at the thought of Alaric already at the dragon level eight years ago. Did... did that mean he was the leader of the Rhionen Assassins? Considering that they used his name...     

"Are you the leader of Rhionen Assassins?" Aleksis asked him. "Your name is Alaric Rhionen, right?"     

Alaric shook his head. "The leader of Rhionen Assassins had resigned from worldly life and does not deal with such things anymore. I prefer business and so I founded Rhionen Industries 10 years ago. Although they are still somehow connected, the two are very different organizations..."     

"Oh..." Aleksis nodded in understanding. She felt that Alaric's life was very mysterious and dangerous. "Thank you for caring, but I know how to look after myself."     

She bowed slightly and walked toward the door to exit the lobby.     

"Wait a minute...!" Suddenly Alaric ran after her and walked beside her. "I also need some fresh air. I will walk with you and bring your dog for an exercise..."     

Aleksis looked at him with a complicated look. She knew that Alaric was worried about her walking alone outside at midnight, so he used the excuse of getting some fresh air to protect her.     

Ugh... didn't you just reject me? Why are you still acting like this??? Aleksis grumbled inwardly.     

She did not say a word and carried Little Prince Siegfried to walk out and across the park. Alaric faithfully walked beside her, also not saying anything.     

It was a strange sight. They were walking together, side by side, but not talking to each other, and no one seemed to want to leave the other.     

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