The Alchemists

And this is the fourth...

And this is the fourth...

They then stood in silence, staring at the beautiful garden that radiated a peaceful and calm atmosphere like its owner.     

"Can we not talk about my profession tonight? I don't want to ruin the atmosphere," Alaric said later. He grabbed Aleksis' hand and brought her back to the living room.     

Aleksis could only nod.     

She accidentally looked at her watch; it was almost 1am. Carl and Sasha must be worried that she had not given them any news, and even worse they could report what had happened to Aleksis' mother and father. She could not allow that to happen.     

Aleksis hurriedly typed a message in her hand and sent a text to Carl, while walking along with Alaric.     

[I am staying  at my friend's house. You don't have to wait for me. Have a good rest.]     

Ten seconds later Carl replied to her message.     

[Yes, Miss. But please let us know tomorrow morning if you are alright.]     

Aleksis only sent emoticons OK.     

They then sat on the large and comfortable living room sofa. This place was decorated with furniture that was newer and more modern than before, but it still exuded the peace that Aleksis always remembered. Apparently, Alaric's personality was reflected in the arrangement of items and design of each room in the mansion.     

One word that came to Aleksis' mind when describing the mansion was: Zen.     

Hmm... if we got married, I will leave all the house decorations to Alaric, Aleksis thought to herself. His taste is better than mine.     

"What's on your mind?" Alaric asked suddenly. He saw Aleksis nodding to herself with an expression of approval, and he became curious about what was going on in the girl's head.     

"Er... what?" Aleksis gasped. She was embarrassed because she was caught daydreaming about something she shouldn't have.     

Gosh... they only met a few times, but Aleksis was already thinking about getting married to this person and living together in his home.     

A red tinge on Aleksis' cheek made Alaric realize that the girl was imagining something she wasn't supposed to.     

"Uhm... are you thinking dirty?" he asked teasingly. "If not, why is your face so red?"     

Aleksis hurriedly raised her nose and shook her head, "No, really. I was just admiring your house; you have good taste. I was thinking that when we get married, you should be the one in charge of decorating our house..."     

A fraction of a second later she realized that her big mouth had revealed the secret of her heart that she had wanted to hide.     

Aleksis pressed her lips together and looked away, trying to hide her blushing face.     

Alaric was astonished by Aleksis' behavior and a moment later he burst out laughing.     

"Your mind has gone a long way, Aleksis... Jeez... You're very straightforward, aren't you?" Alaric did not consider Aleksis' words as a sign that the girl was too aggressive. He felt comforted because Aleksis was very blunt and open. It was as though he had never met a woman as bright and cheerful as her.     

"Ugh... I have a potion to erase memories at home..." Aleksis said later. "I can make you forget this moment..."     

"Oh... no!" Alaric shook his head quickly. He did not doubt that Aleksis had such a potion. Aleksis had an amazing Uncle Rory who gave her miracle wound medicine. So it is not impossible that he also had a variety of other drugs. Alaric's voice then sounded very serious, "Please don't ever give me the memory potion. I want to remember everything that happened between us."     

Aleksis pursed her lips and protested, "You just want to remember how a girl is obsessed with you and you rejected her feelings..."     

"That's not it..." said Alaric. He smiled rather embarrassed, "I want to remember our first kiss."     

His words made Aleksis' cheeks turn red again and that made the girl look even more adorable in Alaric's eyes.     

She was so adorable that the man could no longer hold back his urge and reached Aleksis' face and brought her closer to him. Then, his lips searched for her lips and he kissed her, first softly, and then more passionately.     

"Also, our second kiss... and the third... kiss…" he whispered in a hoarse voice. "And this is the fourth..."     

Aleksis forgot about her frustration because Alaric's kiss had brought her to an addictive euphoria. She had tried DMT for fun with Terry when they traveled to Portugal and felt a sensation of euphoria similar to this, but this one was more drifting and present naturally without the need to consume anything.     

Was this the works of dopamine? The feeling of happiness that the brain produces when humans fall in love?     



*DMT = Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is an intense naturally-occurring psychedelic that's also found endogenously in the human body. It's not as popular as LSD or psilocybin, though its use has grown over time.     



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