The Alchemists

I know your Prince Siegfried

I know your Prince Siegfried

 "Are you really a corporate spy?" he asked in a soft voice. For a brief moment, Aleksis seemed to recognize his voice. It felt like a dream.     

"No... no... I have nothing to do with any company or anything... Please put me down..."     

Now is not the time to act like a tough woman, thought Aleksis. She had to use her crocodile tears to save herself. The masked man seemed to be more refined in attitude than his rude staff.     

"Then why are you acting so suspiciously?" the man asked patiently.     

"I... I..." Aleksis looked into his eyes and, and for some reason, she did not dare to lie. "I'm sorry I barged in... I'm looking for someone. That's why I crashed into your party..."     

Her voice sounded weak and inviting pity, but he could judge that Aleksis was not lying.     

"You have one minute to convince me that you are not a corporate spy," the man said again. He nodded to the man he called Pavel, "If you can't, he will throw you down..."     

"Ugh..." Aleksis knew she could not win against them. Inwardly she cursed herself. She should have brought her personal bodyguards, Carl and Sascha, to the Sky Bar to go undercover. They would certainly be able to protect her in a situation like these.     

She finally sighed, "I'm looking for my friend... I suspect that he may be a member of the Rhionen Assassins. Since I can't find any information on Rhinoen Assassins, I was hoping that Rhionen Industries may have connections with Rhionen Assassins... I just wanted to know if anyone here knows him... I desperately want to meet him again..."     

The masked man frowned. He was surprised to hear that Aleksis knew about Rhionen Assassins. Regular people only knew about Rhionen Industries, the big corporation, and not about the other one, the assassin organization.     

"What's his name? And how do you know he is related to Rhionen Assassins?" asked the man in an interested tone. He gave a signal to Pavel to lower Aleksis on the floor and let her go.     

Aleksis fixed her collar and tangled clothes, before answering in a slightly embarrassed voice, "Uhm... I don't know his name. I call him Prince Siegfried because of the dragon tattoo on his chest... He said I must die if I knew his real name..."     

The masked man and Pavel looked at each other. Pavel looked like he was about to say something, but the masked man raised his hand and gestured him to leave. Pavel grunted and left.     

"What is wrong with him?" Aleksis asked in an annoyed tone.     

The masked man did not answer. He looked at Aleksis carefully for a few moments, then slowly a smile curved up on his face.     

"I think I know who you are referring to. I know your Prince Siegfried."     

"Oh really???" Aleksis was immediately filled with explosive excitement, and she subconsciously hugged the masked man with enthusiasm. "Gosh... I didn't come here in vain... I can finally find him..."     

The man was stunned by Aleksis' excitement as it was very unexpected. When the girl hugged him, involuntarily his hand moved to rub Aleksis' head.     

While his hand was still in the air, Aleksis had freed herself and held his shoulders. Her exploding emotions were clearly visible on her face. Finally, the man slowly lowered his hand.     

"You're very happy, aren't you?" he asked, smiling faintly. "What will you do if you meet him?"     

"Oh, I've trained hard. I'll beat him in a Go match and he has to tell me his real name..."     

"Hmm... is that so?" The man nodded. Instantly his expression turned dark and he took a deep breath. "Sorry, I must be the bearer of bad news for you. That person is dead."     

Aleksis stared at the masked man, trying to digest his words. She thought her ears were not working properly, so he asked the man to repeat his words.     

"What... what did you say just now?"     

"His name is Alaric, and he is dead," the masked man replied in a voice full of regret.     

Instantly Aleksis felt her world collapse. She did not think that when she finally knew the name of her savior, the man was dead. Without them ever having the chance to meet again. Unconsciously tears streamed down on her cheeks...     

"No... no way..." she whispered sadly.     

Suddenly her world turned dark.     



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