The Alchemists

Indeed Fated

Indeed Fated

"You are funny... you act like a lover seeking revenge." The man frowned, "What is your actual relationship with Alaric? Alaric died seven years ago, meaning when you last met, you must still be a child, right?"     

Aleksis felt cornered at the question. It was true, when they met eight years ago, she was still a child, but now she was acting like a girlfriend who had been left behind when her boyfriend died...     

Of course, an outsider who didn't know what happened between them would find her attitude strange and ridiculous.     

"That is, because they killed Alaric, I could not meet him when I am older...!" Aleksis finally replied, her voice was filled with anger, "They took my chance to be his girlfriend..."     

The man looked astonished behind his mask.     

He looked closely at Aleksis' face to judge whether this girl meant what she was saying.     

"You guys must be quite far apart in age... You're still very young, very beautiful... Of course, if he were still alive, Alaric would look like a much older guy if you walked side by side. Are you not ashamed?" he asked curiously.     

Aleksis shook her head, "Not at all. For me, age difference doesn't matter."     

My father is 414 years older than my mother, she thought.     

"Alaric did a lot of dangerous work... During one of his missions, he was seriously injured in a bomb blast. He lost one hand and his face was badly disfigured..." said the masked man quietly. "Even if he were still alive, his appearance would be very pathetic..."     

"Gosh..." Aleksis was stunned by the masked man's explanation. "Oh no... Poor Prince Siegfried..."     

"If he were still alive, you certainly would not even give him a second glance because he looked really ugly," said the masked man again.     

Aleksis closed her eyes in sadness, thinking about the unfortunate fate of her Prince Siegfried before he died. Oh, you poor thing... she can't help her tears from dripping.     

"I don't mind. It's not his face that made me like him..." said Aleksis a few moments later, after she had calmed herself. "If only he wasn't that mysterious and just disappeared... My family would definitely help him when he was in a difficult situation... He didn't have to die in such a horrific condition..."     

The masked man fell silent at Aleksis' words. He was amazed because this girl in front of him, who was so beautiful, so charming, couldn't care less about how Alaric was old, disabled, and ugly.     

This girl sounded so sincere...     

Aleksis buried her face in her hands and cried again, imagining the unfortunate fate of her savior, who was also her first love.     

The masked man hesitated for a moment, but then he moved and held Aleksis to his chest and rubbed the girl's head, trying to calm her down.     

"Little girl... what you are feeling at the moment is not real. You created the figure of a Prince Siegfried in your head and became obsessed with him, for years. Please forget about him, for your own good..."     

Aleksis could not describe her feelings at the time. On the one hand, she was very sad to know that Prince Siegfried had died, but on the other hand, she felt very comfortable in the arms of this stranger.     

Ah... was she this easy? Why should she feel comfortable in the arms of another man? She scolded herself inwardly.     

Perhaps this man's words were true, Prince Siegfried was only an obsession for her.     

This obsession was not healthy.     

She broke free from the masked man's arms and wiped away her tears. How could she say that she really liked Prince Siegfried and wanted to be his girlfriend, but let herself be embraced by another man?     

"Well... if you don't want to tell me who killed Prince Siegfried... I will find out myself. What is clear is that now I know that Rhionen Assassins and Rhionen Industries are connected. I will try to find out more..." said Aleksis softly. She pulled herself together and took a deep breath. "Thank you for your help... I have to go..."     

The man looked disappointed because Aleksis freed herself from his embrace, but he nodded.     

"I hope you can forget him..." the man said gently. "Alaric must be very glad that he saved you twice. You have grown to be a wonderful woman, as he had expected."     

Aleksis nodded weakly and walked to the exit. She had to go back to the penthouse and continue crying there, then make plans to find out who killed Prince Siegfried, and avenge him...     

The masked man only stared at her departure with a complicated look. He raised his wine glass and immediately felt that he too needed a stronger drink.     

He put his glass back on the table then moved to the cabinet and took out a bottle of 24-year-old whiskey.     

Aleksis walked slowly in the large office space, crossing empty rooms and cubicles. Of course, the office was empty. Not only was it no longer working hours, the employees were partying at the Sky Bar on the top of the building.     

When she was looking for the elevator, she saw Pavel walking into the office. She instantly stiffened when she saw the man who had almost thrown her from the Sky Bar.     

Ugh... this man again!     

Pavel didn't seem to care and walked past her with a flat expression. It was then that Aleksis remembered that until now she did not know the name of the masked man who had helped her and told her about the fate of Prince Siegfried.     

Ah, she shouldn't be an ungrateful person. She must ask for his name.     

"Hey... You're Pavel, right?" she called Pavel before the guy walked too far from her.     

Pavel looked around nonchalantly, "What's up?"     

"Uhm... I forgot to ask for the name of the masked man who helped me. I want to send a thank-you card..." said Aleksis, trying to refrain from talking curtly to Pavel. However, she needed information from him now. Aleksis must hold back her anger. "May I know what his name is?"     

Pavel's face looked contorted in dislike. His answer sounded more like a grunt, "That is Mr. Alaric Rhionen. He is the owner of this company."     

"Alaric Rhionen?" It took Aleksis a few seconds to digest Pavel's answer.     

Wasn't Alaric the real name of Prince Siegfried? Was the name so common that the owner of the Rhionen Industries was also named Alaric?     

Suddenly something struck Aleksis' mind. She just remembered that the masked man said Alaric must be glad he had saved Aleksis twice because Aleksis had grown into a wonderful woman...     

How did he know Prince Siegfried had saved her twice? She never told him...!     

Were they...     

Were... they the same person?!     

Suddenly Aleksis' pair of legs turned around and ran to the masked man's office.     

Prince Siegfried was Alaric Rhionen...     

And he was the masked man who saved Aleksis tonight!     

They had met three times! He had saved Aleksis three times.     

They were indeed fated...     

A smile etched on her lips as Aleksis ran back to the room with tears in her eyes.     

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