The Alchemists



'Wait... why do I feel like I've seen him somewhere before?'     

"What's wrong? Why are you staring at me like that? What's on my face?" The young man became uncomfortable because Aleksis looked at him like a hungry person.     

"Prince Siegfried, Big Brother...!" Aleksis murmured. She hurriedly got up and hugged the young man with tears in her eyes, "Oh my God... It's been such a long time!!"     

"Er... what is this?" asked the young man in confusion. "Who is Prince Siegfried?"     

He tried to push Aleksis away but the girl hugged him very tightly.     

This girl was strong, he thought to himself.     

"It's been eight years. I intentionally moved to Singapore to find you..." Aleksis said softly. "We must compete in a Go match, and I will defeat you. Then you must tell me your name..."     

The young man scratched his head, it was not itchy but he was feeling awkward. He did not understand what this weird girl was talking about.     

"Are you a student here? If you don't know my name, you must have been living under a rock. Everyone knows my name," said the young man. There is a bit of pride tucked in his words. "My name is Nicolae."     

Aleksis was stunned. She let go of her arms and observed the young man from head to toe.     

Gosh... apparently this was the guy who teased her about eating flies when she was yawning. Aleksis did not pay attention to his face this morning because he walked so quickly.     

But now Aleksis was aware that this was the guy who was worshiped by the groupies. He was very handsome, and his long blond hair was tied with a red ribbon. He was tall and well-built and wore very fashionable clothing.     

His eyes were brilliant dark blue and looked like a deep sea where people would feel like they could drown in them. He had covered his eyes earlier with a pair of large sunglasses, so Aleksis did not notice.     

For a moment Aleksis felt shocked. She had courageously hugged a stranger. She really believed that this man was the Prince Siegfried she was looking for, but now she realized that they had different eye colors. Prince Siegfried had purplish blue eyes, while Nicolae had dark blue eyes.     

"Do you wear contact lenses?" Aleksis asked in a probing tone.     

The young man shrugged, "Maybe."     

"Ugh..." Aleksis stared at Nicolae for some time, and then she took a deep breath. "You're right. I got the wrong person. There's no way Prince Siegfried still looks like you... He should be in his 30s by now..."     

With a limp shoulder she walked away from Nicolae, who was left astonished by her behavior.     

This girl had hit him very hard, then hugged him, and now nonchalantly left him without explanation. He felt used.     

"Hey... don't go yet! I want to talk..." exclaimed Nicolae. Aleksis didn't even turn her head. She only raised one hand and waved without looking at Nicolae. The young man was now curious. "Weird girl..."     

Since meeting 'Prince Siegfried' eight years ago, Aleksis could not forget him. Slowly her memory of her savior's face began to erode with time, but Aleksis was determined to return to Singapore eight years later to find him, compete with him in a Go match, then ask for his name...     

And maybe...     

Ah, indeed their age was far apart. Aleksis was almost 20 years old now and the man would be about 33 years old… surely they still looked compatible.     

Aleksis could not understand how she felt before, but now she knew that 'Prince Siegfried' was her first love. She really wanted to go back to Singapore so she could find him again.     

That was why, when she stumbled upon an opportunity to study abroad for a year when her father and mother went on honeymoon for the umpteenth time, she insisted that she be allowed to study at the same campus as Terry.     

She did not really care about the lectures. She just wanted to be in Singapore and look for 'Prince Siegfried'.     

Nicolae looked at the departing girl with a complicated look. He admitted that even though she looked like a nerd, she was actually very beautiful. Her body also emitted a distinctive citrus scent that enchanted him when she hugged him.     

He didn't know her name yet...     


Aleksis entered the Continental Building with long strides, ignoring the staff in the lobby who bowed to her. Five years ago, the Continental Hotel building underwent a major renovation and was upgraded to 100 floors.     

It kept its reputation as the most luxurious hotel in Southeast Asia. The top floor was divided into two spaces: The Sky Bar and a smaller penthouse.     

The Schneider family rarely lived there because they preferred their privacy at the Rose Mansion. Only Aleksis and Terry occasionally stayed there when they travel to Singapore because, as young people, they enjoy the hustle bustle of the downtown atmosphere.     

The tallest building in Singapore was later named the Continental Building. The hotel continues to operate from the 50th floor, and the lower floors were leased as office buildings.     

The Schneider Group occupied floors 40-50 and the rest was occupied by various technology and financial management companies.     

Aleksis had a private infinity swimming pool and complete facilities in her penthouse, but tonight she wanted to socialize. She decided to bring her dog Little Prince Siegfried to the Sky Bar to drink while waiting for Terry. Tonight was Terry's birthday and they had agreed to celebrate together.     

Aleksis exited her penthouse on the right side of the building and then went down using the elevator to the 99th floor.     

There, she walked to Moonshine Restaurant, the most famous high-end restaurant in Singapore because it could  rotate 360 ​​degrees to show the view of the entire city to its visitors.      

From that restaurant, Aleksis took the escalator to the 100th floor on the left side of the building and entered the Sky Bar.     



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