The Alchemists

Going on Disguise

Going on Disguise

Aleksis knew what Terry meant, but she refused to discuss it. Uncle Rory was a normal man and he certainly needed a partner. He had been alone for too long and he had closed his heart from love. He only devoted his life to nature. At the present he was busy with a wild animal conservation in Africa.     

Sometimes, when Aleksis went there to visit him and they enjoyed the sunset together, Aleksis would think to herself that a sunset as beautiful as this should be enjoyed with a woman he loved, not with his goddaughter.     

Aleksis had heard of Marion, one of Uncle Rory's ex-crew member who was very beautiful and tough. She had been carrying a torch for him for decades, but unfortunately, Uncle Rory kicked her out of his crew and since then no one heard anything about Marion anymore.     

It sounded like Marion was a great girl and would be very compatible with Uncle Rory. Gosh, Aleksis really wanted to find the girl and help her get together with Uncle Rory...     

"Uhm... it's already 9pm. I have to prepare a video presentation for tomorrow," Terry said finally. "I have started pitching ideas for short movies to national TV. Tomorrow is an important day for me."     

"Ah... I was about to ask you to go on an adventure next door..." said Aleksis, disappointed. "Why didn't you tell me earlier that you have an important presentation tomorrow?"     

"What adventure is next door? Isn't that the Sky Bar?" Terry asked in surprise.     

"Pssh... there is a corporate event at Sky Bar right now, Rhionen Industries. Do you know who they are?"     

"Isn't that a technology company whose pharmaceutical division is famous for finding a cure for cancer? They also have several subsidiaries engaged in Artificial Intelligence and space exploration with Space X." Terry frowned, "Aren't they based in China and Europe??"     

"They just opened an office in Singapore. They managed to rent 10 floors in this building... Even though all of the floors already had tenants." Aleksis nodded, "I'm curious as to what the people who work there are like."     

"So, what do you want to do?" Terry asked.     

Aleksis opened the door to the garden and pointed at the high wall of the penthouse and Sky Bar, smiling mischievously.     

"I'll go in there and disguise myself as a waiter. Do you want to come? I've stolen two uniforms for us... hehehe..."     

"Ugh..." Terry felt trapped. He certainly did not have the heart to let Aleksis go alone. What if she got caught? But on the other hand, he really had to finish his video presentation. "Can't you take one of your bodyguards? Carl and Sascha are downstairs, right?"     

"Ouch... If they reported me to Daddy, I may be called back home..." Aleksis shuddered. She had only arrived in Singapore for a few days, so she did not want to go home this quickly.     

"Ugh..." Terry snorted again, he brushed Aleksis' head in annoyance but then raised his hand, "Where is my uniform?"     

"Hihihi..." Aleksis hurried into her room and took out the two uniforms she had stolen on the first day she arrived at the Continental Hotel. Since the beginning she had planned to enter the Sky Bar disguised as a waiter, and unexpectedly tonight her plan could be combined with the investigation of Rhionen Industries.     

Five minutes later, Terry and Aleksis had transformed into two Sky Bar waiters in their elegant black uniforms. Aleksis tied her hair and this time didn't wear glasses to hide her beautiful eyes. She felt that her glasses were an inconvenience because of their susceptibility to fall when she climbed over the wall.     

"We climb the wall through here..." Aleksis said cheerfully.     

"Uhm... why do you have to climb the wall? We can just go in through the front door. There are so many waiters there, they won't recognize every waiter who goes in and out," Terry said.     

Aleksis scratched her, "Err... I cannot go through the front door. I was there earlier for a drink, I even I called GM Lin... They will definitely recognize me now... I must go over the Wall..."     

"Gosh, Aleksis!" Terry grumbled, "Then you climb the wall. I'll walk through the front, because they won't recognize me."     

"Alright. We'll meet inside, okay..." Aleksis immediately prepared a chair on the edge of the wall and slowly popped her head up to observe the situation in the Sky Bar.     

Terry sighed and immediately exited the penthouse to the elevator to go down to the 99th floor.     



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