The Alchemists

The Mysterious Dragon Tattoo

The Mysterious Dragon Tattoo

Lauriel arrived when everyone was getting ready for breakfast. He hurriedly approached Aleksis and hugged her tightly.     

"Uncle Rory... I missed you !!" Aleksis exclaimed when she realized Lauriel was holding her. "Did you come from Colorado?"     

"Right... are you okay?" Lauriel let go of his arms and examined Aleksis from head to toe. "Do you know who helped you?"     

"Prince Siegfried..." said Aleksis. "Uhmm... I call him that because he didn't want to tell me his name. Do you know him? Do you know what his name is? He said he saved me before... hmm... I am sure I've only met him this once... That's strange..."     

Caspar was stunned to hear it, "He saved you twice? How come? What happened?"     

Lauriel was finally forced to recount the events that happened ten years ago on a train bound for Chiang Mai. Caspar and Finland's faces were shocked to hear his story.     

"Oh my God... ALEKSIS WENT MISSING when she was with you?!?" Caspar raised his voice.     

He was again worried at the thought that his daughter had gone missing once before. Subconsciously, he also wanted to pay back Lauriel's criticism yesterday on the phone when he learned that Aleksis went missing under Caspar's watch.     

"It was just a misunderstanding," Lauriel said, irritated, "The important thing is that she is fine now. I am grateful that Aleksis was saved by a good person. I didn't pay attention to his face at that time because it was quite dark, but if I met him again, maybe I can recognize him..."     

"Prince Siegfried is very handsome," Aleksis said suddenly. "He reminds me of you, Uncle Rory. His hair is a little lighter than the color of your hair, and his eyes are purplish-blue. There are so many scars on his body and there is also this scary dragon tattoo..."     

Lauriel nodded, "Yes, that's the person... The same person who helped Aleksis on the train when she was two. Unfortunately, I don't know his name either. You're very fortunate, Aleksis... to meet a nice person like him again. I can't imagine what would have happened if you were found by someone else. You're so beautiful... You better not wander off alone."     

"Ugh... so what if I'm beautiful?" said Aleksis. "Does that mean I can't leave the house at all?"     

Lauriel turned to Caspar, "If I'm not around, you should always prepare bodyguards to watch over Aleksis from afar. Her beauty must also be hidden..."     

"How do you hide it?" Finland asked in surprise.     

Aleksis' beauty, even though she was a child, was already very prominent. How could they cover such a beautiful face that seemed to be carved specifically by the Gods? Her face was of perfect symmetry, and she had tiny red lips, a pair of large brilliant blue-green eyes, and long brown hair that hung so beautifully…     

Lauriel took a pair of oversized nerdy-looking glasses from his pocket and put them on Aleksis' head, "These glasses are normal glasses, so it's OK for you to wear them. Their ugly shape will cover your beautiful face..."     

He then ruffled the girl's hair and a moment later Aleksis looked like a shabby nerd.     

Finland covered her lips and sighed in agreement, "Very good... If Aleksis wants to go out alone, she can dress up like this and the bodyguards should only look after her from afar."     

Aleksis, who didn't care about her appearance, just shrugged. Whatever it was she did not mind as long as her parents wouldn't become worried.     

"Can you tell me what happened? Start from when you were kidnapped by the two criminals until you met this... er... Prince Siegfried?" Caspar asked her.     

"Uhmm... I lost my way and asked a friendly-looking couple to show me the way to the Continental Hotel at a gas station. They said they were heading that direction and offered to drive me..." Aleksis explained.     

"During the drive I realized they were taking me somewhere else, so I beat them up and opened the car door. I jumped out when the car was still speeding. Big Brother - Prince Siegfried, who happened to pass by, helped me and took me to his house... It was a huuuuge mansion... There were many bonsai plants in his garden. He loves gardening and he is great at it. His garden is sooooo beautiful. He also treated my wounds until I recovered. Well, he actually wanted to take me home right away... but unfortunately, because my head hit the asphalt, I could not remember anything, so he took me sailing, and when I was cleaning the fish I called him Prince Siegfried... then it seems he called Uncle Rory... "     

"Cleaning fish?" Finland looked astonished, not seeing the connection between the fish and Prince Siegfried. "What does cleaning fish have to do with him?"     

"Oh... actually I pretended to drown, because I wanted to trick him, so he would jump into the water... Prince Siegfried then jumped into the water to help me... His clothes got wet and when he took off his clothes to dry them, I saw the dragon tattoo... and spontaneously I called him Prince Siegfried... maybe that was when he thought of Uncle Rory..."     

Lauriel nodded, "Ten years ago Aleksis also called him Prince Siegfried too on the train. Maybe it reminded him of me... then he contacted me."     

"If he contacted you, then you must have his phone number... We can contact him to say thank you..." Finland said.     

Lauriel shook his head, "I don't think he would be so careless."     

He picked up his phone and dialed the number which he received the SMS from. Suddenly, a cellphone rang in Aleksis' room.     

"Uh... that's my phone. Prince Siegfried gave it to me. He said he put his number there so I could contact him... but last night I found that he had deleted the number..." Aleksis took her cellphone from her room and showed it to her family with a sad expression.     

"He didn't contact me with his own cellphone, but the cellphone he gave to Aleksis," Lauriel said while rolling his eyes, as if saying 'what did I say?'     

"Hmmm... this person is very suspicious... Why is he so secretive about himself?" Caspar couldn't help wondering.     

Jadeith, who was listening to their conversation, suddenly butted in.     

"Uhm, sorry... this dragon tattoo... is the dragon tattoo located on the right chest?" he asked them.     

Lauriel and Aleksis looked at him and nodded in unison.     

"Yes. Do you know anything about it?" Lauriel asked.     

Jadeith nodded slowly, "I don't know if this has anything to do with it... But Famke also had a dragon tattoo on her right chest... I often worked together with her in the past, so I was quite close to her and she once showed me her tattoo."     


Everyone looked at each other in surprise.     

What was the young man's relationship with Famke?     



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