The Alchemists

Terry... Eww

Terry... Eww

After they finished eating, Terry invited Aleksis to walk around the campus and to show her the important places.     

"I'm currently the head of the drama club, and we're planning a big show. What club are you interested to join?" Terry asked as they finally sat down on the lawn to rest.     

"Which club has a lot of girls?" Aleksis asked back. "I want to have female friends."     

"Hm... well, there are a lot of females in the drama club. The campus newspaper club also has many girls. But you don't like writing, do you?"     

"Hmm... no. Then I'll just join the drama club."     

"Okay, next Monday, after the lectures, we will have an afternoon meeting in the auditorium." Terry bit on a grass stem and leaned against a tree while flipping through his book and writing something. "Oh, yeah... do you live in the dorm?"     

Aleksis nodded. "Yeah, I've never lived in a dorm before. It must be nice. I can make friends with other girls."     

"What's so good about being friends with a girl?" Terry asked, shrugging, "They are noisy, they giggle all the time, they also only talk about makeup and guys... You will get bored quickly."     

"Gosh... it's only right you don't have a girlfriend!" Aleksis blamed. "Your views on girls are so skeptical."     

"Didn't you notice that I can easily get a girlfriend if I wanted to?" Terry asked with a smile.     

Of course, Aleksis noticed that. She still remembered the look of adoration from the girls in the cafeteria earlier, and how they looked at Aleksis with hatred because they thought she was Terry's girlfriend.     

But it wouldn't be Aleksis if she didn't tease her brother further. She shook her head and frowned naively, as if not understanding Terry's question.     

"Really? I don't believe you can easily get a girlfriend... You think too highly of yourself," she said nonchalantly.     

Terry looked at her in disbelief. "Jeez... do you think I'm lying?"     

Aleksis nodded. "You are so skeptical of girls, surely that is because no girl wants you."     

Terry was baited and immediately stood up. He pointed his finger to a very beautiful girl who was passing by with a stack of books.     

"Hey... what's your name?" Terry asked, approaching the girl.     

The girl immediately froze in her place; she did not expect that one of the most popular guys on campus would talk to her.     

She stammered, "I... I'm Rosemary..."     

"Hello, Rosemary. My name is Terrence Chan. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Terry asked bluntly.     

Rosemary widened her eyes and she subconsciously dropped her books.     

Terry chuckled seeing the incident. He bowed and picked up Rosemary's books and handed them to the girl who stood there staring at him without blinking. Rosemary was too stunned to accept her books from Terry.     

"So...? Will you be my girlfriend?" Terry asked again.     

Rosemary immediately nodded shyly.     

Aleksis, who saw the incident, could only facepalm herself.     

Gosh... Terry really wanted to prove that he could easily get a girlfriend.     

Terry glanced over at Aleksis to show off his victory, then leaned toward Rosemary and touched her chin with his right hand, while his left hand still carried the girl's books, and he expertly tilted his face to softly kiss her lips.     

The girl seemed bewitched and accepted Terry's kiss with resignation. A few seconds later she closed her eyes and took in Terry's kiss and they kissed intimately, while Aleksis looked away to hold her nausea.     


Terry took her teasing too seriously...     

Aleksis, who did not want to watch her brother's intimacy with another girl, hurriedly carried her bag and ran away. She had been tortured enough with her parents being lovey dovey all the time at home. At least when she was in college and away from home, she didn't need to experience the same torture from Terry, right?     


Because she was in a hurry, she did not see her way properly and bumped into the back of a young man who was walking while looking down at his cellphone.     

"Aw! It hurts..." Aleksis slammed to the ground because the impact of the collision was so strong and the young man's back felt like it was made of steel!     

"Hey, are you alright?" asked the young man, turning to help Aleksis. He hurriedly kept his cellphone in his pocket and approached Aleksis who was on the ground.     

"My ass hurts..." complained Aleksis while patting her hands on her thighs and buttocks. "Jeez... luckily I didn't fall sitting down, I could be paralyzed..."     

Her face was filled with horror. Fortunately, she was fine. She could not imagine if she had been slammed to the ground and fell on her tailbone, she was certain that she would be paralyzed or blind. Thinking of this made her shudder.     

"So be careful when walking..." said the young man, shaking his head.     

"What do you eat every day? How can you be this strong???" Aleksis grumbled. "I am used to bumping into people and never I have ever been slammed on the ground like this..."     

Aleksis was a careless girl who regularly bumped into people when she walked. Fortunately, her physical body was so strong that she was never hurt nor slammed to the ground.     

That was why she was very surprised, because this time she felt like she bumped into a thick and hard wall that made her body bounce when they accidentally collided.     

"What do I eat?" The young man actually couldn't accept that his food had to bear the blame for the girl's carelessness. She was the one walking around without paying attention to her surroundings. So, he decided to reply to the girl, "It depends on my mood. If I am in a bad mood I like eating people, you know! My favorite menu is a careless girl who likes bumping into others and doesn't want to take responsibility."     

"Gosh...!!" Aleksis raised her face when she heard the young man's voice. In her mind she blamed him for causing her to fall. "You...!"     

Her words stopped midair. His face looked very familiar.     



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