The Alchemists

The Man Who Loves Bonsai

The Man Who Loves Bonsai

Aleksis was surprised because her wounds healed very quickly. Fortunately, there were no internal injuries or broken bones, so within 3 days she could recover.     

Now, all she had to do was find out who her family was... and go home.     

Her savior seemed very busy. He only came to visit once a day to make sure his staff took good care of Aleksis. Until now he still did not want to introduce himself.     

"I also don't know your name, Little girl. So, I have no obligation to tell you mine..." he said with a smile when he visited Aleksis that afternoon and the girl tried to ask for his name again.     

"Then what should I call you?" Aleksis asked stubbornly.     

"You can call me 'Big brother'. I can call you Little girl. It feels fair then," the young man replied with a shrug. Aleksis finally had no choice but to agree.     

"Alright... Uhm, if you manage to find my parents, they will be very grateful and give you lots of gifts..." Aleksis said later.     

"Thank you, but I don't need anything," said the young man, smiling faintly. He spread his arms to show his mansion. "I have everything."     

Aleksis confirmed this inwardly. This mansion was very large and luxurious, so it only made sense that the owner was already very rich.     

Maybe it's true he didn't need material things. But what about things that couldn't be valued in money...?     

"I know you're rich ... But there must be something you want in life. My father can make it happen, whatever it is." Aleksis insisted. She hadn't been able to remember many things, but she knew for sure that her father was very powerful and able to materialize whatever dreams a person had.     

The young man frowned at Aleksis' words.     

"Do you know who your father is? You want me to call him?"     

"Uhmm... That's not it. I can't remember him, but clearly, I know that my father is very powerful. If we can find him, he will return the favor because you have helped me..."     

"Hmm... Alright. I believe you." The man ruffled Aleksis' hair and smiled faintly. "Are you feeling better? Do you want to come with me for a walk outside? It must be uncomfortable to stay in the room for days."     

Aleksis nodded and immediately got out of bed, then followed the man towards the garden. She was astonished because her condition had greatly improved, even though she had only been treated for three days.     

They walked out the door of the mansion into the vast backyard. White marble steps from the back door descend into a green garden full of flowers and bonsai* trees. The garden gave Aleksis a very cool and peaceful feeling.     

"This is such a beautiful garden..." Aleksis said admiringly.     

"Thank you. I love gardening," the young man answered with a happy smile. He knew his garden was very beautiful, but of course, it was always nice to hear the praise from others.     

He took a pair of plant shears from the branches of a tree and meticulously began to cut several small branches from a beautiful banyan bonsai tree at the very front.     

"Big brother, you are very talented," said Aleksis. "Aside from gardening, what else are your hobbies?"     

The young man answered question after question from Aleksis lightly while arranging his plants meticulously, "I like riding, mountain climbing, sailing... hmmm... and many more."     

"Ah, me too. I most enjoy sailing in the Caribbean with Uncle Rory. He said when I turn 17 years old and my freediving skills are as good as his, I will be invited to take the pirate's treasure chests in Barbados."     

"Uncle Rory? What about your father?" asked the young man in response to Aleksis' story. "Don't you have parents anymore?"     

Aleksis could only shake her head. She remembered the name Uncle Rory but could not remember her parents...     

Hmm... did that mean that her mother and father were gone?     

The thought immediately made her chest feel tight.     

"Hey... don't be sad. Maybe your parents are still there, you just can't remember them. Give yourself time. In three days, you have recovered and now remember your uncle's name. Maybe tomorrow you can remember the others..." Seeing Aleksis' almost crying face, the young man put down his shears and approached Aleksis to wipe her tears, comforting the girl. "Do you remember Uncle Rory's full name?"     

Aleksis shook her head. "I do not remember."     

"Well... maybe if I take you sailing, you will be able to remember his real name." The young man finally decided, "I will take you to Harbourfront tomorrow; I have a catamaran there. We can sail and enjoy the sun. Who knows your memories of sailing with Uncle Rory will return and you can remember his name..."     

"I will be very happy..." said Aleksis. She no longer felt sad.     

The young man returned to his bonsai and Aleksis sat watching him. They said nothing more for half an hour.     

Aleksis then explored the garden and admired the man's other bonsai works. Even though she had just been injured and couldn't remember about herself and her family, Aleksis was not worried at all. Somehow this place made her feel at peace.     


* Bonsai is a Japanese art form using cultivation techniques to produce, in containers, small trees that mimic the shape and scale of full size trees. The purposes of bonsai are primarily contemplation for the viewer, and the pleasant exercise of effort and ingenuity for the grower     

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