The Alchemists

Let's go sailing!

Let's go sailing!

Aleksis had been in his house for a week and their relationship had become closer, especially since they spent a lot of time in the library reading and working together. The girl no longer felt reluctant to ask questions about her savior.     

She was curious because she had not seen his family; not even a photo on the wall of the house.     

"Uhm... Where is your family, Big brother?" Aleksis asked, observing the various books on the shelves. She tried to make her questions sound as casual as possible. "Are they abroad?"     

The young man, whose face always looked so gentle, was suddenly surrounded by a dark aura. Aleksis immediately regretted asking him about his family; it seemed to inflict a wound on her savior's heart.     

"I have no family," he replied, unwilling to prolong the conversation. He again busied himself with his laptop and paid no attention to Aleksis.     

"Sorry if I offended you..." Aleksis pinched herself. Now it was clear that family was a sensitive topic for this young man. Maybe he somehow lost his family.     

Aleksis tried to lighten the atmosphere by talking about her own family. "I remember now that I have two younger siblings. Their names are London and Rune. Maybe you can do a search with that information..."     

The young man raised his face from the laptop, "London and Rune? Your brothers' names are unusual. Can you remember your name already?"     

Aleksis shook her head.     

"I can only remember Uncle Rory and my two younger siblings... Can't you find information from those three names?"     

"Hmm... unfortunately not. I need your last name, or at least, the name of your parents... or your uncle's full name."     

Aleksis shook her head. "Uhm... how about we sail as originally planned? I might be able to remember more things if I went out of the house and do the things I am used to doing..."     

The young man turned to the window to see the weather outside. He then walked to the terrace and raised his hand in the air, then nodded, "The weather is good. It won't rain at all tomorrow. We can sail."     

"Great! Shall we go now?" Aleksis asked happily.     

"Ahahaha... you're too excited. Hm... okay, prepare your gear, then wait for me in the living room in an hour. I need to finish a little work."     

Aleksis was so excited that she jumped and hugged the man and ran out of the library with lightning speed. The man just shook his head at the excited girl's behavior.     

An hour later when he went into the living room, Aleksis was ready with a duffel bag hanging on her back. Her blue-green eyes seemed to sparkle with joy.     

"We will only sail for one day, tomorrow we come home. Why bring such a big bag?" he asked Aleksis.     

"I brought a change of clothes, a swimsuit, snorkel gear and some books to read." the girl answered proudly. "I am used to sailing so I know what to bring."     

"Aha. Can you snorkel? Can you dive? I have diving equipment on the boat too."     

"I can dive, but I prefer free diving. I can hold my breath in the water for up to 3 minutes." Aleksis exclaimed proudly.     

"Wow... that's great! It looks like you're really a special child." The man nodded in admiration. He then ruffled Aleksis' hair and took her out. "Let's go."     

A large motorbike was parked in the yard and the man swiftly placed Aleksis' bag and his own bag at the front, then mounted the motorcycle and wore a helmet. He then handed another helmet to Aleksis and gave a sign for the girl to get on.     

"Why not take the car? I see that you have two cars in the garage," Aleksis said after sitting in the backseat.     

"Do you think driving a car is more fun? We can enjoy the wind and direct sunlight when riding a motorbike," the man replied, "I only use the car when it's raining."     

Inwardly Aleksis agreed. Indeed, it felt freer and more enjoyable to ride with a motorbike. It was just that in her family no one rides a motorbike. They always went everywhere with chauffeurs. So, riding a motorbike like this was an exciting new experience for her.     

"I like riding motorbikes." Aleksis said as she put her tiny arms around his waist. "Big brother, you look so cool riding this motorbike. You're the coolest person I've ever met."     

"Haha... you're so cute, Little girl." The man just chuckled at Aleksis' blunt words and began to advance his motorbike. The mansion's gates opened automatically and they quickly headed out to the harbor.     


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