The Alchemists



Aleksis had an amazing running speed for her age, but unfortunately, she was not familiar with the areas in Singapore. She had come to this city only several times before and had never traveled alone.     

 When Terry saw that Aleksis was running after him, he immediately entered a small bubble tea shop and hid under the seller's counter. He quickly waved 50 dollars to the bubble tea seller and the man immediately understood that the boy wanted to hide, and the man should pretend not to see him.     

 "Ugh... where is that boy?" Aleksis muttered in annoyance. She was very sure that Terry was running in this direction, but within a fraction of a second, her brother had disappeared. Aleksis then directed her gaze at the bubble tea merchant of a small kiosk who seemed busy arranging his equipment.     

 "Uncle, have you seen a boy wearing a black shirt running past here?" she asked the merchant. The man nodded and pointed westward. Aleksis thanked him and then started running to the direction the bubble tea merchant was pointing at.     

 One minute later, after he was sure that Aleksis had disappeared from his sight, Terry went out of hiding and placed the 50 dollars on the merchant's counter. He then quickly disappeared.     

 Jadeith and Caspar's other bodyguards arrived 30 seconds later but they did not see anyone. Ugh... Jadeith immediately called a number and spoke quickly.     

 While waiting for the report from the person he just contacted, Jadeith walked back to the Continental Hotel. His eyes carefully scanned his surroundings. His face looked very worried.     

 He hoped that nothing bad would happen to Aleksis and Terry.     

 His cellphone rang when he almost arrived at the Continental Hotel. Caspar was still standing and waiting at the hotel lobby while Finland and their two children were told to go up to the penthouse to eat because Rune was starving.     

 "So?" Jadeith asked quickly.     

The answer he received from the man on the other end of the phone made his face turn pale. Caspar, who noticed the change in his expression, realized that something bad must have happened.     

 "Tell me what happened." He told Jadeith.     

Jadeith couldn't suppress the fear in his voice as he spoke, "I couldn't find them, so I asked the security center to access all the CCTVs around the last location I saw Aleksis. They saw her taken into a car that went towards Harbourfront. My men are tracking the car... I'm waiting for further news..."     

 Caspar clenched his hands in fury.     

 His daughter was taken by strangers...!! This was truly the nightmare of every parent.     

 Watch out… if they dare to lay a single finger on Aleksis...     

 Caspar was furious, but he realized there was no one to blame. Aleksis had good intentions when she chased after Terry. They both got a head start and ran too fast for Jadeith to catch up... his men were doing their best to track down Aleksis' whereabouts.     

Now he could only wait...     

 He hated waiting without being able to do anything and this situation tortured him.     


 Aleksis, who was sitting in the backseat of the car, looked at their whereabouts outside and frowned. She did not remember this area.     

 "Hey, Uncle and Auntie... I don't think I ran too far from the Continental Hotel... Why are we driving for so long?" she asked the woman in her 30s who was sitting next to her. "Are we lost? Earlier you told me that you can take me back to the hotel... why are we going this way?"     

 The woman smiled calmly, "No, we are not lost, we just need to go somewhere first and then we will take you home..."     

 Aleksis arrived at a crossroad after running at the direction pointed by the merchant. She couldn't find Terry anywhere and after some time she realized that she was lost. She finally gave up looking for her brother because she was not familiar with the city of Singapore. She didn't even know where she was.     

 When she saw a husband and wife filling gas at a gas station near to where she was, she came to them to ask for directions. The couple looked very friendly and they said that they would drive past the Continental Hotel soon and offered to drive her there. Hearing that, Aleksis felt very relieved and accepted their offer and got in the couple's car.     

 But now 15 minutes had passed and they haven't arrived yet. They were on a route that she had never seen before and now Aleksis began to feel anxious.     

 "Please drop me off here..." she said finally. "I'll just take a taxi..."     

 "There is no need, dear. We will take you..." the woman said again. She gave a signal to her husband and he stepped on the gas so the car could run faster. Aleksis realized that the couple had no intention to bring her back to the hotel. Her face turned pale.     

 "Let me go!! If my father catches you, your regrets won't be of any use... Let me out now before my dad finds out that you kidnapped me..." said Aleksis in a loud voice. "I'm not asking twice!"     

 The woman looked at Aleksis and smiling mockingly, "Ha... you sure are a wild child. I can tell there will be many men who will want to buy you... Children like you sell really well."     

 Aleksis hit the woman and tried to open the door, but her husband hurriedly activated the central lock on the car so that Aleksis could not get out.     

 "Aww... you hit me! You wild child!!" The woman tried to hit back but Aleksis pulled her body and lifted her legs to kick her head mercilessly many times, then she slammed her shoulder into the driver's seat, startling the driver.     

 Aleksis moved to the center of the car and tried to pull the steering wheel away from the male kidnapper, who was trying hard to balance the vehicle under this speed and pressure.     

 "Hey, kid!! Do you want to get us all killed?!!" the man exclaimed, trying to get rid of Aleksis' hand so he could drive the car without stumbling. Aleksis did not give up; she forced herself on to the man's thigh and pulled the car's central lock open. It all happened very fast.     

 Once the central lock was open, she quickly moved to the passenger side and opened the door. The car was still driving fast when Aleksis jumped out of the car. Her body slammed hard to the asphalt.     

 Blood flowed from her temple and Aleksis fell unconscious.     

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