The Alchemists

Aleksis and Her Savior (2)

Aleksis and Her Savior (2)

Aleksis opened her eyes and found herself lying in a large, comfortable bed. Her head hurt a lot, and she groaned while clutching her forehead.     

"Don't move too much..." Suddenly a gentle voice came from the window. A young man who had been sitting and absentmindedly looking out of the window suddenly turned his head when he heard Aleksis' voice. "How do you feel?"     

Aleksis squinted her eyes at the direction where the voice came from and saw the man who asked how she was.     

The sunlight from the window blocked Aleksis' view so she could not see the person's face well. He looked like he was emitting a halo around his head.     

"Who are you? Where am I?" Aleksis asked in a weak voice.     

"You're in my house. I saw you jump out of a speeding car last night and I brought you here to be treated. You're lucky to be alive." The man walked over to Aleksis and sat on the edge of the bed. He placed his hand on her forehead to check her temperature, "Hmm... you're not feverish."     

"You saved me...?" Aleksis was finally able to see the young man's face and for a moment she was stunned.     

She had never seen such a gentle face with a calm, cool expression like this. His long hair and his beautiful face almost made Aleksis thought he was a woman.     

She was dumbfounded for one long second and felt that the halo of sunlight coming in through the window suited this angel very well. She had never seen a creature more beautiful than this.     

"Hmm..." The young man looked at Aleksis carefully, "What's your name and where are your parents? I don't like dealing with the police, so I can't take you to the hospital, but I can contact your family..."     

Aleksis frowned. She tried to gather all her memory, but she could not remember anything important. Finally, after thinking hard for a few minutes, she could only shake her head weakly.     

"I do not know..."     

"Hmmm... Maybe you lost your memory because your head hit the asphalt..." The man sighed. His face looked very sorry to see the state Aleksis was in. "I'll try to find out who you were with in the car yesterday. They might be able to give information about your family."     

Aleksis bit her lip. At first, she felt afraid because she was in a strange place and could not remember anything, but when she saw the man's face, her heart slowly began to calm down. She only felt peace and zen emanating from the man who helped her.     

"Th... thank you... for saving me..." she said quietly.     

"Hmm..." The man nodded. He touched Aleksis' wounded forehead and examined the condition of her wound, "You're lucky because I still have some very good medicine. The wound on your forehead will heal soon and it won't leave a scar. A girl shouldn't have a scar on her body..."     

He then walked out and called for someone, and a moment later a maid came carrying a tray of food and drinks into the room.     

"You have to eat to get better. Later we will think about how to find your family. I will leave you and give you some privacy. If you need to call me you can use this cellphone, my number is in it."     

The man placed a cellphone on the bedside table, then stepped out of the room. Aleksis watched him leave until he disappeared from the door and then pondered. She tried to remember who she was and what had happened last night. There was nothing she managed to remember.     

Ugh... She tried to hold back her tears so as not to fall. Crying wouldn't help, thought Aleksis. She then ate the food provided on the tray and began to think of ways to find information about herself.     

After eating, Aleksis paid attention to her clothes. The clothes she was wearing looked clean and new, probably bought for her by her savior earlier. She will ask for her old clothes, who knows there might be some information she could get from there.     


The man who saved Aleksis was sitting in the library with his laptop open. He was trying to find information on what happened last night. In front of him stood two stiff-faced men dressed in black.     

"Master... we found a car similar to the car you are looking for. The car was dumped in the harbor and was just lifted from the water this morning." The man in black was the first to give his report.     

The man called Master nodded slowly. His eyes stared at his laptop screen and saw a news video on the internet about a car found drowned in the harbor area. His eyes peered at the model and color of the car and realized it was indeed the car he had seen last night.     

He tried to look for news about the victim drowning in the car or news about the missing child but did not find any news about the mysterious girl he helped.     

"Any news about the driver?" he asked, raising his face, staring at the second man, "This might be a kidnapping case. The girl was wearing very expensive clothes, so I suspect that she's a rich kid kidnapped by a criminal and she tried to run away."     

"We found two bodies in a warehouse, near the harbor. Their conditions are terrible." The second man seemed to frown, withholding nausea, "Maybe they have angered a mafia group or an influential government official... We are still checking whether they have anything to do with the kidnapper. The sinking car has fake documents, so we can't find out who the real owner is."     

"All right. You guys continue to search for information underground and report to me immediately if there is anything important."     

The two men nodded respectfully and then immediately left to do their work.     


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