The Alchemists

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Schneider!

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Schneider!

Finland was amazed to see so many old buildings and historical monuments scattered in the city. Time seemed to stop for her as she enjoyed the beauty of the city famous all over the world as the city of love.     

[Happy birthday, Finland. May you always be happy.] Came a text from Jean while they were sitting enjoying crepes in Trocadero.     

Finland knew that this past week Jean had been very busy with fashion week, but he still had the time to exchange news with Finland. The problem was that Finland hadn't had the chance to tell Jean that she was already in Paris now.     

[Thank you. I can't wait to see you tomorrow to get a birthday present from you... hahaha.] She replied Jean's message jokingly.     

[Relax, I've prepared it. By the way, what gift did your husband give you for your birthday?]     

Finland turned to Caspar and realized that Caspar had not given her a birthday present yet.     

She pursed her lips and pondered whether she should ask for a gift or not? Maybe the gift was their trip to Paris, their stay in a beautiful penthouse, and their dinner with a private chef… or… was breakfast in bed considered a birthday present?     

"Who was the text from?" Caspar asked.     

"Jean. He wished me a happy birthday. I asked him for a birthday present..." Finland said. She studied Caspar's face and tried to judge his expression. Would this make Caspar realize that he hasn't given her any birthday present yet?     

"Oh..." Caspar didn't continue his question, which convinced Finland that this holiday was Caspar's birthday present for her.     

All the miracles she experienced in Paris was indeed an amazing birthday present, and she felt grateful. Caspar didn't need to give her any more items as an extra gift.     

"I still have a birthday present for you." Suddenly Caspar said those magical words.     


Just when Finland stopped thinking about gifts, Caspar uttered that sentence, to the surprise of the girl.     

"I'll give it to you after dinner." He pointed at the Eiffel Tower, "I reserved a space at the restaurant above for us."     

Oh... apparently the surprise on her birthday was not over yet...!     

Caspar never stopped impressing her.     

The restaurant above the Eiffel Tower was closed to the public that night. The dining experience felt far more memorable to Finland compared to her dinner at the Singapore Flyer.     

Another plus point was that Paris was more romantic than Singapore, and tonight was special because it was Finland's first birthday as Caspar's wife. Finland didn't know if she ever felt this happy before...     

They both ate a lovely dinner, high in the sky, overlooking the beautiful city of Paris. Finland couldn't stop shuddering because she was so impressed.     

"This is amazing... This is wonderful..." she whispered.     

Caspar had never seen such a happy expression on his wife's face before. He could not bear not to take photos. With his cellphone, he took several photographs of Finland.     

Behind her was the city of Paris. The girl looked like an angel with her innocent happy face, making Caspar even more infatuated with her.     

"Honey... I have a birthday present for you..." He finally placed his cellphone down, took out a small box from his pocket, and handed it to Finland. "Happy birthday, Mrs. Schneider."     

"W... what's this?"     

Finland opened the box and found a ring studded with a brilliant blue gem that immediately reminded her of the color of Caspar's eyes.     

"That's my mother's ring." Caspar explained as he placed it on Finland's finger. The girl was still wearing her engagement ring, which had a pink diamond, on her left ring finger. Now, each of Finland's hand held a different colored diamond ring that was very beautiful. "I have kept my mother's ring for decades, and if I miss her, I would take out and hold this ring. For the past few months, ever since I was with you, I no longer feel the sadness that I used to whenever I think of my mother. Therefore, I want you to keep this ring. For me, now, with you by my side, I can finally let go of my parents..."     

Finland was out of words. She knew how much her husband loved his parents, and for decades since their death, he was still in grief.     

She did not expect that today, Caspar finally let them go and gave his mother's ring to Finland. It served as a symbol that he wanted to start a new happy life with her, without being shaded by the sadness of the death of his parents.     

Finland shed tears and nodded slowly. "Thank you. I am very touched. This is the best birthday present I have ever received. Thank you..."     

Caspar grabbed her hand and shook his head, "I thank you, Honey, for willing to share your life with me. Now I feel that my life is complete. I have never been truly happy since my father and mother died. Since I am with you, I can again enjoy my long life with a happy heart. I promise I will be the best husband for you and the best father for our children."     

Finland got up and kissed Caspar lovingly. Her husband responded with a happy heart. They kissed passionately and were quickly filled with intense emotions, that they couldn't keep their hands off each other.     

When the atmosphere began to heat up both Caspar and Finland let out a disappointed sigh when they realized that they were still on top of the Eiffel Tower.     

"Uff... we should have just had dinner at the penthouse..." complained Caspar. He had to hold back his urge and released his arms from Finland. "Want to go home now?"     

Finland nodded silently. They hurriedly finished their champagne and returned to the penthouse to continue where they left off moments before.     

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