The Alchemists

Jean Pierre Wang's New Girlfriend

Jean Pierre Wang's New Girlfriend

They then went to Jean's mother's house to have dinner together. Rosalind Marchal welcomed them at the door with a cheerful face.     

The French woman was dressed in a very elegant black dress that wrapped her body beautifully. She paired it with a silk scarf. You would never guess that she was nearly 50 years old. Finland was very pleased to hear Rosalind speak with her thick French accent and kept calling her "ma cherie" (my dear).     

"Where have you all been?" Rosalind asked Finland at dinner. "What's your favorite place in Paris?"     

"Uhmm... we've been to Sacre Coeur, then the Louvre and D'Orsay museum, Trocadero, Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre Dame... Oh yes, we also went to the Palace of Versailles. Everything is good, I don't have a favorite place, because I love everything."     

"Oh, very good!" Rosalind nodded. "I'm glad you finally came here. Jean Pierre told me a lot about you. He said that you are both going to Colmar tomorrow?"     

"Yeah, I can't wait. I saw the pictures on Google, it's beautiful..."     

"If I'm not mistaken, Jean Pierre went to Colmar a few times last year. It must have a special meaning for him."     

"Maman, don't reveal too many secrets about me. You will ruin my surprise..." Jean frowned when her mother called him by his full name. "Besides, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Jean."     

"Ahh... you will always be Jean Pierre for Maman," Rosalind chuckled. Apparently, she was deliberately teasing her son. She knew how much Jean wanted to become famous by only his first name.     

Finland knew that the mother and son were very busy and rarely meet, but she was very happy to see their closeness. They bantered and laughed just like friends during dinner.     

A hint of envy sneaked in her heart because she did not have a mother. Indeed, Jean's parents divorced when he was 5 years old and he grew up alone and lonely. However, his relationship with his mother had improved after he moved to France 4 years ago and Finland could see for herself how they now compliment and teased each other like friends.     

Rosalind also sounded very proud of her son when they were discussing Jean's projects.     

"There seems to be something special at Colmar..." Finland commented as they drove back to Jean's apartment in the car Jean took from his mother's house. "By the way, I looked for route information for our trip for tomorrow on Google Maps. If we take a train to Colmar, it would only take us 3 hours. Driving would take us 5 hours. Why don't we just take the train since it's faster?"     

"Because I like driving to Colmar," Jean answered, still in a mysterious tone. "Tomorrow you will understand."     

Finland could not imagine what surprise Jean had prepared for her in Colmar, but she became very excited. She had received 15 gifts so far and all of them were amazing!     

[How is your vacation so far?] Asked Caspar that night before Finland went to sleep.     

[Amazing. I like all the places we visited, and today we had dinner with Jean's mother.]     

[Rosalind Marchal?]     

[Do you know Jean's mother?]     

[Uhm... I know everything about Jean.]     

Oh, Finland almost forgot that Caspar was 'omniscient'. He could easily get access to information about anyone. Finland did not forbid him to stalk Jean, only herself. Of course, Caspar could know anything about Jean if he wanted to.     

Finland was tempted to ask Caspar what Jean wanted to show her at Colmar, but she managed to hold back because she didn't want to spoil the surprise that Jean prepared for her.     

[OK. You can know everything about Jean. By the way, did Famke and Ivan report anything about me?] Finland asked to change the subject.     

[They did not report anything. Their job is just to keep you safe. Why don't you believe that I'm not stalking you?]     

[That is not what I mean. I'm just kidding.] Finland shook her head when she read the SMS from Caspar. [I believe in you.]     


Finland felt that the tone of Caspar's writing became rather cold, and she could guess why. Perhaps Caspar was holding himself back from acting jealous, but that was very difficult for him to do.     

[We are going to Colmar tomorrow. I have to sleep soon. We can chat more after I come back from Colmar.]     

[OK. Have a good sleep.]     

[Have a good sleep.]     

In Germany, Caspar put his phone down with a grim face. His laptop that was on the desk showed several pictures from an entertainment news website.     

The page showed some pictures of Jean and Finland sitting in a cafe, drinking glow wine near Sacre Coeur. Next to it was a photo of Jean carrying Finland on his back while climbing up to Montmartre. Another picture was of Jean and Finland laughing happily in Disneyland.     

The news had a big headline that read:     


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