The Alchemists

The Coffee Was A Little Off

The Coffee Was A Little Off

"Do you want to stay, or do you prefer that we go back to Paris?" Jean asked during breakfast the next day. "I will do as you wish. We still have a week."     

Finland tried to swallow her food with difficulty, then shook her head. "I want to go home... I don't want to linger here any longer. Every corner of the city makes me sad..."     

"Okay, I understand."     

After breakfast, they packed their belongings and prepared to return to Paris that very day. The atmosphere on the trip back was very different compared to when they departed and sang happily to Billie Yves's music. Jean still played Billie's music, but both just kept quiet along the way, busy with their respective thoughts.     

Finland pondered for a long time. Jean knew all the secrets about Caspar and the Alchemists, and she was sure that Jean would not divulge their secrets. She would defy Caspar and not give Jean the potion, as suggested by Caspar and his family. She was no longer willing, because she already considered Jean her only family.     

After learning that her father passed away, Finland's heart felt like it was pierced by a knife and the fact that she was alone in this world made Jean even more important to her. She did not want him to leave just like that…     

If Caspar really loved her, he should be able to accept Finland's decision...     

When they arrived back at Jean's apartment, she immediately unpacked her suitcase and took the memory potion out of it. Feeling slightly angry, she threw the contents in the sink.     

If she threw away the potion, of course, Caspar could not force her to erase Jean's memory. Aldebar was not there to make a new potion, so Caspar had no choice but to let Jean go...     

"What is that?" asked Jean in surprise.     

"Medicine... I don't need it anymore," Finland said. She then threw the bottle away in the trash.     

"Oh..." Jean shrugged, "Your face looked very upset when you took out the medicine. I thought something must be wrong..."     

"It's okay, I'm still sad... That's all."     

Finland decided to sleep early. Her head felt heavy ever since she knew about her father's death and she had no enthusiasm to do anything. Caspar was still trying to call her, but she really didn't want to talk to anyone.     

[I am sorry, please don't bother me. I'm grieving. I don't want to talk to anyone...]     

[If you are grieving, I should be there by your side. I know you asked for two weeks, but I can't take it anymore. I want to see you.]     

[I threw away the potion. You can't make me erase Jean's memory.]     

[We'll talk about that next time. I'm going to Paris tomorrow.]     

Finland did not reply. She missed Caspar but right now her heart felt icy. She was not willing to lose her friend to protect the secrets of the Alchemists. Moreover, she knew for certain that Jean was not someone who would harm them. If Caspar came tomorrow, Finland would demand him to let go of Jean.     

The next day, Finland's mood improved a little. She read her father's book and tried to understand what was in her father's head when writing his poems.     

"Do you want to accompany me to Maman's house to return the car?" Jean asked after they had breakfast. "I rarely use the car, so I put it there deliberately. That way I won't be bothered by it."     

"I'm not feeling well, Jean. Sorry, I think I won't come with you..." Finland said in a sorry voice. She didn't want to go anywhere, and her body felt very weak. "I have a headache and I feel like throwing up."     

"Hmm... let me get some essential oil." Jean took a small bottle of citrus essential oil from the cabinet and handed it to Finland. "Try rubbing this on your neck and hands. It will make you feel better."     

Finland obeyed. "Thank you. It smells good."     

"You just rest. Do you want me to bring something for you from outside? Macaroon or glow wine or something?"     

"I'm fine, thank you. I just want to rest..."     

"Alright. I'll go now."     

Finland tried to sleep again but she still did not feel well. Finally, she continued reading her father's poems to calm down.     

She did not understand a word of the Finnish poems written by her father, but the English poems were quite beautiful and made her realize that her father was a talented writer. It was very unfortunate that he died at such a young age.     

Jean returned in the afternoon with a box of macaroons and glow wine for Finland.     

"I'm sorry I took a while," Jean said as he entered through the door. He placed his gifts on the table and sat on the sofa. "You wouldn't believe it! This fan recognized me and insisted on buying me coffee."     

"Really?" Finland was interested to hear his story. "What's the person like?"     

"She was so beautiful, she tripped while chasing me, so I felt bad for her and decided to drink coffee with her." Jean pulled out his phone, "Hmm... I have a picture to prove it. She asked to take a photo together with my phone, then asked me to send it to her number because she left her phone at home."     

Jean showed a photo on his phone to Finland and Finland's heart suddenly beat fast.     

That was a picture of Jean and Famke!     

Why would Famke pretend to be Jean's fan and invite Jean to drink coffee?     

Was she...     

Did Caspar tell Famke to give Jean the memory potion herself?     

"Jean... the coffee you drank earlier... How did it taste? Was there something strange?" she asked quickly.     

Jean frowned. "Uhmm... I didn't really pay attention, but yeah, the taste of the coffee was a little off. What's wrong?"     

"Uhmm... I know this woman. I don't know why she pretended to be your fan..."     

Finland became very restless. She didn't think Caspar would go this far...     

"Really? Who is she?" asked Jean in confusion.     

"She is one of Caspar's bodyguards. I suspect Caspar wants to do something to you..."     

Instantly Jean patted his forehead, "Gosh, you're right... this is the woman who accompanied Caspar in Seattle. I just remember now... I didn't pay attention before."     

The two looked at each other with pale faces.     

"She is one of Caspar's bodyguards... surely he was the one who told her to meet you and do something..."     

"Why would he do that?" Jean asked.     

"He is jealous of you..."     

"Why does he have to be jealous? He is the one who married you. I should be jealous of him..." Jean grumbled. His face clearly looked worried because he knew how powerful Caspar was. "What should we do? Do you think that girl put something in my drink?"     

"We'd better go to the hospital," Finland said in agreement. "I'm sorry... you are now involved in all this because of me..."     

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault..."     

Jean and Finland quickly went to the hospital to pump out the contents of his stomach to remove all the coffee he drank with Famke. Finland felt very guilty. Jean looked very weak after the doctor pumped his stomach and gave him medicine.     

Finland could only cry. She felt upset because she couldn't do anything.     

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