The Alchemists

Unwanted Surprise

Unwanted Surprise

[Why did you tell Famke to give Jean the memory potion? Is my wish meaningless to you? I asked you to let go of Jean.]     

Finland still did not want to talk on the phone with Caspar because she was afraid she would get so angry and say words that she would later regret. That was why she only vented her frustration via SMS.     

Caspar tried to call her again but Finland would not pick up.     

[I can't sacrifice the secret of my people for Jean's sake. I did ask Famke to switch the potion bottles, so what you threw away was the fake potion. How did you know that Jean was given the memory potion by Famke?]     

[I just know it. Really, I can no longer trust you... How can you have the heart to do this behind my back?]     

[Finland, I love you, but I have responsibilities to my people. You cannot force me to choose you over my people. You know I love you with all my heart, but I cannot betray my people...]     

[I'm not asking you to choose, I'm just asking you not to do things secretly behind my back. If it's like this, how can I trust you? How can I know that you really appreciate my wishes? Lest you've been stalking me all this time too? Famke and Ivan not only protected me but also stalked me...]     

[I swear I didn't stalk you, and I never will. I respect your privacy and your wishes. You don't know how hard it is for me to grant your wish, but I did it for you, even though because of it, I was not the one who found information about your father...]     

[Why do you keep bringing that up? Jean doesn't have access like you do, but he understands what I want, and he looked for my father on his own. Why can't you understand that to me his actions are so valuable? However, you secretly try to erase his memory... What kind of husband are you? It is unfair that you do this just because you're jealous. Can't you understand how important Jean means to me...]     

[Why do you say that? Do you love Jean more than me? Do you want to be with him? Be honest with me.]     

Finland shook her head in annoyance. Her sadness for the past few days had turned into anger because Caspar secretly tried to erase Jean's memory. She understood Caspar's jealousy, but she couldn't accept Caspar's deed, sending Famke behind her back to erase Jean's memory without her knowledge. She felt betrayed.     

She turned off her phone and didn't want to talk to Caspar anymore. She had to make sure that Jean was OK before she could make a decision.     

"Let's go home, you better rest at home..." Finland said worriedly. "I have to make sure you're okay."     

They went home to rest. Along the way, Finland kept wringing her fingers in anxiety. She kept asking how Jean felt.     

"Hmm... I'm a bit dizzy. Hopefully this is caused by the medicine the doctor gave me earlier. We should eat first at a cafe near the building before going home."     

Finland nodded. She hoped that the stomach pumping was successful and the memory potion had not affected Jean's memory yet. She was very worried if anything happened to Jean.     

After dinner, they entered the apartment. On the way in, Jean opened his mailbox and brought his letters and magazines into the apartment.     

"Hey, I forgot to tell you that this month I grace the cover of Upkeep magazine. Do you still remember the interview we had with the journalist in Singapore a few months ago? They postponed the article, and it is only published now. This is the magazine." Jean handed over one of the magazines in his hand to Finland. "Try reading the contents."     

Finland opened the magazine and was immediately amazed to see Jean's photo on the cover. That man looked so devilishly handsome. She immediately opened page 20 where the article about Jean was published.     

"Why... why are there pictures of me here? Did we give them permission to publish these photos?" Finland felt uneasy when she found some of her photos with Jean in the article.     

She remembered that the journalist asked permission to photograph them both in the restaurant because she said Finland and Jean looked very beautiful, but they never gave her permission to publish the photos.     

"Where?" Jean took the magazine and looked at the pictures. "Well... they didn't contact me for permission to use these photos. This can't be... They should have asked permission from you before publishing your pictures like this..."     

His face looked angry. Finland had never seen Jean this angry before. The man immediately took out his phone and tried to contact the editor of the magazine. However, the call was not picked up.     

"Can they be prosecuted for illegally publishing photos?"     

"Yes, they can. I'll contact my lawyer." Replied Jean. He then called his lawyer and asked him to send a summons to the editor of Upkeep magazine.     

Finland looked at her photos with Jean in the magazine. She skimmed through the article and saw a paragraph that made her legs weak.     

"To all ladies who are fans of Jean and want to have his children, you can now contact a fertility clinic in Singapore to get his sperm cells. We obtained exclusive information that a few years ago, Jean and his best friend (or lover?) sold their sperm and eggs to this fertility clinic. We went to the fertility clinic and received top secret information that a lucky couple had embryos from their combined seeds. The child is now already two years old. We can only imagine how beautiful or handsome their child will be for having such good-looking parents."     

Finland's throat felt like it was choked. She had completely forgotten about the incident where she sold her eggs for money. If Jean hadn't reminded her during the interview, she would never have thought about that again.     

What was worse was that she hadn't had the chance to tell Caspar what happened... She didn't know what Caspar would think if he found out about this in such a shocking way…     


She turned on her phone and saw so many messages coming in. She was shaken when she read the messages.     

[Why aren't you replying to my text?]     

[Why is your phone turned off?]     

[What do you want?]     


[Why do you and Jean have a child together?!! You don't even have a child from me yet...]     

Finland immediately called Caspar to explain what had happened, but Caspar did not pick up his phone. Finland tried again and again to call him, but Caspar still did not answer her call... Her heart was instantly filled with anxiety.     



"Are you expecting a guest?" Finland asked Jean. Jean just shrugged. He walked to the door and opened it.     


Jean's astonished voice was quickly replaced by Finland's scream when she saw Famke standing at the door. She immediately remembered that Famke was actually a professional killer. What was she doing here???     

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