The Alchemists

I won what?

I won what?

Aleksis frowned, not understanding what he meant to say. "I won what?"     

Alaric opened his eyes and gave her a small smile, "You won, my lady. I will follow your words. To be honest, I am desperately holding myself back to avoid falling in love with you, because I know our time will be limited, and I don't want to compromise my heart once the time to say goodbye comes... But because you are willing to take the risk, I will too. If you are willing to have your heart broken just for the sake of that someone you love, then I will too ..."     

Aleksis took a few seconds to understand Alaric's words because her mind suddenly refused to work.     

"So you mean ... You want to take this chance and try a relationship with me?" she asked in disbelief.     

Alaric nodded. "I will try to open my heart, accept the fact that our time is limited, and live life to the fullest with you in that short amount of time ... For me now, living 30 years with you is better than living forever without you ..."     

Ah, he must be thinking about our age difference, Aleksis thought. If only Alaric knew that once they get married, Uncle Aldebar would give him an immortality potion which would allow him to live forever like them...     

They would be together for all eternity... not just 30 years.     

These thoughts made Aleksis smile. She was glad that Alaric changed his mind and now wanted to open himself to love. Sooner or later, Aleksis would tell him everything, and then they would no longer worry about trivial things like age differences and background.     

"I'm sure we will have more than 30 years ..." whispered Aleksis happily.     

She approached Alaric and then hugged him emotionally. The man nodded and smiled, sharing her happiness. After that, without hesitation, he stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head.     

Alaric had never felt this happy in his entire life.     

"I'm very pleased to meet you, Little Girl ..." he said quietly. "You are an amazing woman, and I think ... I have fallen in love with you."     

Alaric finally admitted that he was in love with Aleksis!     

Aleksis blushed then she suddenly took the initiative to kiss Alaric. The man was somewhat surprised, thankfully he immediately regained his senses and returned the girl's warm kiss more passionately.     

A few minutes after, Alaric finally let her lips go and then kissed Aleksis' forehead. "Do you want champagne to celebrate tonight?"     

Aleksis nodded.     

Alaric smiled and went to the kitchen to get a bottle of champagne and two glasses.     

So many things happened tonight, he thought. It felt like he had been hit by a storm. From when he saved Aleksis when she fell from the wall in Sky Bar when she disguised herself as a waiter, then rescuing her from Pavel who wanted to throw her from the 100th floor, then realized that they had met for the third time and then learned that for years Aleksis had been obsessed and in love with him. ..     

Tonight Alaric was so moved. Now that he let himself fall in love, he put his reasoning aside to follow his heart,     

Aleksis had completely rendered him helpless.     

With a thin smile, Alaric returned to the living room. "Aleksis, let's drink ..."     

He was surprised to see that Aleksis had already fallen asleep on the sofa even though he had only left her for a few minutes.     

"Gosh ... how come she managed to fall asleep so quickly," he muttered. He glanced at his watch and saw that it was almost 2 am in the morning." She must be so tired ..."     

Alaric returned the champagne and glass to the kitchen and then patiently carried Aleksis to his room so the girl could sleep comfortably.     

He put Aleksis on his bed, turned on the air conditioner, and then covered her with the duvet. She looked so at peace. The man looked at Aleksis' beautiful face until he was satisfied before kissing her forehead.     

"Goodnight, Little Girl," he whispered before leaving the sleeping girl. He then went to the guest room to sleep.     

Despite his great desire to lie next to Aleksis, to cuddle her all night and enjoy her citrus-like scent, Alaric decided to hold back.     

Aleksis had fallen asleep before Alaric could ask for her consent, so he would not violate the girl's trust by doing what Aleksis might not like.     

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