The Alchemists

Punishment for the human traffickers

Punishment for the human traffickers

A large motorbike came to a sudden stop several centimeters from Aleksis' body. The bike was driving behind the kidnapper's car when Aleksis suddenly jumped out. If the driver were not this skilled, surely the motorbike would have run over the girl.     

 The kidnapper's car stopped a few dozen meters ahead, but when the driver saw that a motorbike had stopped near Aleksis, they did not dare to retreat to retrieve the child. A few seconds later, with a sudden movement, the kidnaper's car sped away and left the place.     

 The motorbike rider had an option to chase the kidnapper's car or save the girl laying in front of him. Within a fraction of a second he made a quick decision to tend to the girl. He got off his motorcycle and hurriedly checked on Aleksis' condition.     

 "Ugh..." He sighed worriedly. He saw that the head injury was quite severe. "You poor thing..."     

 The road they were on was quiet because it led to the harbor, and in the evening there were not many people passing by. He was not sure if he would be able to get a car or taxi to bring this child.     

Finally, the biker carried Aleksis and balanced the girl's body at the front of his motorbike. He then skillfully drove the unconscious Aleksis to seek help.     

 Driving a motorcycle with an unconscious child was not easy, but the man managed to do it without any difficulty. He even spurred his vehicle to double the speed limit allowed because he wanted to get professional help for the child as soon as possible.     

He had briefly checked Aleksis' condition and realized that it was quite severe.     


 Jadeith knocked on the door of Caspar's study and immediately delivered his report.     

 "Aleksis' kidnappers have been found. My men locked them in a warehouse on Harbourfront and tortured them for information, but they said they no longer have Aleksis..."     

 Caspar kicked the table furiously.     

 "Where did they take Aleksis to?" he asked in an angry voice that made even Jadeith feel scared. He rarely saw his uncle angry, but once he was angry, Caspar could be very frightening. Moreover, this concerned his only daughter.     

 "They said that Aleksis jumped out of the car in the middle of the road..." Jadeith replied, "We traced their last location to find Aleksis, but unfortunately there is no CCTV in that area and the roads are very quiet so we are unable to obtain any information. I have ordered 100 people to comb the surrounding area in search of Aleksis. We will find her soon..."     

 "Hmm... alright. Then we can only wait..." Caspar said in a deep voice. He tried hard to hold back his emotions so as not to explode in the penthouse. He did not want to scare his wife. "I don't want those two to die easily. You know what you have to do."     

 Jadeith nodded.     

 Of course, child traffickers who took the opportunity to kidnap a child who innocently asked for directions should not be given relief.     

 No one knew how many children they have sold so far. Their luck ran out because they kidnapped the beloved child of the powerful Alchemist clan leader. They certainly would not die easily.     

 Jadeith himself would make sure that they got the punishment they deserved.     

 The man immediately drove to the warehouse in the harbor where his men arrested the kidnapper couple. When Jadeith arrived, they were kneeling and begging for forgiveness so that they would not be tortured again.     

 "Forgive us... please… we don't know anything..." the woman cried bitterly, "The girl jumped out of the car herself... Please let us go.  We already know that what we do is wrong... We will not repeat our actions..."     

 Jadeith looked at the two in disgust.     

 "Of course you won't repeat your actions..." he said sarcastically, "I'll make sure you can't do anything else ever again..."     

 "Please forgive us..." They continued to beg for forgiveness with expressions of fear. They both could  guess that something bad was about to happen to them.     

 Jadeith took out a sharp knife from his waist and swung it in front of the woman. "If you cut your right hand yourself, I will let you go. You've got half an hour. If that doesn't work, I will gouge out your eyes and pull out your nails one by one, before plucking your teeth with pliers. Then I will give you a few wounds, just enough to make you bleed to death in a very long time..."     

 The woman seemed to shudder at the threat. Her hair was wet with sweat and blood, and her face looked very scared. She glared at the knife that Jadeith pointed to and struggled with her feelings.     

 Would  she be able to cut her own hand...?     

 Oh... this was really scary. She deeply regretted kidnapping the girl. She must be someone important, judging from the people who were after them.     

They were captured in less than an hour after the kidnapping incident. That meant that her family was very efficient and powerful, so they could easily find them.     

 Apparently, the child's threat in the car was not just nonsense. They really regretted not letting her go. Now they must bear the consequences...     

"All right, then you choose me to punish you myself," Jadeith said in a cold tone when he saw the doubts in her eyes. He gave a signal to his subordinates and one of them brought a big hook and handed it to him, "Hmm... this hook is the best eye prying tool ... It takes out the human eye in a very messy way and immediately dismantles the nerves in the eye socket..."     

The woman screamed in terror and suddenly took the knife from Jadeith's hand and immediately slashed it into her own.     

Her scream sounded loud and terrible; like a madwoman she frantically tried to cut her hand off, but the knife hit the bones and joints that were very difficult to cut. Tears flowed as she wailed in pain.     

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