The Alchemists



London was furious when he heard how Stephan undermine L and intentionally hurt her by using him. His emotions mixed between anger and guilt. He was now feeling very guilty towards L.     

Under the control of the aphrodisiac, he could not restrain himself and acted more gently to make the girl more comfortable in their first sexual intercourse ... He acted like a beast toward her. Now, he couldn't turn back time to stop L from going through the painful incident.     

He felt so remorseful.     

"You're a piece of sh*t, Stephan!"     

F*ck f*ck f*ck...     

He was a gentleman and raised with good values by his parents, but today he had been swearing nonstop.     

He couldn't hold back anymore, and he punched Stephan so hard that the man immediately fell down on the floor with a bleeding face.     

"Help me!!! Hey ...." Stephan curled up on the floor, protecting his face and shouted for help while London came at him with his kick. A few seconds later, several servants and security guards stormed the hall. Dave and Marc had quickly pulled out their guns and threatened them.     

Those who wanted to help Stephan immediately stopped in their tracks. They did not dare to move an inch.     

"Why don't you help me?? Dammit!!" Stephan cursed at his men, but they did not dare to step forward. Dave and Marc looked very intimidating.     

Finally, Stephan managed to get up from the floor and ran off upstairs. London ran after him quickly, but Stephan managed to hide in his room and locked the door.     

"Open the door!! Damn it ... open it..!!" London kicked the door over and over again, but he could not break the large, thick door. After trying and failing several times, he finally bent down and rested on his knees while getting out of breath.     

Hmm ... he can deal with Stephan later. Now he had to make sure that whatever happened in the bedroom last night had not been recorded so Stephan could use it for even more nasty plans.     

He immediately ran to find the room he was in last night with L. After opening a few doors, he finally found the bedroom. London was stunned for a moment while standing in the doorway.     

He saw a large messy bed and a duvet spread on the floor. Immediately his mind flew to the girl. The scent of her body was somehow still lingering in this room. He could never get enough of it.     

The fragment of memories of what happened last night slowly flashed back in his mind in more vivid images. He began to remember L's gorgeous body and their sweet kisses and her seductive moans. He thought of how wonderful the moment when their bodies tightly pressed together... when he entered her tight womanhood... and when they reached climaxes many times together.     

He had never slept with a woman before because, as an Alchemist, he was in no rush to experience romance and sexual adventures. After all, he was not like his father, who could just sleep with any women and left them afterward.     

L was his first sexual experience, and he did not expect that the girl would leave such a deep impression on him. Although they had only met briefly and the girl had turned him down, refusing to give him any chance just because he was 'poor', somehow London was missing her terribly.     

Was this because they had sex? His feelings for the girl last night were merely admiration for her beauty and sweet voice, but this morning they had turned into something more beyond that.     

He also felt very guilty towards L. London took a deep breath; he then went into the room and thoroughly examined every corner. He must ensure that his sexual intercourse with L was not recorded, and even if there were any recordings, he must immediately destroy them.     

Dammit! London's intuition was accurate. He found several hidden recording devices behind the TV and on each bedpost.     

He had to call his sweeping team and make sure there were no remaining hidden cameras and recordings left.     

"Jan!" London pressed Jan's telephone number to talk to his assistant. He quickly asked him. "Where are you?"     

"Hey, Sir. Good morning! You are awake! It's still very early." Jan said in a sleepy voice. "Gosh ... it's only 7 in the morning!"     

"WHERE ARE YOU?" asked London once more. "Why didn't I see you at the party last night?"     

"Well, I came late because my mother fell ill and I had to take her to the hospital. I already sent a message to your cellphone. When I arrived, you were sleeping in Stephan's guest room. It would be weird if I went along, asking to sleep over too, right? So I told Dave and Marc to guard outside in the car."     

"Ugh ... dammit," London gritted his teeth. He did not remember how many times he had cursed this morning. He was a polite man who rarely swore. He did not read Jan's message from last night; he might be too busy drinking with Stephan when it reached his phone. "Send the sweeping team to Zimmerman's mansion and meet me at the penthouse. I have an assignment for you."     

"Sure. See you later, Sir." Jan never asked twice if London told him to do something. Efficiently, he promptly contacted London's security team and told them to go to Stephan's mansion.     

When London walked downstairs into the hall, Marc and Dave still stood there while threatening the staff.     

"You guys wait here, the sweeping team will come soon. I'll leave first."      

London raised his hand, and Dave hurriedly threw the car keys at him.     

London caught the car keys and walked out in a hurry. Outside the gates of the Zimmerman mansion, he saw the black BMW that Dave used was parked nicely under a tree. He entered the vehicle and drove the car away. He must immediately do something.     

But first, he needed to take a cold shower and cool himself down. His chest was still burning with rage.     

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