The Alchemists

A Lesson for Kit Blue

A Lesson for Kit Blue

Aleksis also looked stunned. She never knew how Alaric had been doing all this time. As she didn't really follow the news outside, this had been the first time she heard about how Kit was supposed to be engaged to her husband. She turned to Alaric and asked for an explanation.     

"Is what she said true?" Aleksis asked in amazement, "Are you engaged to her?"     

Alaric shook his head. "Ned and her father have an agreement that they will marry their children if they have a son and daughter. She is just trying to find an opportunity to get a powerful man to become her husband. I never gave her the hope she was claiming."     

"Oh ..." Aleksis looked at Kit who was now reduced to tears. "Poor her ..."     

"She doesn't deserve your pity," Alaric grumbled. He put his arm around Aleksis' waist and pulled her towards the castle. "Don't give her an inch, she would ask for a mile."     

Seeing how Alaric ignored her completely and was even about to leave, Kit became even more enraged.     

"I can't believe a man like you can be so naive! Even though you got married to her ten years ago, that doesn't mean you have to go back to her... Marriage can still be voided. She has forgotten you. Why do you want to go back to a woman like her who stained herself by sleeping with another man? I saw her and her children go on a vacation to Iceland with Nicolae, your own brother. And guess what? They were very affectionate! She doesn't deserve you ... !!!" screamed Kit. "Why don't you just let her marry your brother and free yourself so you can start anew? She left you before and was preparing to start a new life with Nicolae. Why don't you do the same?!! Her children don't even consider you their father ... They are calling Nicolae their father ... You have no place in their lives!"     

She knew the only way to attract Alaric's attention was to say evil and hurtful words. If she couldn't get that man, then she won't just let them be happy. She must at least embarrass them!     

Everyone was very surprised by Kit's words and whispers and rumors began to be heard here and there again. They looked at Alaric and Nicolae alternately. They finally realized that the wedding they were attending actually contained many surprises.     

Kit's revelation made the guests aware that the wedding today was actually prepared for Aleksis and Nicolae... not Alaric. Gosh ...     

Alaric, who had never bothered at all about Kit, was finally baited. He did not care about himself at the slightest. Even if people insult him, he wouldn't flinch even once. But when Kit did that to Aleksis… and she even mentioned their children, he immediately flew in rage.     

At first, he had zero intention to announce his children's identities, because, like Caspar, he wanted to protect them until they were adults. But this foolish girl actually mentioned his children... She was really unforgivable!     

All of a sudden, the sound of a microphone falling and shards of glass scattering on the small stage where Kit had just been standing reverberated. It was immediately followed by people screaming at the top of their lungs.     

Apparently, before Kit could even finish speaking, Alaric had already moved quietly towards Kit and within a few seconds, he was there, grabbing her neck with his right hand while lifting her into the air. His steps were very light so the girl was not able to react at all.      

The female guests were greatly shaken by the sight whereas the male guests were shocked to see Alaric lifting Kit's body by gripping her neck mercilessly. They could also see that while the girl kept trying her best to escape, her attempts were proving futile.     

"I will not forgive anyone who says bad things about Aleksis, or our children," Alaric said in an icy voice. He turned his gaze around as if giving warning to everyone who attended. His eyes were telling that he also would not hesitate to do the same to them if they tried to copy Kit's actions.     

"My daughter...!! Please let go of my daughter!!" screamed Moira Blue. She ran toward Alaric. Using his free hand, he had resisted her so strongly that she got slammed hard onto the ground. Lex hurriedly helped his wife stand up. He immediately approached Ned and asked his childhood friend to order Alaric to set his daughter free.     

"I am warning you," Alaric said once more before throwing Kit to the ground. The girl coughed while holding her painful neck as she tried to catch her breath again. Her face was filled with terror!     

She never expected Alaric, who was all smiles today, looking so warm at his bride and relatives, to do that. He was actually still as cold as before. He looked really scary when he grabbed her neck without mercy. His face seething in anger emitted a murderous aura. He was simply like the demon king that descended on earth.     

Kit did not know that Alaric used to be a cruel and unforgiving assassin. He could easily estimate how many seconds it would take to strangle someone in Kit's position, so he could release the girl right before her soul left her body.     

Alaric was not stupid. He did not want to commit an unforgivable sin in front of many people, at least not now that he had just reunited with his wife and children. He must stay alive to be able to protect his family. Prosecution or any serious charges from his kinsmen was the last thing he currently wanted.     

Moira immediately ran toward Kit and helped her get back to her feet. Both of their faces were filled with terror. Caspar could only sigh, seeing all that. He did not like Alaric's cruel actions, even if he knew the younger man did so to defend Aleksis. He decided to talk with Aleksis and ask her to further restrain her husband so as not to cause a commotion like this again in the future.     

"Honey ... you made a lot of people scared," whispered Aleksis who had approached Alaric and clasped his hands, "You shouldn't take that kind of trash talk into heart."     

"I told you, I don't care if it's me, but I won't forgive anyone who says bad things about you. I won't change." Alaric shook his head firmly. He looked around and said in a voice audible to everyone present. "This is just a warning from me, an example, so that no one would dare think they could insult Aleksis Schneider Medici, my wife. I'm still the same Alaric Medici and Elios Linden, cruel and unforgiving. Don't ever mess with me."     

He then approached Lex Blue who stood there looking at him with an angry expression put on. Alaric pointed at him and said in a firm voice. "You must educate your child better. From now on, all Rhionen-Meier Industries services and businesses will have no whatsoever relations to all your businesses. I will block all cooperation involving your companies."     

Rhionen-Meier Industries was the largest corporate group in the world today and their businesses spanned so many fields. Being blocked from their businesses, of course, was something terrifying for any company. It was certain that the companies that suffered that fate would slowly die. After all, every business and aspect of human life today relied on one or more services from the RMI group.     

It was understandable that the threat made Lex's face pale. He staggered and almost fell if not for Ned who hastily held his body.     

"Eli ..." said Ned in surprise. "Please forgive them ... Kit is young and stupid. She didn't mean any harm."     

But Alaric did not care about them at all. He had walked away while embracing Aleksis' waist.     

The people present could now see that Alaric was still the same as the Elios Linden they knew. He was still cold and uncaring, and they had even just seen the cruel side that had not been seen previously.     

When they all saw Alaric smiling and acting sweetly, even casually kissing and being intimate with Aleksis in front of a large crowd, many people were surprised, thinking what they were seeing was very different from the persona they used to hear about him all this time.     

But now, they realized, he was only warm to Aleksis and his family. At first, almost everyone thought he had changed, but the events just now made them aware that he was still the same as before.     

These thoughts made many people concerned, tacitly agreeing that they should take care not to make this man angry. They were horrified by the consequences they would have to endure if they made such a scary man angry the way Kit just did.     

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