The Alchemists

The Failed Scheme **

The Failed Scheme **

When Alaric arrived at St. Laurent, the staff immediately welcomed him respectfully and escorted him to the Presidential Suite.     

"Hmm ... why are we going to the 55th floor?" Alaric asked in puzzlement when he saw that the staff did not press the button to the highest floor, the 60th floor.     

"Eh ... aren't you going to the Presidential Suite to meet Miss Mikhailova?" asked the staff in a confused tone.     

Alaric's face instantly turned red in anger. His guess was correct! The damnable girl had been so desperate that she mixed something in his drink and was now waiting for him in the Presidential Suite to set him up.     

Unfortunately, he had no time to take care of her for now. He must immediately meet Aleksis.     

"Penthouse!" he snapped in impatience. Sweat dripped down onto his temple so he unhappily unbuttoned his front shirt, hoping for the elevator to arrive at the 60th floor immediately.     

The terrified staff didn't ask again and immediately opened the access to the 60th floor and took Alaric there. After the elevator door opened, he hurriedly pressed the doorbell. His desire was becoming unbearable.     

He stood in front of the door, tapping his finger on the wall, hoping that his wife would come out to greet him immediately.     

"Hey… You're here!" Aleksis opened the door with a big smile. Before she could even let Alaric enter, her husband had ambushed her and claimed her lips greedily. "Hmmphh ... wh ... what is ... hmmpphh ... this ...?"     

Alaric's behavior which she thought to be different from usual really surprised her. Alaric should have known her two younger siblings were in the penthouse and they should not do anything vulgar in front of them.     

Aware of this, Alaric still didn't hold back at all, not caring about London and Rune who were sitting in the living room, staring at him with mouths agape.     

"I ... I really want you," Alaric whispered in a hoarse voice. He continued his attacks on Aleksis' neck and showered her with hot kisses and delicate bites that kept leaving love marks on her delicate skin.     

Using his left hand, he held his wife's hands over her head and pushed her to lean against the wall, then like a wild animal he continued his actions, giving the girl hot kisses, bites and licks, which started from her lips, going down to her neck, nape, shoulders, then toward her breasts. His right hand kept groping on her body incessantly.     

"Y ... YOU TWO... OUT ... !!" hissed Aleksis between her moans as she faced Alaric's attacks which were all leaving her helpless.     

Without being told twice, London and Rune rushed to escape from the penthouse. They did not want to have nightmares after witnessing their sister f*cked by her husband before their very eyes.     

"Gosh ... what had just happened?" asked Rune, patting his chest, trying to cough as he and London arrived in front of the elevator. The door to the penthouse closed behind them. "Crazy!"     

"Shhh ... it's none of our business. It's theirs. Anyway, they are husband and wife.." London covered his brother's eyes with both hands.     

He was endlessly shaking his head trying to forget the scene just now. He knew that Aleksis and Alaric loved each other very much and that they had only been reunited for three weeks after being separated for so long. It was normal to be lovey-dovey after their reunion, but it was still hard to accept that his sister's sexual life was this full of passion.     

They hurried down to the restaurant on the 50th floor and spent time drinking and chatting there.     

[When you're done, please call us.]     

London could only send an SMS to his sister. In his heart, he hoped that Alaric and Aleksis' activities would not last all night, because as far as he knew, all the rooms and suites in this hotel had been fully booked due to the big event that would be held by Splitz tonight. He did not want to look for rooms in another hotel while their belongings were still in the penthouse.     


After her two brothers disappeared from the penthouse, Aleksis began to feel relieved. She did not mind making love with her husband now, as she herself would never be satisfied making love with him.     

She was just shocked and embarrassed since her two younger brothers at that time, were in the penthouse and had watched Alaric attack her mercilessly.     

Now she could think more clearly and had immediately guessed that something happened. It was because even though Alaric loved her very much and always wanted her, he would never act this vulgar, especially in front of others.     

Aleksis suspected that someone had given Alaric an aphrodisiac with the aim of set him up. Fortunately, he had succeeded in coming to her and instead vented his desire to her.     

Aleksis patiently and lovingly soothed Alaric and guided him to calm down and continue their lovemaking in the usual way. She returned Alaric's kisses and pulled him into the bedroom before pushing Alaric's body onto the bed and pressing on his chest.     

"Shhh ... no need to hurry. We should enjoy it well, Honey..." Aleksis persuaded as she unbuttoned Alaric's shirt and helped her husband to take off his clothes. He constantly touched her body and then peeled off the thin summer dress that she was wearing.     

He looked very impatient, but because he still had his reasons and could listen to her persuasion, Alaric tried to hold back his desire even though his face looked red because he really wanted her. They kissed again and struggled on the bed.     

"It feels so hot ..." Alaric whispered in a hoarse voice before biting the upper part of Aleksis' breast which was exposed after her dress came off, "Can you lower the air conditioner's temperature?"     

Aleksis who had very high resistance to cold did not mind at all. She ordered the system to lower the temperature to 10 degrees Celsius. After that, Alaric finally looked comfortable. He kissed Aleksis again and positioned himself above the woman, swiftly stripping off her remaining underwear.     

Seeing Aleksis' beautiful body lying before him, Alaric smiled. For a moment, his reason returned as he traced his wife's body from neck to toe.     

His caressing of her entire body was then followed by his insatiable lips with his tongue kissing, sucking, and biting which left countless love marks throughout the girl's skin that was previously covered in clothes.     

Aleksis had already lost her mind and could only moan and whimper as Alaric continued his exploration that made her arch her back many times before he entered her.     

When Alaric finally took off all his clothes and entered his wife, both of them had forgotten everything that was happening on earth. They began chasing each other in heaven. They reached the peak many times and each time they would only rest for a few minutes before continuing. They had made love so much that they lost count.     


Elien was puzzled because it almost 6 pm yet Alaric was still not delivered to the Presidential Suite. She had specifically ordered her assistant to prepare everything. The suite was equipped with food and drinks to restore their energy after a few rounds of lovemaking. She knew just how strong the aphrodisiac she had given Alaric earlier was.     

In addition, her assistant had also installed various cameras in each corner of the room. If Alaric did not want to be responsible for having sex with her, she could threaten the man's reputation with the footage of their sexual intercourse.     

But after waiting for over an hour, Alaric still did not appear. Did something happen to him on the way? Elien worried endlessly.     

She finally called the receptionist and asked what happened.     

"What??? Mr. Linden asked to be taken to the penthouse??" The famous ballerina almost screamed at the answer she got from the hotel staff.     

Damn it, she grumbled. She forgot to take into account that as a very wealthy man, Alaric might have rented the penthouse of this hotel as a place to stay after the event.     

No wonder he asked to be taken to the penthouse ... She paced back and forth in the suite trying to think of what to do.     

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