The Alchemists

Aleksis & Alaric

Aleksis & Alaric

Half an hour later they were back in the lobby.     

"Thank you for accompanying me to take my dog ​​for a walk," Aleksis said to him. She felt uneasy if she didn't say thank you at all, because she knew Alaric deliberately accompanied her to protect her. "I needed to calm down by getting some air."     

"Hmm..." Alaric smiled and nodded. "Are you going to rest now? Then, I'll go home."     

Aleksis would certainly choose not to rest if that meant that Alaric would not be going home.     

"Er... wait a minute..." Aleksis ran to the elevator with Little Prince Siegfried. "I want to give you something..."     

A few seconds later she returned and handed the dog to Alaric. "Please hold my dog ​​for a second. I'll be back in five minutes..."     

Aleksis was about to take Uncle Rory's wound medicine, but she was afraid that Alaric would leave before she returned, so she deliberately handed her dog to Alaric so that he could not go anywhere while she went upstairs to take the medicine.     

Before Alaric could protest, Aleksis had disappeared behind the elevator door. Finally, having no choice, Alaric carried Little Prince Siegfried and shook his head.     

Aleksis arrived six minutes later, breathing hard. She handed a bottle to Alaric.     

"This... please accept this... this is the miracle wound medicine from Uncle Rory... I want you to have it..."     

Alaric was surprised to see the gift from Aleksis, who was smiling at him with a pair of such loving eyes. He knew how valuable the bottle was because he had used it before.     

His heart trembled because the girl in front of him was still so kind to him, even though he had made her cry by rejecting her love...     

He had never met anyone so sincere and selfless who treated him with such affection.     

Alaric was stunned, lost for words.     

"Wh... why are you giving me this medicine? I already rejected you..." he said quietly after he found his voice.     

Aleksis tried to smile, "Because I admire your kindness, Prince Siegfried... You must have a reason to reject my feelings, and that doesn't make you a bad person. If I want to be honest with myself, you actually acted as a gentleman by rejecting me, because you don't want to mess with my feelings or give me false hope. I appreciate that... I hope that, even if I can't be your girlfriend, we can still be friends..."     

Aleksis was thinking about this while they were walking outside.     

Alaric was a good man. Even if he didn't reciprocate Aleksis' love, he was still a good man and Aleksis would feel happy if she could be his friend...     

Maybe after a while, her romantic feeling will disappear completely and they could become good friends.     

Alaric swallowed hard, he felt touched.     

"Aleksis... I have never met anyone like you, who is so sincere to me," Alaric said slowly. "I've never felt loved like this. Thank you..."     

Aleksis smiled warmly. The girl had so much love in her life, that her attitude was always warm and sincere to everyone. Since she was a child, Aleksis enjoyed a huge outpouring of love from her parents, siblings, and uncles. Her life was always filled with love. Tonight, the love that came out of her touched Alaric's heart which was usually closed and frozen.     

"Aleksis..." Alaric called her name, as if it was the most beautiful name in the world, "Aleksis... Aleksis..."     

"Yes?" Aleksis replied to his words. Her eyes were glowing and full of love.     

"I think you are an extraordinary girl... Tomorrow my logic will again take over, but tonight, I want to follow my heart..." Alaric said as he approached Aleksis. His voice sounded hoarse, filled with emotion, "I want to learn what it feels like to be your man..."     

Aleksis was stunned by Alaric's unexpected words.     

"Wh... what do you mean?" she stammered. Their bodies had touched each other, and Aleksis felt her heart beating so fast.     

"Do you want to come to my house? I want to show you my newest bonsai collection, and we can play a set of Go game as we promised..." Alaric said.     

A broad smile slowly appeared on Aleksis' face and the girl nodded vigorously. "I would love that!"     

Alaric smiled happily at the answer. His left hand held Aleksis' right hand and his right arm held Little Prince Siegfried. He took them to the parking lot and pointed to a large motorbike.     

"It's not raining, so we can ride the motorcycle. Do you mind?" he asked.     

Aleksis shook her head. She really liked riding a motorcycle with Alaric.     

Alaric turned on his motorcycle, then buttoned his jacket in half, so he could safely put Little Prince Siegfried on his chest. He waited for Aleksis to climb into the backseat and handed her the helmet.     

After everything was ready, he raced his motorcycle to the east.     

"Hold on to my waist," he said to Aleksis, turning slightly back. The girl obeyed. She put her tiny hands around Alaric's waist and pressed her body against the man's back.     

Alaric felt her fast, irregular heartbeat and he could not help but smile.     

Both felt very happy that night.     



From the Author:     

Thank you for reading this novel and going this far. I hope you enjoy it enough to share with me your comments and reviews. It would mean the world to me.     

I actually added this note because there was a really bad typo that needed revision in the second paragraph, but I cannot update this chapter with the revision because this chapter was published with <1000 words and right now for all premium chapters the minimum word count should be 1k words. So, even though I try to revise only that one typo, the system won't allow me to publish the new edit. So... I have to add some more words to reach that threshold. I hope you don't mind. Don't worry though, the SS count will not be affected by this edit.     

Much love! xx     

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