The Alchemists

The Shocking Aftermath

The Shocking Aftermath

"Famke, what are you doing here?" Finland asked quickly. She immediately pulled Jean, who was standing weakly by the door, to stand behind her.     

"Caspar sent me to kill him," Famke answered in a flat voice. Her beautiful face looked very cold and without expression.     

"No way!!!" Finland screamed and tried to throw her bag at Famke. Famke merely dodged to the side lightly and in a quick second, she was standing inches away in front of Finland.     

Frantically, Finland tried to call Caspar, but Famke quickly snatched her phone away from her hands.     

"Get out of the way... I'm only assigned to kill Jean." Famke raised her hand threateningly.     

Finland knew that Famke didn't like her from the first time they met; the girl almost never talked to her, and now she felt that Famke was happy to kill Jean in front of her. She shuddered when she saw the girl's eyes shine dangerously.     

"Over my dead body..." Finland hissed in a trembling voice.     

Famke grinned and with one swift swing of her hand, Finland was slammed to the side. Now, Famke stood in front of Jean, who tried to defend himself in vain. His body was very weak after returning from the hospital.     

"Don't hurt Finland!" Jean exclaimed, attacking Famke. His punch hit the air because Famke moved so quickly. She disappeared from where she stood and suddenly appeared behind Jean. She hit his shoulder with a skilled jab. Jean fell to the floor. He tried to get up, but Famke's placed her boots on him mercilessly.     

"You love the wrong woman," she said in a cold voice and pulled out a gun from under her leather jacket.     

"Nooooo!! Don't shoot Jean...!! I won't ever forgive you...!!" Finland screamed at the top of her lungs.     

She got up and tried to throw her body over Jean to protect him just as Famke aimed her gun at him. Jean, who instinctively felt that Finland moved in to protect him, immediately turned around to prevent Finland's body from getting close to him.     

Two shots were heard, and both bodies slammed to the floor.     

Suddenly, the door opened from the outside and Caspar entered with a pale face, gasping for breath. He rushed over to Finland and shouted in anger at Famke.     


He held Finland's limp body and examined the blood that started to stain her clothes. When he could not find a single wound on Finland, he let out a sigh of relief.     

"Je... Jean... How's Jean?" Finland asked weakly as she tried to open her eyes. She hysterically looked at Caspar, then screamed as her gaze wiped on Jean's body lying beside her. "Noooo...!!! Why do you have the heart to kill Jean?!! Why did you do this to my only friend!!??? Why don't you care about my feelings...??"     

Finland stood up and rushed to Jean to examine his wounds. Jean was shot twice in his left chest and there was a lot of blood flowing out. Finland wailed miserably and shook Jean's body...     

"Finland... it was not me..." Caspar said softly, shaking his head. "I will never hurt you..."     

"You sent this killer to finish off Jean! How could you do this to me... I will never forgive you..." Finland looked at Caspar with blazing eyes. "I hate people who abuse their power the most... I thought you were different, but it turns out that you're just the same as all those other rich and powerful people. You are selfish and oppressive to others, just so you can get what you want... I hate people like you the most!!!"     

Caspar tried to come closer to Finland, but she shook her head with hatred. Desperate, he finally turned his gaze to Famke.     

"Famke... who told you to kill Jean?" he asked in an angry voice.     

Famke looked shaken. "Sir... I would not dare to do anything without your command..."     

"I NEVER told you to kill Jean. I only asked you to give him the memory potion...!!"     

"I'm just following your orders..." Famke said stubbornly. "I am not to blame if you regret your decision. You can't pretend that you never gave the orders."     

Caspar's face snapped, and he pulled a gun from under his coat. Finland shuddered when she saw how dangerous his face became. She had never seen him this angry, and she didn't know that Caspar kept a gun himself.     

Without blinking he pointed his gun at Famke and asked in a menacing voice.     

"I saved your life and trusted you ever since... Why did you have the heart to betray me?"     

"Sir... I only carried out your orders..." Famke continued to refute while slowly moving backwards.     

She suddenly swung her body back and tried to escape but Caspar quickly jumped into a chair and ambushed her. They exchanged blows several times before Famke pulled out her gun to shoot Caspar. However, she was swiftly defeated and her gun was taken easily by Caspar.     

She failed to pull out the knives tucked behind her boots because Caspar locked her body down. As Famke tried to take the gun from Caspar's hand, the man pulled the trigger and a gunshot was heard once more in the room.     

It all took place very quickly.     

Jadeith suddenly entered the room, followed by two other men in black.     

"Sorry, we're late..." Jadeith said as he approached Caspar. Caspar threw Famke's body on the floor and approached Finland who was screaming hysterically.     

"Don't come near me!!" screamed Finland, as she pushed away Caspar's hand that reached out to her. Her clothes were covered in tears and Jean's blood.     

"Jadeith, this is a crime scene. Take Finland away from here. She must not be involved." Caspar said later in a hoarse voice. Jadeith immediately carried Finland out, ignoring her screams demanding her release. Caspar quickly checked Jean's condition and his face looked very pale.     

"Sir... all his vital signs are gone..." said a bodyguard in a low voice. Caspar sat limp when he heard that. It was true. Jean's limp body showed no sign of breathing and Caspar, who was also a doctor, could see that Jean's life could not be saved. His mind went dark.     

Before dying, Famke insisted that it was Caspar who ordered her to kill Jean.     

Caspar knew that Famke had betrayed him and deliberately slandered him in front of his wife; who knew what she was on... but Finland didn't know the truth. Caspar knew that she would definitely blame him for Jean's death…     

This thought made his chest ache. He still remembered how angry Finland was and how she looked at him full of hatred. Caspar was innocent... but he couldn't prove it because now Famke was dead.     

He patted his chest which was in deep pain, and accidentally felt the small bottle he had kept there.     

"Secure this place until the police and ambulance arrive..." Caspar finally said. He immediately knelt down and placed Jean's head on his lap. He took out the small bottle of black liquid which he had kept ready for Finland whenever his wife was ready to become an immortal with him.     

Maybe this could help Jean, he thought.     

Jean was not dead yet... His chance to survive was very slim, but if his body cells could repair themselves quickly, he might be able to survive...     

Caspar forcibly opened Jean's mouth and poured the immortality potion into it, then pressed on his cheeks and forced Jean to swallow the potion...     

For Finland's sake, Jean couldn't die... Caspar panicked.     

Jean must not die...     

"Sir, we have to go now. The police and paramedics have arrived. We must not be seen."     

Caspar reluctantly left the place and entered the car that was waiting. They stayed there until they were sure that Jean's body was carried out by paramedics and the ambulance left safely.     

"Have two bodyguards to always guard Jean's safety. Whatever happens, he cannot die," Caspar said firmly.     

Jadeith, who was always calm when faced with any condition, was also shocked by the whole situation. He did not expect Famke, who was so trusted by Caspar, to turn into a traitor. But what bothered him more was not Famke's betrayal, but the grave mistake his uncle just made.     

"Sir... you should lay low for a while. You have just killed an Alchemist," he whispered softly. "Everyone will go after you."     

In the perfect society of the Alchemists, killing a fellow Alchemist was a mistake that could not be forgiven, especially because they were very few in number.     



From the author:     

This is a really difficult chapter to write as it was quite intense. And I know it will now give us a lot of questions:     

- Who told Famke to betray Caspar?     

- Will Jean make it?     

- Does this mean Jean will become an Alchemist if he survived?     

- Will Finland understand what happened and not blame her husband?     

Also kudoz to Caspar for being so mature in their relationship. I love him to bits!     

Second chapter coming up in 3 hours.     

If this novel gives you feelings, please write me reviews.     

Pretty please...? =)     

luv, Vina     

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