Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Angela's POV

Angela's POV

I can't believe I'm getting married today.     

It's partly cloudy on June 1st and the sun is going to set in about an hour—the weather is beautiful and perfect. Then it won't be long until I will be Mrs. Gael De Luca. I can't wait to marry the man I'm going to have a family with.     

Thinking back about the past several months, I blow out a long exhale. So many things happened that almost pushed me into giving up. We've encountered so many downs and barely ups. I could've easily run away. Could've left and never looked back, but I refused to take the easy route. I can't dictate what my heart wants just as much as I can't choose who I love.     

Although I believe that I had no say in my heart wanting to beat for him, I also believe that deep inside me, I didn't want to fight it. It was natural to love Gael. I don't even want to imagine what my life would be had I given up on us. I would've missed out on this wonderful feeling in my chest whenever I think about him and what our future holds.     

Our house is finally finished. Gael and I had so much fun working on it for a couple of weeks after coming home from an eventful week in New York with his family. I don't even want to think about that time anymore—it seemed like forever ago already anyway. I'm just happy we're all safe now.     

Gael was in Daniel Cho's hotel with the boys last night while I stayed in one of the guest rooms in our house. This is the only room that doesn't have a view of our backyard where we'll have our wedding ceremony. My best friend and maid of honor, Nina, made it her mission to "isolate" me—her exact words—so I wouldn't be tempted to take a peek at the preparation outside. So ever since I came up here after dinner last night, I never stepped foot out of the door.     

"Don't worry about anything, Anj. Just focus on being a pretty bride and let me deal with all the issues and whatnot tomorrow," she'd told me when I insisted I'll help out in the morning.     

"There will be issues?" my voice raised. I really thought she was being overly dramatic about the whole thing.     

"No!!!" Nina's eyes widened. "I promise you, there won't be a hitch. You can trust me. You know I'm very good at this."     

I do trust her, which is why when she offered to plan and organize my wedding, I did not refuse her help. I barely lifted a finger. The only things Gael and I had to take care of were my dress and his suit, and the food and cake. The rest, we left everything to Nina.     

The moment we gave her the go signal, Nina squealed, "You guys! I'm going to make it the best night you'll never forget!"     

I breathe in, sliding my hands up my waist, and then exhale as I stare at myself in the tall mirror. My fingers trace the thin straps of my wedding dress. I love the simplicity and elegance of it. It has a sweetheart neckline that dips down my waist in a tight V; it's got an open low back that I know Gael would go crazy for since he always tells me he loves how sexy my back is. Then the skirt hugs my bottom and then subtly flares down the floor like an inverted calla lily—just like the bouquet in my hand. It's a combination of sultry and classy.     

My stylists already left a few minutes ago, leaving me all by myself and giving me time to collect my thoughts. They think I'll be a nervous wreck and perhaps they're also afraid I'll turn into a bridezilla or something, what with how they kept complimenting and trying to make me calm. One of them even offered me Valium to calm my nerves. I instantly but politely declined. I was totally calm, so I didn't need any pills.     

Honestly… I don't feel anything except excitement. Carefully fingering my hair that I kept down in big waves, I take another deep breath in…and then release it slowly. I think I'm ready.     

I don't hear much from this side of the house, but I know the guests are already here. Where could Gael be? Is he already waiting for me? I'm tempted to go out of the room and just take a quick look from the windows in my office one door down the hallway. But just as I think of this, there's a knock on the door, and then it opens.      

My face breaks into a smile upon seeing my father. "Dad," I call as he walks inside. A woman appears behind him, and then a small gasp escapes me. "Mom…"     

"Oh, Kylie… Don't cry," my mother tells me, though she herself is also tearing up, and she hurries over to my side and puts her arms around me. "My baby…you look so beautiful."     

"You do, princess. You really are grown up now." My father hugs me from my other side.     

Well, now my tears are threatening to spill out of my eyes. I was ready, and now I'm feeling so emotional because my parents are here. I'm so glad my mother made it. We've been communicating since New York and though I know it would be hard for her to come here, I really wished she could. She missed so much of me growing up that I don't want her to miss this important day of my life. My parents are civil to each other. And I'm just so happy to see them both present today.     

"We should go out now," says my mother as she wipes the corners of her eyes and I do the same to mine, careful not to smudge my makeup.     

"Mm. Let's go, princess. Everyone's waiting," my father adds.     

"Anj… You're the most beautiful bride I've ever seen," Nina gushes with watery eyes and she fans her face with her hand. She's been standing at the doorway the whole time.     

"Thanks for all this, Ninz. Is everyone out there?" I dare to ask.     

She smiles at me. "Your guest list is pretty workable considering you only invited family and very few friends. Last time I checked, everyone you invited is here."      

"Look here, please," says the photographer who appeared at the door next to my best friend.     

And through misty eyes and flushed faces, the three of us smiled at the camera.     


I'm waiting behind the white rustic double-door arch with elaborate flowers and vines all around it. It's where I'm supposed to walk through on cue—the only thing separating me from the rest of the backyard where they had set up. And white rose petals were scattered on the grass below my heels as my aisle.      

Our house is behind me and beyond the doors is where everyone is. I have no idea how it looks out there because I left everything to Nina. I already know everything else is going to be pretty. I don't really care about other things. As long as Gael is waiting at the end of the aisle for me, nothing else matters.     

All of a sudden, my heart thumps loudly and wildly in my chest. I could feel it in my ears too. I try to take deep breaths and then the double doors open before I could exhale the last one.     

I look up and the air whooshes out of me as my eyes lay on the only man I'm walking the aisle for. As the air leaves my lungs, Gael deeply inhales. He takes me in as I make my first steps through the double doors like I'm symbolically leaving my past behind and heading to my future with him.     

I've been waiting so long for this. When I was younger, I kept wondering what the other women were so keen on looking for in love when it was hard for me to believe it could work because of my parents' separation. But deep inside, I was looking for it too. And here it is. I've found it. And he's waiting for me with tears in his eyes as I walk the path towards him.     

Gael is exceptionally dashing in a classic black suit jacket with a white dress shirt, and white vest and tie with an elaborate pattern, underneath an ornamental brooch. He looks like a royal prince.     

He has his hand in his pocket while the other reaches up to his lips as if he's trying to contain himself…only a tear rolls out of the corner of his eye and he quickly wipes it. That makes me tear up too. Tonight is so emotional for us and it's only getting started.     

"I'm coming, my love," I whisper, and I think he hears me despite the distance because he smiles so handsomely. Then I catch my breath—because Oh, my Lord! How many times am I going to fall in love with this man?     

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