Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

The Future

The Future

Angela blinked, unsure if she heard Gael right. "What did you say?"     

His hands were rough but firm and warm when they framed her face. He wanted to look into her eyes, seeing the curiosity and anticipation in them. The house was absolutely everything he wanted—especially that Angela put all of this together. He was slightly shocked about the turn of events that he was still waiting for everything to sink in so he couldn't fully express how he felt about this home.      

But Gael was sure about one thing, and he had been certain weeks before going back to Mayne. "This house. We can live here permanently."     

The corners of her lips hesitated to lift as her gaze bounced between his eyes. "But you're barely here. I mean, I suppose we can fly every weekend…" She thought, then her brows drew together. "Do you mean you'll stay here full time?" Angela asked, even though she already had a feeling what he meant, she just couldn't believe it and didn't want to be disappointed.     

"If you'll have me."     

She chuckled. "You're adorable. Of course, I'll have you!" What was he thinking? That was never a question.     

Gael narrowed his eyes on her and lifted his chin as if imposing air of dominance. "Angel, calling me adorable isn't very sexy," he nearly growled, his voice low and warning.     

"You're sexy to me." Sliding her hands to his chest, she circled them on his neck and pressed their lips together. Her lower back immediately warmed when he placed his hands there. "What about work? Me, I can work anywhere. I'd have to travel sometimes; that can easily be arranged. But your work is in New York."     

"Actually…" A corner of his lips curled into a lopsided smirk, causing the butterflies in her stomach to go wild.     

"What did you do, Gael?"     

He opened his mouth but stopped himself. "Do we have wine here?"     

"The cellar still needs some work done, but I got a bottle that Oliver brought the other day sitting in the fridge. Why?"     

"Come on." He took her hand and walked her downstairs. "Let me pour you some wine. Don't you think this calls for a celebration? This house is amazing, baby. I can't believe you did this without telling me. I'm not mad though. I'm thrilled, actually."     

Whatever he was going to tell her, she could already tell that he was pretty excited about it, so it must be good news.     

After pouring some wine into glasses, Gael faced Angela and pulled her in for a long embrace, whispering "miss yous" in her ear and inhaling her scent that he missed so much, and then kissed her deeply. He was in shock when he arrived that he hadn't completely taken Angela in and now that things had died down a bit, he saw her right in front of him when she hadn't been an inch closer for the past two weeks. It was comforting.     

"Are you okay?" she wondered when he just stared at her.     

"Yeah, I'm just…trying to take this all in." He placed his hands on the counter behind her, boxing her in his arms.     

She squinted her eyes playfully. "And when were you going to tell me that you arrived a day early?"     

Gael chuckled. "I was going to come here and buy this house from the new owners. And then go to Oakwood to surprise you."     

"That is so sweet." Angela palmed the side of his face, missing him for all the days they weren't together. "I beat you to it though. Did I make you fall in love with me further?"     

"I fall in love with you every single day." His smile was wide when they touched their noses together. "I gotta say, you pulled a fast one on me."     

She proudly lifted her chin and patted herself on the shoulder. "What can I say? I aim to make you swoon."     

He chuckled and then her stare turned softer as she urged, "So what is it? What's this news you're about to tell me? Come on, don't leave me hanging!"     

Their glasses were left untouched on the counter with wine in them. He chanced a glance, pursing his lips as he thought about how to tell her the news. And then he exhaled a sigh and just blurted it out. "I'm opening a satellite office for KMH here. When everything is set, it'll be operational within two months."     

Her jaw dropped and her hands flew to her face. "For real? That means you can work here? In Mayne?"     

"Yes. And I found out that there's a good number of employees who are from the south and are willing and eager to move here too. I still have to fly to New York in a couple of weeks, but I can work remotely for now and also when I come back while waiting for the office to be ready. I'd still have to travel every now and then, of course, but I'll make sure it won't be a problem for us."      

She couldn't control her watery eyes. "Oh, my god, Gael… That's amazing! Congratulations!"     

Gael flashed his megawatt smile. "Does that make you happy?"     

Angela jumped into him, her arms wrapping around his neck, and his simultaneously circled around her. "Yes! Very much so." Her heart pounded in her chest as a vision of their future flashed in her mind.     

Before Gael arrived tonight, she was still a bit worried about how they would make it work with the house being in Mayne. Although she didn't mind staying in New York with him, she really liked it here and wished they could establish roots in a better environment. But now, after Gael's news, she could clearly see their lives in this house.     

"Does your father know? What does your family say?" she wondered.     

He shrugged. "It's not up to them. They have their own thing and I have mine. My father already knew I was made to do other things aside from the family business. He supports my decision. And this was bound to happen."     

Angela's bottom lip curled inwardly, the sparkle in her eyes shining brightly as she stared up at him. "I can't believe this is happening."     

"I can't wait to live here with you, Angel."     

"Me too! How does tomorrow sound?"     

He threw his head back. "Whenever you want. We can even start tonight."     

"But we don't have a bed yet though…"     

Gael's smoldering gaze trapped hers and a sexy smirk ghosted his lips. "That hasn't stopped us before. I can take you on the wall, or in front of the fireplace, and we can sleep on the floor."     

She playfully smacked his bicep. "Tempting. As much as I love that, my father's waiting for me to go home tonight since I told him I'll be moving in tomorrow."     

He hung his head. "Fine. I can wait tomorrow. Tonight, I'll endure my suffering."     

Angela winced, remembering something that she hadn't told Gael yet. "Umm… Don't get shocked if my dad is a little hard on you tonight. He was really pissed when he found out about what happened at The Manor."     

Gael snapped his head up, the gears in his head working as he imagined how mad Charlie was. "Damn it. What do you think are my chances he wouldn't murder me tonight?"     

"I can't answer that. But if he kills you, I promise I'll follow right away."     

"That's not funny." He furrowed his brows at her and she just laughed.     

Picking up his glass, he was about to lift it to his mouth when Angela also picked up hers. They held their wine glasses and she said, "To your new office and our new house."     

"Cheers—To my survival. I still want to marry you." He clinked his glass with hers and she giggled before sipping the wine—Gael downed the whole thing. "Your father's got to be the only man in your life I fear."     

She patted his cheek as if consoling him. "You'll be okay. Just be a good boy." Gael rolled his eyes.     

It might be too early to say, but Angela could feel it. Her dream house was no longer a dream. And more than that, it was starting to feel like home.     

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