The Doctor Who Loves Me



R18… explicit skip it! lols     

Cali quickly cleaned up and changed into her sleepwear before she walked out and opened Rui's door to enter.      

Her cheeks turned pink, seeing Rui's bright meaningful smile at her as she entered the room and walked towards him. He was already on the bed waiting for her.     

"You can finally sleep here tonight. Candice messaged me, saying she will not come back tonight as she has to attend to something important…" Rui informed with an ear to ear smile. He was like a kid who was granted permission to play with his favorite toys all day long.      

He even replied to Candice saying thank you and for her to have fun.     

Cali timidly walked towards the bed and joined Rui who immediately cuddled him and whispered, "Ahhh, I missed this. I thought it would be a long wait before I can hug you like this."     

Cali moved to face him and said, "Are you sleepy already?"     

"Hmm not yet. How about you?" Rui asked. He was too busy caressing Cali's cheek.     

"Not yet too. It's still early. Usually, I sleep around nine in the evening." Cali answered. Rui chuckled and said, "It's only seven-thirty…"     

"Rui… I actually do not know about what happened with me after I returned to country D. To be honest, I feel like grandpa and nanny Shine are hiding something important from me. I too never asked them anything as well since the doctor told me that I will experience severe pain if I push myself in recalling the memories I have lost." Cali opened up.     

Rui's expression suddenly became serious.     

"I would like to know what all happened to me during that time. What I did, whom I met. Did I make any new friends and so many more questions keep coming into my head. Will you help me? I mean help me to check it?" Cali added. Rui was silent for some time.     

"Rui?" Cali whispered.     

"Sweetheart, it is a bad idea if it will cause you pain." Rui simply stated, making Cali sigh. She wanted to tell Rui about the man she kept on dreaming about but she was shy and afraid if he would misunderstand her.     

"What if I had a boyfriend that I happened to forget after my memory loss?" Cali said, almost in a whisper.     

"Then the more strong reasons for you to not try to remember the past, because I want you to think not of no other man except me, Cali. Let's focus on the present and our future now." Rui firmly said with a smile.      

He wished to tell Cali everything but he did not want to take any risk with her health. He could not afford to witness her in any pain at all, even the simplest headache to her was a trauma for him to bear.     

Whenever Cali would cringe or have pain in her head, he was always nervous and he would pray quietly for it not to get serious because her case was very sensitive, Yera even called Cali's case a rarest of rare kind of a miracle because no one survived surgery and woke up absolutely normal as she did. Most of the patients lost their sight, remained in a coma for the rest of their lives, or worse remained paralyzed throughout their life after the surgery.     

Rui smiled, seeing Cali pouted her lips. He gently trailed the hem of her lips with his fingers and whispered, "Stop pouting or I will eat your lips…"     

Cali immediately pursed her lips but Rui still leaned forward and kissed her.      

It was supposed to be a peck only but he got carried away as soon as her fragrance hit his nostrils and he unconsciously sucked them alternately while his tongue slid inside her mouth. Cali cupped his cheek with one hand and answered his kiss with the same longing.     

She was actually with the thoughts of giving Rui the same pleasure as last time he gave to her so she rolled over on top of him, dominating the kiss.     

She was astounded at first with her own actions but it was as if her body was moving on her instinct and telling her what to do. She pulled the hem of Rui's shirt up and Rui obliged her by removing it off completely.      

She caressed the skin of his chest and played with his protruded nipples using her fingers. She loved to hear him moan with every touch of her on his bare skin.     

She left his lips and bent down to shower his neck with kisses, leaving a hickey on his fair and pink skin she licked and sucked.     

"Cali…" he moaned her name when she nibbled one of his erect nipples while her hand was crawling down. She felt his erect shaft in between his thighs and she took her hand on it and caressed it more with his shorts still on. She then lowered her head a little more and kissed the muscles on his belly and slowly went further down.     

"Cali what are you doing?" she heard Rui gasp but she did not reply and kissed the bulge on his shorts instead. She was getting aroused with his moaning, giving her more confidence that what she was doing was right.     

She pulled down his shorts and briefs. He was so hard as she held the long shaft in her hands and felt it's hotness. Cali then moved, she positioned herself in between his thighs and began to kiss the sides of his thighs while she rubbed his shaft with her hands. He was a bit wet already.      

She continued with her kissing until she reached the base. She licked from the bottom up to its tip and repeated it like she was licking some candy. She felt Rui's fingers gripping her hair as she began to playfully lick the tip. He was dripping and she did not mind swirling her tongue on its tip. She liked it, she loved pleasing him.     

She finally sucked it and bobbed her head up and down. Rui was screaming her name and she could feel him growing inside her mouth. She continued sucking and bobbing until he reached the peak. She immediately went to the bathroom to clean up when she felt his liquid inside her mouth.     

Rui on the other hand felt so weak while he stared at the ceiling.     

"Sweetheart… When did you learn all that?" he could not help but tease after he cleaned himself next and joined Cali who was back on the bed.     

Cali's face reddened with embarrassment, wondering how to answer it. She hid her blushing face in his chest and bit him lightly.     

"It's simply instinct…" she plainly answered. But in all honesty, she felt like she already did that before since it was all very familiar.     

Rui looked at her with his teasing grin as if not convinced with her answer.     

Cali's face crumpled as she complained, "stop teasing me or that will be the last time I did that to you."     

Rui immediately zipped his mouth and even gestured a zipping lips with his fingers to Cali      

He then wrapped Cali in his tight embrace and kissed her forehead while he whispered, "I love you, sweetheart."     

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