The Doctor Who Loves Me

Isn’t It Supposed To Go Inside Me?*

Isn’t It Supposed To Go Inside Me?*

[Chapter can be explicit to your taste.]     

Rui started kissing her neck as he went up to her jaw, then lips. He wanted to give her immense pleasure tonight, with just a little bit of poking inside her with his fingers, so later he could use it as an alibi if she asked why there was no pain anymore once they made love because they would eventually do make love, but he just wanted to delay it.     

Cali released sweet little moans as Rui cupped her breasts and gently squeezed them alternately while his fingers played on her nipples.     

His kiss went back to her neck, collarbone, then chests, making her body arch back as she felt the intense pleasure of his rough touch.     

Another moan escaped her lips when she felt his tongue make its swirling movement on one of her nipples. It felt so good and so familiar, especially the way he sucked her areolas and almost fed on them. She didn't want him to stop!     

"Rui…" she called when she felt his hand slipped on her shorts and her panty while he continued in giving his mouth's attention to both her nipples alternately.     

Rui felt how wet she was, and it aroused him more. He caressed her lips between her thighs with his fingers, trailing its line back and forth before he gently inserted a finger inside her wet and demanding alley.     

She moaned with pleasure and her moans were like music to his ears, making him drip wet with his pre-cum. He immediately removed Cali's short and panty, put her down on the couch and bent down in between her legs.     

Before Cali could utter a word and ask Rui what he was going to do, she felt his breath and lips nuzzled her most sensitive part.      

"Ahhh…" she almost screamed in pleasure as her body shivered because Rui's tongue was licking her there while his hand continued moving and thrusting his fingers inside her.      

He was sucking her clit and Cali threw her head back while her hands dug into his head holding a bunch of his hair in her hands.      

She could feel something building inside her body, a pleasure that she had never felt before, as if something was ready to explode within her, as Rui sped up the thrusts of his hand and increased the pace of constant rubbing from his fingers.     

A few moments later her body jolted and she screamed his name loudly, exploding in a mind blowing orgasm as she trembled before him.      

Rui was on top of her, brushing himself against her as he kissed her. Soon she heard him groan while biting her shoulders. Cali felt confused because somehow she thought something was missing.     

"Isn't it supposed to go inside me? Did you already release it that way?" she unconsciously voiced out, startled again with her own words. Since when did she become so aware of such things.     

"I will, sweetheart, but not now, not yet…" Rui whispered with a chuckle.     


The next morning, Cali woke up without Rui on her side again. She sat and stretched her arms, then cupped her face as she felt bashful recalling what they did last night.     

Rui explained that what they did was the first base only, so she wondered how pleasurable it could be once they did the whole thing. She then thought to return the favor to Rui so she would later search the internet and watch a video so she also could give him the same pleasure.     

She suddenly creased her forehead and whispered, "Why do I have a feeling that I did the same planning before?"     

Cali shook her head because it would definitely be her first time to watch sensitive videos and search for something like that.     

She quickly stood up to get out for her routine exercise. Rui was probably cooking again for their breakfast.     

Rui was finished with cooking the breakfast and tried to call Candice again, but still with no avail. He even left so many text messages for her.     

"What happened to you?" he murmured as he started to get worried as well for Candice. He wondered if he should start informing Xander with what was going on.     

Xander somehow got connected with Candice's clan, but then he dismissed the idea because Candice's work could be confidential as well to her clan?     

Rui impatiently washed his face with his palm. He already used Ralph's security team to make sure to check the matter. So right now all they needed to do was wait.     

They still reported back to school and Rui was hoping Candice was present but she was not and there was only a reliever for her absence.     

Rui did not leave Cali's side and stuck with her the whole day. He also exchanged seats with Edward so he could sit beside her.     

"Candice is absent again," Cali commented while they were having lunch inside the canteen.     

Rui heaved a deep sigh and said, "yeah… I hope she's fine though."     

Cali did not comment. Rui already explained to her the real deal between them so she no longer felt too sour when Rui would mention her like now.      

She trusted Rui so she no longer pondered about Candice and her connection to that black rose. At first she was scared but then Rui was by her side so she felt safe and so secured.     

"By the way, we will soon have some guests at our place." Rui started with a smile because last night Xander informed him about his plan.     

"Who?" Cali asked.     

"My brother and his wife." Rui said.     

"You have a brother?" Cali burst and then she realized she knew only a few things about Rui.     

Rui nodded as he explained his relationship with Xander. Cali nodded in understanding but then asked more questions about his family as she whispered, "I hope I can meet them. Even if your relationship with them is a little complicated, I would still love to meet your family..."     

"Yes, once we are back at country D. I will definitely introduce you to them." He said with a faint smile.     

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