The Doctor Who Loves Me

Would Cali Feel The Difference?

Would Cali Feel The Difference?

Rui did not know how to put everything into words by not making Cali furious over it, but all he knew was that he should clear things about Candice at that moment, so he continued to explain further.      

"The truth is Candice is not following me around and she had never been interested in me. I only asked her to help me out to make you jealous for you to realize what I am to you… I wanted to know and see what I am to you, Cali…"      

Now Cali had a conflicted look on her face and Rui could tell she had mixed emotions about everything that happened. Rui immediately wrapped her in his arms and hugged her closely and whispered, "I'm really sorry for behaving that way back then, sweetheart. But please understand I was too desperate at that time, you know, I was scared that you would run away from me like how you did with Kane if I just told you how I felt directly.      

I had to make you realise your feelings for me and wanted to make sure you felt the pang of jealousy to understand your love for me… And I did all this not because I wanted to be sure of having you but because I was really scared of losing you. So I had to plan out everything meticulously and not blurt out my feelings without proper planning."     

"So Candice is just a simple friend and there was nothing going on between you two before? She's not your stalker?" Cali clarified.     

Rui gently released her so he could look into her eyes as he said, "There is nothing between us at all. There had never been anything ever."     

Then he realized the possibility of Cali asking about the past love he mentioned to her when they started interacting, so he added, "Can we please not bring up the past now because I believe it doesn't matter anymore since you're my present and my future…"     

He leaned closer to give her a gentle and loving kiss on her lips while he whispered, "I love you, sweetheart."     

Cali wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered in between his kissing, "I love you too…"     

The kiss between them soon progressed from hot and became more intense and deeper. Cali unknowingly clung more intimately on Rui because she wanted more from him, her body was asking for more, she didn't know what but without her knowing that she needed something more from him.      

She even turned her body a little and sat on his lap in a comfortable position while they kissed intimately, deeply and started losing themselves.     

Rui was like a volcano ready to erupt and lose control as Cali started moving her body, brushing herself on his sensitive areas, making him regret letting her sit on his lap. And before he lost it, he gently pushed Cali away and whispered, "Let's stop now or I won't be able to stop if we continue any further…"     

Cali looked at him, complaining with misty eyes. She was thirsty for his closeness and suddenly the dream she had that night resurfaced in her memory and she knew she just did not want him to stop. She liked being intimate with him so much that she could feel all her nerves were getting activated and alive.     

She ignored his words and leaned closer as she cupped his face and pressed her lips on his and kissed him deeply again. Why does he want her to stop when she still wanted to continue until she got satisfied.     

Rui could feel the tightening of his stomach with Cali's stubbornness. She was torturing him with her demanding tongue, licking and sucking his lips, then slipping inside to challenge his tongue.     

Rui inwardly cursed because he could no longer control himself as his hand started to touch her body. Cali moaned because Rui's every touch brought a familiar burning sensation through her body.     

She did the same and touched him on his thighs taking her hands up to his chest and she felt she could never get enough and yet to feel him properly she pulled his shirt up to feel the warmth of his chest and caressed his taut muscles.     

Rui growled with that bold action of Cali. All inhibitions left his body the moment she touched his chest and because he had been dreaming of that all this while. His hands became more aggressive as it slipped inside Cali's sleepwear.     

"Cali…" Rui whispered in shock when Cali, on her own, suddenly removed her upper clothes.     

Realizing what she did, Cali suddenly covered her bare bosom with her hands. Shocked on how her hands were acting on and doing everything on instinct, Cali timidly defended, "It should be my first time doing it…"     

'What's wrong with me? Rui may think I've done it before?' she embarrassingly mused. Her body seemed to be having its own mind that it was doing things that were really shocking to her. Since when did she become as bold as this? She was totally inexperienced, so she felt confused. She somehow just did not want Rui to have a bad impression of her.     

Rui had that roguish grin because he could perfectly read what was going into Cali's mind at that moment, so he pulled her to his embrace softly while he caressed her back.     

"Yeah, it's alright, it's a basic instinct of your body to react and be aggressive especially with the man you love… it's natural sweetheart so no need to explain anything," he whispered with a loving smile. His innocent wife. How he missed her naiveness like this, that looked too adorable and loveable to him.      

Then he realized Cali probably thought she was still a virgin. What if they came to that point where they would make love? Would Cali feel the difference?     

Rui unconsciously crumpled his face because it would be a problem and how should he explain it to her.     

'Maybe I should just take her slowly towards her orgasm and use only my finger first to not make her overthink?' he mused, still hoping it could be a convincing alibi to Cali later why there was no more pain during her first time?     

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