The Doctor Who Loves Me

His Absence

His Absence

Cali looked at her new doctor and requested, "If Rui calls you, can you please tell him to call me as well? Tell him I need to talk to him about something important, urgently."     

The doctor nodded understandingly. Cali timidly looked at her and added, "Do you know where he is?"     

Her new doctor only shook her head and said, "I don't know, but maybe he would return very soon because he cares a lot for you. He actually explained a lot of things about you and asked me to make sure that you're properly taken care of…"     

Hours passed by so slowly for Cali. She ate lunch alone and once again she imagined Rui in front of her, telling her to eat more and eat properly.     

Cali's tears unconsciously fell again from her eyes while she stared at the empty seat in front of her.     

She was missing him badly… and she ended up sobbing alone in front of her food. She hated herself for being so stupid and scolded herself repeatedly.     

"Please come back soon…" she whispered alone, sobbing.     

"I'm really sorry…" she whispered next.     

Selya looked at Cali from a distance and heaved a long sigh. Rui was just around the corner, but he said he needed to be gone from Cali's sight for at least a few days. She wondered if she should report to him how Cali had not stopped crying ever since morning.     

She grabbed her phone and started sending him a text message about Cali's state.     

[Sir, I think you should come back soon or else madame's tears will dry out from crying too much…]     


Rui's eyes rounded while he read the text message of Selya. He was just in the nearby apartment he rented to make sure he could easily run to Cali whenever she needed him. He was not planning to go to any faraway place, but merely wanted to stay away from her sight and not show himself to Cali.     

He stood up and was about to rush out, but abruptly stopped.     

He cursed and went back to his seat. He must control himself because he wanted Cali to be sure about her feelings. She must realize what it was that she really wanted. She needed to be sure if she really wanted him.     

"Damn!" he cursed. He was restless because controlling himself not to run to her side in that instant was definitely so difficult.     

He felt like he was torturing himself along the process. Just knowing that she was crying hard was making him crazily worried already.     

"Control Rui!" he scolded himself. He must wait.     

He tried to divert his attention to other things, tried watching a movie, reading his favorite books, but he ended up sighing a lot and wondering if he could already go back home.     

But then, as a psychiatrist, he knew he still needed to prolong his absence.     

"Ah, how come it's too hard!" he irritably grunted and walked to the refrigerator to get some beer.     

While drinking, he could not help but feel excited about being with Cali once again, but this time he knew his hard work had been paid off.     

"Thank you, Lord…" he unconsciously whispered a prayer of thanks. Selya also reported to him how Cali met Edward and how she told the man that she had him in her heart instead. It should be at least three days of him being gone, but Rui was somehow thinking to go back as early as tomorrow.     

Meanwhile, back at Rui's home, it was almost dinner time and Cali ended up cursing Rui as she whispered, "How dare he tell me to go to him and he will wait for me? How can I go to him when he did not tell even to these two people he left behind, where he is!"     

Soon she heard knocking on her door and she almost jumped off her feet to open it, thinking it was Rui. Her face curved in great disappointment seeing it was Selya who smiled at her saying, "ma'am dinner is ready. Do you prefer to eat inside the room?"     

Cali sighed and said, "Yeah, I will eat here please bring the food inside."     

She had no energy to go to the dining area and ate alone because she might again end up hallucinating Rui sitting in front of her and eating with her. She did not want to ask Selya or even her private doctor to eat with her because she would end up embarrassing herself if at some point she ended up crying without her knowing.     

She looked at the huge bear on her bed and approached it instead. She pointed out her finger on it and mumbled, "You! You! How could you leave me here like this alone, huh?! Seriously? After confessing to me and kissing me like that? You just left and even wrote a letter to make me feel more restless? How could you be so cruel to me?! Yes, I know I was wrong when I slapped you, but still, how could you leave like that?!"      

She was too busy pouring out all her frustrations to her huge bear that she did not notice that her door opened.     

"You know the bear can't talk back to you, right? How pitiful it looks when you are scolding him nonstop…" Cali heard Rui's voice from behind but she did not turn back because she knew she was once again only imagining things… Imagining his presence, like she was doing ever since he left, and she knew it was once again like that, Rui talking back to her…     

She scoffed and mumbled, "I will soon go crazy at this rate! Maybe I should just return home to grandpa and nanny Shine instead of staying here alone and waiting for that bastard jerk who can't even turn his mobile phone on!"     

Then she suddenly felt warm arms encircling her waist, hugging her from behind.     

"Why do you want to leave sweetheart when I'm already back here with you…" she heard him whisper in her ear with his warm breath that could only give her that tingling familiar sensation. It felt so real that she had to pinch herself to make sure she was not just hallucinating once again.     

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