The Doctor Who Loves Me

Genuine And Everlasting

Genuine And Everlasting

Cali's face reddened. How much more shamelessly he would dare to talk if she had ended up telling Rui about the love-making part in that dream too? Cali trembled with the amount of shameless things he would blabber in front of her then.     

She crumpled her face and gently hit his chest as she beamed, "Stop teasing me!"     

Rui laughed when Cali crumpled her face with annoyance at his teasing. He looked at her closely and exhaled a sigh of relief.      

"We should remember what date it is today, when we two are officially engaged!" he declared with a grin.     

Rapidly blinking her eyes, Cali asked, "Engaged?"     

"Yeah. Because for me, you will be the first and last woman in my life. My only woman, with whom I intend to be with for the rest of my life. Well, it's just me and I will not push you to feel the same way. Just enjoy our time together and do whatever you want to do while I stay by your side, Cali. And when you feel like you don't like me anymore then…"     

Cali's brows furrowed, and she covered his mouth with her palm, saying, "Stop that. We are just starting our relationship and you're already talking and thinking about not liking each other anymore… I think you're just hungry and that's making you overthink. Let's go out and eat dinner instead of talking."     

Cali stood up and pulled Rui outside of her room. Rui clasped her hand, intertwining their fingers together as they walked out.     

Rui pampered Cali all through their dinner, so much so that he even started to feed her. He wanted to pamper and spoil her without any hesitation now. He finally did not have to hold back his feelings anymore.     

"Stop that. I'm not sick, I can feed myself. Focus on your food instead." Cali mumbled with blushing cheeks. Instead of sitting opposite to her. Rui was beside her and moved his chair a little more closer.     

"What are you going to do, after dinner?" Rui asked.     

"Watch the television?" Cali said chuckling.     

"Do you want to go out and stroll around?" Rui suggested. He wanted to bring Cali to one of the nice places he searched to go at for a date.     

"I'm actually not in the mood to go out now. Let's just stay at home for now. How about we stay in, watch some movies together and have some snacks until we feel sleepy and tired?" Cali suggested and Rui agreed.     

"By the way, I already dismissed Dr. Chen and Selya because I prefer being alone with you so we can bond and enjoy each other's company more." Rui casually said.     

Cali's face turned red because she was suddenly thinking of the kind of intimate moments the two of them could share while being alone at home. She shook her head to erase her naughty thoughts and wondered if Rui also had the same thoughts when he was dismissing the others.     

"What are you thinking?" Rui asked when he noticed her deep in thought.     

Cali gave him a timid smile as she answered, "Secret." Rui pinched her nose and asked, "Hmm, tell me or I won't be able to sleep."     

"Okay, later I will, but let's finish our dinner first," Cali mumbled, grinning. She would never tell him that dream, ever, or she would end up getting teased nonstop.     

Rui was smiling brightly and ate his food heartily while his mind was busy thinking of excuses about how he could convince Cali to sleep on the same bed.     

He planned to do nothing but cuddle her like last night. He just wanted to feel her warmth. But then he knew he should take things slowly because, for Cali, everything would be her first time. After all, she had no recollection of her past.     

Before, in the past he did not have the opportunity to court Cali since their relationship moved so fast with them being engaged and having an arranged marriage. So now was the time to woo her, even though they already confessed their love to each other. He wanted to solidify their relationship like how Cali did her best in sealing it before.     

He was aware that Cali chose him and made her way so he could notice her. Cali told him that before that she planned the arranged marriage and all because she liked him and fell in love with him the first time she saw him.     

Now it would be his turn to plan and do everything to strengthen what they have right now.     

Rui and Cali watched a romantic movie. Rui grabbed some snacks for the two of them in the living room. He also grabbed a blanket since the weather was a bit cold and he wanted Cali to be comfortable.     

"Come closer, let me cuddle you…" Rui said as he opened his arms. Cali moved closer and threw herself in his arms. Soon the movie started…     

Rui chose the movie 'The Notebook' since Cali had not watched it yet. Cali was too engrossed in watching it and Rui was just silently watching her.     

Cali's face reddened when the movie was at the part where the main lead was making love. She could not help but recall her dream.     

'I feel like I'm becoming a pervert.' Cali mused because she again thought about it. She shook her head and diverted her focus to the movie instead.     

When the movie was about to end, Cali began sobbing.     

"Oh, they are still together even though she can't remember him anymore…" Cali unconsciously muttered. "Their love for each other is very touching and inspiring. I wonder if this kind of love even exists in real life?" Cali continued, sniffing. Then she realized Rui was caressing and comforting her.     

Rui gently kissed her hand and whispered, "Yeah, that is genuine love, Cali, and it exists. I will do the same for you sweetheart… Even if you forget me… I will never leave your side and I will stay with you until we grow old together because my love for you is genuine and everlasting..."     

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