The Doctor Who Loves Me



Rui looked at his mobile phone and wondered if he should let out complete messages open in his notifications on the screen or should also put a screen lock to his phone lest Cali might accidentally see anything.     

He did not want her to suffer any pain. It was okay for her to forget all those memories with him if it would cause Cali to suffer a severe headache.     

"I could just make fresh memories with you, sweetheart," he murmured as he decided to put a lock on his mobile phone.      

He was at the veranda while he did it, waiting for Cali to come. She wanted to swim since the sun was shining bright and it was hot, indeed it was good timing for swimming after lunch. He was so eager to seduce Cali with his swimming trunks.     

He grinned because he was too confident over his body. He knew he had some effect on Cali and he wanted to use it to his advantage so he could successfully enchant his dearest wife.     

Cali, on the other hand, suddenly felt shy and conscious on choosing which swimwear  she should put on. She scattered them all over her bed and searched for a more appropriate one.      

She had two-piece bikinis, but she felt like it was too much that Rui would think that she wanted to seduce him with her nice and voluptuous body.     

Cali shrugged her shoulders and thundered, "How come I've been like this?!"     

She was facing trouble choosing just a simple swimwear.     

Cali was annoyed with how she was acting, so she just grabbed whatever she could and changed into it and then walked out of her room just to pause and run back to her room.     

She removed her bathrobe and quickly checked herself in the mirror. As she expected, whichever color she wore looked perfect on her. She was really grateful that she had the exquisite proportion and ideal body, just like what her friends used to say.     

She unknowingly grinned at the thought of her private doctor's reaction once he saw her in her two-piece swimwear. Satisfied with how she looked, Cali beamed outside.     

Rui smiled seeing Cali finally arrived. He was actually already in the pool dipping since Cali took long and the bright sun was tempting him to go in for a jump and swim.     

"Hurry and jump!" Rui called.      

Cali contemplated for a while but confidently removed her top, scolding herself for acting like that when this was just a casual thing for her and she did not even mind eyes on her whenever she was going for a swim outside with friends.     

"Sh*t!" Rui gasped as his wife's body was laid before his eyes. How he missed seeing those curves and the body that he preferred having naked before him.     

He cursed inwardly because he could feel himself getting hard between his thighs just by looking at those perfect curves of her wife. He knew joining her for a swim would be pure torture for him, but he could not contain the excitement he was feeling to see her again in her swimwear.     

He kept heaving long, deep and frustrated sighs many times at the thought that he could only look, and not even touch any parts of her body at that moment.     

Cali jumped in and swam towards him…     

She rose when she was almost near him, and Rui felt himself holding his breath as her face flashed before him in that wet look.     

Cali gave her a beautiful smile as she wiped the water on her face and said, "Ah, the water feels so nice. The sun is shining brightly and the temperature of the pool is just right!"     

Rui closed his mouth from drooling too much and nodded in agreement.     

He was planning to seduce his wife, but it turned out that he was the one getting seduced hard.     

"I will get us some snacks…" Rui whispered and quickly walked out of the pool or else he would get burned with the flame in his body.     

Cali watched him going out of the pool and she suddenly closed her eyes, seeing him only wearing his trunks.     

But she opened them again, realizing it was not the first time she saw a man wearing those. Her face reddened with embarrassment as she couldn't help but look at Rui's toned body with abs!     

"He's sexy…" she murmured, appreciating Rui's sexiness. Then she wondered what Rui thought of her in that swimsuit.     

"Did he find me attractive and sexy as well?" Cali whispered with a sigh before doing her laps in the pool while waiting for Rui to come back with some snacks.     

Rui quickly peeled and chopped various fruits and put them on a platter. He could actually prepare it in advance, but he intentionally did it when Cali arrived so she could have a proper view of his front and behind.     

He grinned at his own silliness. But then he should try every possible way to seduce his dear wife and make her fall in love with him again.     

He was actually planning on the next step to be more of a skin to skin or physical contact,  because it was often also an effective method.     

Soon, he went back and grinned because Cali unconsciously stared at him as he walked like a model on a runway towards the pool.     

"Did I pass?" he asked with a grin.     

"Huh?" Cali scoffed.     

Rui even gave her a nice pose.     

Cali laughed out loud and beamed, "Hey… Are you really a doctor? Why do I feel like being a comedian will suit you more?"     

She was trying hard to hide her blush by throwing those words. But damn! Her private doctor was so hot.      

Rui sat on the side of the pool and put the tray there.     

He intentionally pouted his lips and utter, "You did not answer my question. I'm asking if you think I'm attractive enough."     

Cali swam to him and said in a jest, "You're passable, Doc…"     

She then raised her arms and instructed, "Help me up…"     

Rui grabbed her arms, but Cali pulled him on the water instead. They ended up playing just like how kids would do, splashing water at each other.     

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