Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

What kind of person is your Father?

What kind of person is your Father?

While on the way back home, noticed that Sia kept peeping at him. Glancing at her, he chuckled and said "Are you enthralled by my look? Why do you keep looking at me like that?"     

"Uhm…" seemingly hesitating about something, Sia finally thought about it and decided to ask him "Can I ask you a question?"     

"Hmm?" raising his eyebrows, Mu Jun said with a chuckle "Why are you being formal all of a sudden?"     

"Uhm…it's that. What I'm going to ask is something that you might not be willing to speak about" Sia said hesitantly     

Having guessed what she was about to ask, Mu Jun said indifferently "It's fine, you can ask whatever you want. Moreover, you are my girlfriend so it's only natural for you to ask me about my personal matter"     

"Oh…then can you tell me what kind of person is your father?" Sia asked curiously     

Recalling something, Mu Jun asked absentmindedly "Which one would you like to know about, the present him or the past him?"     

"Both" Sia answered, seemingly understanding where Mu Jun stood     

Mu Jun did not speak for a long time. Just as Sia thought Mu Jun did not want to speak about it, she heard him say "He was the best father in the world"     

Stunned, Sia looked up only to see a hint of sadness on his face, that made her heart ache. Suddenly, Sia regretted asking him such a question.     

Meanwhile, Mu Jun continued to reminisce about his past as he continued to speak"He was a good husband, a good son, and a good father. He was very filial to grandpa and grandma and had always respected their words and wishes. He was a good father because he never forced me to do anything. He always respected my wishes and choices. Sometimes he would even give me suggestions so that I could make improvements and make a better choices. He never missed any important stages of my life. No matter whether it was a parent's meeting, a sports meet or an award ceremony, no matter how busy he was, even if he had a meeting or an important agreement to sign, he would keep it aside and free up his schedule just to take part in his son's important events"     

As he spoke, Sia saw that Mu Jun had a faint smile as he reminisced about his past. It was not hard to see that Mu Jun since young had been keen and he cherished those memories when he was happiest in his life.     

Just as Sia continued to listen to him, she saw Mu Jun's eyes soften when he started speaking about his parents "I was very proud of him, not because of how filial he was nor because he treated well. Instead, I was proud of the way he treated my mother. He was the best husband. No matter how cold and indifferent he was outside, he was gentle to my mom and would always have a smile on his face when he was with her. No matter how busy he was, he would return home on time just to see her and share a pleasant dinner with her. No matter how stressed he was outside and how big of a problem he faced, he would always smile when he returned home just so that his wife would not be worried. But that did not mean he did not share anything with her. He would share all big and small things happening in his life but when it came to problems he would make it sound like it was nothing big"     

Recalling about something, Mu Jun suddenly chuckled and said "Grandpa once told me a story involving me and my parents. When dad was away on an important business, to sign a billion-dollar worth project, he was informed that his mother was ill. When he heard that, he was soo frightened that he left in the middle of signing the document and rushed back home, bringing along tens of famous doctors specializing in different fields. But after he rushed back home he found that mom was perfectly alright"     

"Then why did they inform him she was ill when she was alright?" Sia asked curiously     

"Blame my dad. Dad was very protective of mom and always emphasized to the servants to take care of mother meticulously/ If in case mother was unhappy and felt unwell, the servants had to inform him. That's why, when a young female servant saw my mother puking, she was scared and informed dad immediately, and the latter ordered our family doctor to check on my mother anxiously. When the doctor checked her he found out that mom was pregnant, he wanted to inform dad but the latter was already in a plane rushing back home"     

"It was only when he returned home did he learn that mom was pregnant with me. But do you know what was his reaction?" Mu Jun asked while trying hard not to laugh     

"Uhm...happy? Relived?" Sia asked doubtfully while thinking to herself 'Isn't it what all the male leads would do in the film?'     

Shaking his head, Mu Jun laughed as he spoke "No, instead he felt extremely stressed. The moment he heard mom was pregnant, the first thing he did was to scold the little me who was still a tiny dot in mother's womb, for making mother puke"     

Black lines appeared on Sia's forehead just imagining the scene where Mu Jun's father was looking down at Mrs. Mu's stomach as if he could already see his son while scolding him for stressing his mother. She simply couldn't believe that the cold-faced Master Mu would even act such.     

Feeling goosebumps raise on her hand, Sia shook her head and continued listening to Mu Jun.     

"Mother felt extremely embarrassed by the way dad was acting. Upon seeing that he was even scolding her baby that was yet to be born, she felt annoyed and even slapped father's head, reproaching him. That only made dad much more resentful towards his child who was yet to be born. Later on, as he was extremely worried about mom, he simply dumbed all the work to grandpa while he took two years' leave to look after mom. That was the first time dad had gone against grandpa's wish. Grandpa even had to deal with the people who were offended by dad's sudden departure. At that time grandpa had felt so vexed that he had even sold all the antiques and paintings dad cherished, but the latter was too busy to even care about that. ever since dad learned that mom was pregnant, he became her little tail, following her everywhere. He would stay by mother's side, taking care of her during the day while studying all kinds of pregnancy books during the night. He was very meticulous in taking care of mother. He would help her prepare the bath, pick food when eating, massage her when she was in pain, take her out to relax when she was stressed, and sing her a song or tell her a story when she was unable to sleep. He was the best husband and also a good father. While accompanying mom, he also tried his best to accompany his child and nurture him with love and affection. Just as I said, He never missed any important stage of my life until...."     

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