Be My Strength



"Enough," Callum said in an irritated voice. He did not like how Mr. Ye was staring at Ghost. When Mr. Ye turned to look at him, Callum asked, "We want to see Su Yan Xi and that person you mentioned."     

Mr. Ye nodded. He was not offended by Callum's brusqueness. He had known the man in front of him ever since he first joined the Du Family, and the boy had always been rude to everyone except for the members of the Du Family. It was as if everyone else was his enemy.     

Mr. Ye even heard from his sister that Callum behaved in an even worse manner when he was with his own biological grandfather. Thus, it had surprised Mr. Ye when he found out that Callum and Ghost became good friends in such a short time.     

He took a quick look at those two who were standing next to each other. After a few seconds, he looked at Ghost. In his mind, he was thinking, "How could I miss it? He and Xiao Tian have the same smile..."     

The "Xiao Tian" he was thinking about was the young, innocent Ye Tian that he himself pushed to this point. If he had treated his own son kindly, then perhaps Ye Tian would have a different life.     

Mr. Ye sighed deeply in his heart before he turned to his guards. Once he told his guards to stand guard, he said to the rest, "Please come with me…"     

"Hold on."     

This time it was DX who spoke. When everyone turned their eyes at him, he said, "We are waiting for another person."     

Not long after he finished talking, one of Mr. Ye guards stepped forward to alert him that according to the security at the guardhouse, there was a car waiting for permission to enter.     

Mr. Ye frowned and asked, "Who is it?"     

"The ex-Vice President Luo Han," answered the guard.     

Upon hearing the name, Mr. Ye frowned and his hands clenched into tight fists. He then turned to his nephew and in an angry tone, he demanded to know.     

"What's he doing here?"     

"I think he'd want to have a say as well… Seeing how you're currently holding his wife's captive…" said DX calmly. He then added, "Please let him in. I want him to be here."     

Mr. Ye took a deep breath before he nodded at the guard who talked to him earlier.     

"Let him in."     

A few minutes later, Luo Han's car arrived and once he parked his car, he came down from it to join the rest.     

DX glanced at one of his men who immediately went forward to search Luo Han's body. Even though he invited the man and specifically warned him not to play any tricks, he would never trust him.     

"All clear, sir!" said the man after he patted Luo Han's body thoroughly.     

"Secure the perimeters!" ordered DX.     

Half of the men he brought went around, some by car and some by foot, and they stationed themselves at different points of the private estate. One of them even checked Luo Han's car thoroughly before he went to join his colleagues.     

"Du XiAn!" snapped Mr. Ye when he saw how DX's men were moving around as if it was DX's place.     

DX glared at Mr. Ye and said in a cold, threatening tone, "Ye Xuanyuan, don't test my patience. Either we do it my way or we do it my way."     

Mr. Ye glared at his domineering nephew before he turned to look at one of his guards. He whispered to the guard, "Tell the doctor to take her away until I call for her."     

The guard nodded and jogged into the house.     

DX, Callum, and Ghost saw the exchange and they were wondering what Mr. Ye was up to. However, before they could think into it, Mr. Ye took a deep breath before he turned over to look at Luo Han.     

With a terse voice, he said, "Long time no see."     


Mr. Ye had no intention to let Luo Han meet Lin. He called Ghost over based on a guess.     

A few months back, when the men he sent out managed to catch Mrs. Luo by faking that they were her rescuers, he had tried to interrogate her as to Ye Tian's whereabouts. However, she refused to spill. Instead, it was something else that she said that caught his attention.     

In her deranged, half-starved mode, she slammed her good hand on the table and yelled, "Your wife deserves to die for carrying such an abominable thing! Same goes to that f*cking woman who looks like her! All of them should die and so should their children!"     

At that time, Mr. Ye was in a rage over what he said and he had slapped Mrs. Luo for her dirty mouth. However, when he was in the bath that night and having calmed down, he thought back about her words. He knew that Mrs. Luo hated Ghost.     

Anyone who had seen those two in the same room together would be able to feel her hatred through the way she stared closely at Ghost. Every chance she got, she would insult the boy either directly or indirectly.     

However, since he had never met Ghost's biological mother before, Mr. Ye had never said anything. But the problem was… During one of their family gatherings a long time ago, Mrs. Luo told him before that she had never met Ghost's mother. Then, how would she know what Ghost's mother looked like?     

Furthermore, Ghost did not really resemble Lin. At least, that was until Mr. Ye saw him smile for the first time. After what Mrs. Luo said, Mr. Ye had sent private investigators out to follow Ghost.     

Since Ghost had been making appearances at Luo Corporation more often now, it was easy to take photos of him. One of the photos was him on the phone seemingly talking to someone important. He was exiting Luo Corporation from the back door and as he entered the car that was waiting for him, he had a nice, gentle smile on him that Mr. Ye had never seen before.     

It was an innocent, genuine smile… one that resembled Lin's smile.     

That was when he started to give it a serious thought.     

If Mrs. Luo had seen what Ghost's mother looked like, it would explain what had happened to Lin before he found her. He knew what Mrs. Luo was like. She had always been the jealous type, even before she married into Luo Family.     

Once he realized that, he was not about to let her go. Up until then, he was trying to get Ye Tian back from DX by offering his entire company or by using his own life as an exchange. But after that… He decided to use Mrs. Luo as a bargaining chip.     

Having known what Luo Yin did to Kai Xin, Mr. Ye also knew that DX would be coming after Luo Yin's parents for their action of protecting their side. If he gave Mrs. Luo to DX, he knew that his nephew would be doing a lot more than mere imprisonment.     

And that was what he wanted.     

He wanted his nephew to break Mrs. Luo as how she broke Lin.     

He knew that he might be wrong, but Mr. Ye had a feeling that the probability of him being right was higher than him being wrong.     


As they walked into the house, Luo Han felt bored and his eyes were unfocused. To be honest, he cared naught for his wife's safety. It was only because DX told him that Ye Tian would be here as well that he came. He had lost one son to the jail. He did not want to lose the son that had his sister's blood as well.     

Ever since Luo Yin was taken away by the cops, Luo Han had tried to get him out through various means. However, due to DX's interference, his every attempt failed miserably. Even his father refused to help or even see him.     

After the trial ended, he had been drinking from morning until night time in his now emptied mansion.     

Luo Han looked at Ghost who had been indifferent to Luo Han from the moment he arrived, and he felt a surge of anger rising in him.     

"If only he did not exist…" thought Luo Han angrily. After his sister was married off to Mr. Ye, Luo Han had been feeling down. His sister refused to come back for a visit and whenever he visited her, Mr. Ye would tell him that she went out or that she was still sleeping.     

Then, not long after, he started to play with Ghost's mother. He had known her existence for a while now, but he had always maintained a friendly relationship with her. It was only after his sister's refusal to see him that he started to turn his eyes to Ghost's mother.     

Luo Han sighed as he thought about the mother of his second son. He had only been playing around with that woman, but he had to deal with this b*stard for so long. He knew that Ghost played a part in his and Luo Yin's downfall. However, he was unable to touch this son of his.     

For some reason, Ghost was heavily guarded to the point that Luo Han could not even be within 10 feet from him. Every time he tried to talk to Ghost, the guards would come and pushed him off. They moved so fast and his mouth was always covered before he was pulled away from his son.     

Luo Han stared at Ghost and willed him to turn back. He wanted to talk to Ghost and asked him to stop whatever he was doing.     

As for Ghost, he could feel his father staring at him but he ignored the man and continued to walk behind DX. He only came today to see who this person Mr. Ye was talking about. He had no interest in why DX allowed his father to come.     

Then again, he guessed that DX wanted Luo Han to feel helpless. Whatever DX was about to do, Ghost figured that DX wanted Luo Han to know that even if he was there, he could not do anything for his wife or his son.     

Mr. Ye took them to the living room and instructed one of his men to bring Mrs. Luo out.     

10 minutes later, two of his men returned with Mrs. Luo walking in front of them. Her hands were cuffed and her mouth taped shut. Her hair looked like a bird's nest and she had aged miserably. However, despite being a little thinner and dirtier, she seemed completely healthy with not a scratch in sight.     

It was obvious that she had not been mistreated... badly.     

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