Be My Strength

Shoot them down!

Shoot them down!

When it was finally his turn, Kai Xin yelled, "JACK! YOU CAN DO IT! JACK! MY HANDSOME BOY! SHOOT THEM DOWN!"     

"She's such an embarrassment…" murmured Jack as he looked towards Kai Xin.     

He sighed as he grabbed his bow and arrows He then went to take his stand. Since he felt unfair for the younger kids, he had asked his teacher to place him in the category for 12 years old.     

For adults, one year might not be much of a difference. However, for kids, that one year had a huge difference as some of them might have hit a growth spurt while some were still smaller than their peers.     

The distance of the target was further and the strength required was bigger as well. As he stood behind the shooting line, he stared at the target and tried to focus completely on the target.     

"What are you doing, mummy?" asked Lyle as he raised an eyebrow at Kai Xin who continued to shout words of encouragement.     

He was sitting at the right side of DX while Kai Xin sat on the left side.     

Tired from shouting, Kai Xin sat down and smiled as she said, "I figure, as a new mother, I should embarrass my sons a little. That's like one of the fun parts of being a mother. Also, I've been under house arrest for so many days that I've got this pent up energy that needs to be released out."     

DX smirked, "You were not under house arrest. It's called being heavily pregnant and that you are too lazy to walk more than 30 minutes at a time."     

It was a good thing that his house had enough grounds for her to walk around with or she might grow bigger than what she was now.     

Not that he would love her any less, but if she had gotten bigger, it would be bad for her health.     

Kai Xin leaned against DX's shoulder and sighed, "Well… I felt that my freedom to walk has been heavily restricted, so it's equally the same…"     

Lyle was about to say something but DX shook his head and whispered, "You can't win against a woman's logic…"     

Kai Xin overheard him and slapped DX's thigh playfully, "Hey!"     

Just then, the referee asked for the crowd to be quiet. Jack had pulled the arrow back and his eyes were sharp as he stared at the target.     

"He's about to start! Aren't you guys worried? Shh!" asked Kai Xin with a hushed tone as she looked at Jack intently.     

DX and Lyle glanced at each other before they turned their eyes back to Jack. They were not worried at all.     

Even though this was Jack's first archery competition, but he was actually almost at Olympic level now.     

Jack had been training for 3 years under an Olympic champion and archery was one of the sports that Lyle was always behind him.     

Obviously, just because one trained under an Olympic champion did not necessarily mean that one could be in the Olympic. However, Jack was naturally talented in all sort of ranged weapons.     

While DX had to train hard to achieve what he could do today, Jack had inherited Du Jin's talent in this aspect.     

DX and Lyle turned to look at Kai Xin. When they saw the excitement in Kai Xin's eyes as she watched Jack took the position, they decided not to tell her and let her watched it peacefully.     

As Kai Xin looked at Jack's expression, she smiled and thought, "He looks like DX when he's holding his bow…"     


At the end of the archery competition, as expected by Lyle and DX, Jack won effortlessly with 10 bullseyes. Once he was awarded the 1st prize trophy, he carried it and ran to his family.     

"Look!" said Jack as he lifted the trophy. There was a bright smile on his face as he looked at them happily.     

"Yeah, you did great!" said Kai Xin as she rubbed his head lovingly.     

"Good job, kid," said DX with a smile.     

Faced with their compliments, Jack looked down shyly. He then looked at Kai Xin. He placed the trophy in her hand and murmured, "For you…"     

"For me?" asked Kai Xin. She was astonished by his gesture.     

Jack nodded and looked up at her. There was a slight hesitation before he murmured, "Welcome…Mum."     

When she heard him, Kai Xin gasped. Even DX was slightly taken aback. He had expected at least a while more before his youngest son would call Kai Xin as Mum.     

Lyle grinned and folded his arm while he leaned against his father as they watched his younger brother's face turned red.     

Kai Xin's eyes started to tear up slightly and she quickly wiped her tears away. She then nodded quickly as she held the trophy to her chest, "Thanks, Jack."     

Jack then went to his bag and took out all the medals that he had won. As he wore them, he also asked one of the parents to help them take a photo.     

Knowing what Jack wanted, Lyle quickly put on all medals and held onto his Best Runner trophy. He was not about to be outdone by his brother.     

They then took a family photo. It was the first family photo they had taken together with just the four of them. When Jack was looking at the photo on his phone, he smiled and thought, "Little Monkey, when you're here, we'll take another one…"     

Once the ceremony ended, Kai Xin and DX walked out with the twins sandwiched between them.     

Since there would be a lot of kids around during the school festival, cars were banned from entering the school.     

The traffic marshall was directing the people and even the guards DX sent were helping.     

Since the pickup would be at the main entrance, some of the roads were sealed off.     

Everyone was rushing to leave as they did not want to be stuck in the traffic. Thus, there was a huge crowd in front of them.     

Suddenly, when they were waiting at the entrance, a huge trailer that appeared to have lost its control headed towards the entrance.     

It hit some of the posh cars that were waiting outside the entrance and one of the Mercedes that were waiting outside was hit by the trailer.     

The Mercedes flipped up into the air and from its trajectory, it was heading towards the members of the Du Family.     

"CAREFUL!" yelled DX as the people around him dispersed. He reached out and grabbed Lyle.     

He wanted to grab Kai Xin and Jack as well but it was too late as he watched in horror as those two were pushed further away from him.     

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