Be My Strength

I'm worried about him

I'm worried about him

Phantom and Han Ye glanced at each other before they asked in unison, "What's wrong?"     

Callum gripped his phone tightly as he informed them. All three of them then sat outside the operating theatre with a pensive look.     

If Mrs. Luo was saved by her family, it would take a lot more effort to get her out.     

First of all, they had to find out who it was that save her. Secondly, once they found the person, they would need proof. Even though it was possible for Shenlong Family to launch an attack on the Su Family, it would not be a good idea to do it without a good enough reason.     

No matter what, when two major underground families were in a war, a lot of people would be affected. As far as he could, Callum did not want to involve innocent people. Furthermore, his grandfather would not agree as well.     

The other way was to find out where they kept her and remove her from their protection.     

Callum stood up. He paced for a few seconds before saying, "I'll ask my brother to use his connections to prevent her from escaping. Han Ye, call Shenlong Yuan."     

He clenched his fists tightly. There was no choice. He could not allow someone who dared to lay a hand on his people to remain free.     

He then looked at Han Ye as he continued, "Tell him to use his connections to find out her whereabouts and to pressure the Su Family to hand her over. Say that it's an order from the future owner of the Shenlong Family…"     

Han Ye's eyes widened when he heard that. Even though Callum enjoyed using the Shenlong Family to his advantage sometimes, he had always been adamant about not inheriting the family. As Han Ye looked at Callum, he thought, "Is he giving up his freedom?"     

Callum glanced at the operating theatre as he continued, "Even if she's from the main branch, to touch my man is a death penalty. If they refused to hand her over... tell my grandfather that if he wants me to take over, then he has to agree to a war."     

After a while, he added, "... In the meantime, tell Shenlong Yuan to keep a lookout for Ye Tian's whereabouts as well. Her people must have been watching us from afar if they could send for the rescue so fast. They would definitely move him… Eyes should be kept on all of their properties."     

Han Ye nodded and he immediately took out his phone to give Shenlong Yuan a call while Callum called DX.     

The sun had set by the time DX was on the way home. When he saw Callum's number showing up on his mobile, he turned on the loudspeaker as he answered the call. Once Callum told him everything, DX said, "I'll give the Duanmu House a call."     

Lt. General Duanmu was very interested in the matter. Once Luo Yin's crime was broadcasted, Rin Nakamura and Naomi Nakamura finally decided to tell DX about what the younger Nakamura saw when she was young.     

While they were still unsure if Luo Yin was capable of such an evil deed back then, based on what they knew now, it was not impossible. Once DX conveyed it to Lt. General Duanmu, the latter was both furious and glad. There was finally a clue as to why it happened to his poor brother. Duanmu Wei Yang was getting weaker by day.     

However, when he interrogated Luo Yin, the latter said that he did not do anything and he blamed it on Ye Tian. Lt. General Duanmu could not do anything to Luo Yin. He was not the kind of man to punish someone unless he was sure that the person was guilty.     

At this moment, it was important for them to find Ye Tian.     

"Do you think he's still alive?" asked Callum.     

DX knew what he was asking, "Give me a moment."     

He was already in the compound of his mansion and he parked his car in front of the main entrance before he answered, "He must be alive. Su Yan Xi won't kill him just like that. If what we heard was correct, if Luo Han finds out what Su Yan Xi did to his favorite son, he would not be so kind to her anymore. If she kills him, she'd lose the chip. If I'm not wrong, she's holding him captive to force Luo Han to get Luo Yin out of the jail."     

As he got out of the car and passed the key to his butler, he turned off the loudspeaker function and placed the phone against his ear as he added, "At the moment, Luo Han is trying his best to bail Luo Yin out of the jail. He had tried to bribe the investigators but I've stopped him. Su Yan Xi won't just sit still. She's smart enough to know that the evidence is enough to put Luo Yin behind jail for a long time. Anyway, I'll handle Luo Yin's matter. Don't worry about it. You just take care of your man. I'm hanging up."     

Once DX hung up, he went into the mansion and asked one of the maids, "Where's my wife?"     

"President Du, Madam President Du is in the backyard. She and Madam An are watching over the young masters as they practice for the festival," said the maid after she bowed politely.     

DX dismissed her with a wave of his hand before he made his way to the backyard. The boys were competing in a few segments. Lyle was competing in 4x100m, 100m, 400m, and taekwondo. Jack was also competing in 4x100m, archery, and swimming.     

When DX went to the backyard, he saw Lyle running laps while Jack was doing laps in the pool. An Qi Yan and Kai Xin were sitting down and enjoying tea at one of the pavilions. He went over and greeted his mother-in-law before he kissed Kai Xin on the head.     

Kai Xin smiled as she looked at her husband, "You're home early today. I thought that you have a dinner meeting tonight?"     

"Something happened earlier…" said DX. He pulled over a chair and sat down as he explained everything to both of them.     

An Qi Yan was worried and she asked frantically, "Is Guang Ying alright?"     

DX nodded, "Callum is looking after him."     

He then turned to Kai Xin and with a hand placed on her thigh, he asked, "How are you feeling today? Do you want to visit him?"     

Kai Xin nodded, "I'm worried about him."     

She glanced at the clock on her phone before saying to her mum, "Mum, please look after the twins for us. It's getting late so don't let them exercise for too long. I know that the festival is in another three days but they shouldn't overexert themselves. Another 30 minutes should be the max. If they asked about us, tell them that we've something to do and that we'll be back late."     

An Qi Yan nodded, "Don't worry about them. I've raised two brats. I can raise two more grandchildren without any problems. Tell Guang Ying to come over once he's feeling better. I'll make his favorite food for him."     

Even though she did not understand the whole story, but she knew that Ghost had lost his mother in bad circumstances at a young age. In addition, from what she heard, Ghost had a lonely childhood and barely had any friends.     

As a mother, she felt bad for him and ever since Ghost ate at their place before, she had wanted to take good care of him as well.     

Kai Xin nodded. With DX's help, she got on her feet. As they walked back to their room, she then said, "I don't believe that they managed to get Ghost that easily."     

DX agreed as he said, "Neither do I. As much as I don't want to admit it, that kid's pretty smart."     

"Hmm… How sure are we that the men who stopped the car were Mrs. Luo's men?"     

DX glanced at his wife. He then thought for a moment before saying, "You're right. We expected it to be her men because it seems natural. I need to talk to Shenlong Yuan to understand more about the attack."     

Kai Xin nodded, "Based on what I know of him… He won't just let himself be caught without a plan. That idiot is the type of guy who would let himself suffer a little in order to get what he wanted…"     

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